- Crypto policy advocacy group warns of 'disastrous' provision in a new US bill https://cointelegraph.com/news/crypto-policy-advocacy-group-warns-of-disastrous-provision-in-a-new-us-bill/amp 8 comments cryptocurrency
- Crypto policy advocacy group warns of 'disastrous' provision in a new US bill - Just Cents Crypto https://justcentscrypto.com/crypto-policy-advocacy-group-warns-of-disastrous-provision-in-a-new-us-bill/ 21 comments cryptocurrency
- Crypto policy advocacy group warns of 'disastrous' provision in a new US bill. Gives Janet Yellen power to outright ban crypto transactions without due process. https://cointelegraph.com/news/crypto-policy-advocacy-group-warns-of-disastrous-provision-in-a-new-us-bill 22 comments cryptocurrency