Hacker News
- Sonant: A tool for creating generative music based on random walks https://sonant.generated.space 19 comments
- Why are countries creating public random number generators? https://www.sciencemag.org/news/2018/06/why-are-countries-creating-public-random-number-generators 3 comments
- Show HN: I created a simple website that generates random color palettes http://www.randomcolorpalettes.com/ 5 comments
- Quantum Random Number Generator Created Using a Smartphone Camera https://medium.com/the-physics-arxiv-blog/quantum-random-number-generator-created-using-a-smartphone-camera-602f88552b64 4 comments
- Quantum Random Number Generator Created Using A Smartphone Camera https://medium.com/the-physics-arxiv-blog/602f88552b64 37 comments
- I created a Random Color Generator! https://www.innateblogger.com/p/random-color-generator.html 14 comments webdev
- I created a random chess square generator so you can improve your visualization skills! https://www.reddit.com/r/chess/comments/jxb5kz/i_created_a_random_chess_square_generator_so_you/ 5 comments chess
- For silly season, I decided to create a random transfer rumour generator. http://soccer-rumours.com/ 154 comments soccer
- Using Cellular Automata to Create a Random Map Generator http://www.finalparsec.com 3 comments gamedev
- With this random number generator, create a random commentary table. Is it a good team? https://www.random.org/ 42 comments squaredcircle
- I created a tool in World Machine to randomly generate islands https://www.reddit.com/r/gamedev/comments/5l02jb/i_created_a_tool_in_world_machine_to_randomly/ 9 comments gamedev
- The random world generation formula of No Man's Sky that creates the whole universe https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h-kifCYToAU 12 comments math
- Australian National University team up with API3 to Create the First "True" Random Number Generator for Smart Contracts https://blockworks.co/quantum-mechanics-based-random-number-generator-to-enable-blockchain-gambling/ 59 comments ethereum
- I created a password generator that creates random phrases from posts on Reddit. http://www.theagreeablecow.com/2014/08/password-and-phrase-generator-using.html 51 comments sysadmin
- Generate fp32 random numbers in [0,1) from int64 rng without creating intermediate fp64 https://github.com/bashtage/randomgen/blob/main/randomgen/common.pxd#L97 3 comments computerscience
- Is it possible to create a 100% provably fair random number generator using cryptography? https://www.reddit.com/r/crypto/comments/7nc4j7/is_it_possible_to_create_a_100_provably_fair/ 65 comments crypto
- I made my first jQuery plugin to create a randomly generated animated starfield background. Feedback welcomed! http://rocketwagon.github.io/jquery-starfield/ 7 comments javascript
- Prompt Extension Ai tool. Creates multiple enhanced art prompts from a seed prompt. Generates random prompt. https://www.promptextend.com/ 2 comments technology
- What is happening when a computer generates a random number? Are all RNG programs created equally? What makes an RNG better or worse? https://www.reddit.com/r/askscience/comments/781ujb/what_is_happening_when_a_computer_generates_a/ 475 comments askscience
- Machine Key Generator - Generate a secure and unique machine key for use in your ASP.NET web applications. This tool allows you to create a valid random machine key for validation and encryption/decryption. https://kudchikarsk.com/machine-key-generator/ 4 comments csharp
- Each number in this array is being multiplied by a different randomly generated number created by a function. How can I find out what the numbers are? https://www.reddit.com/r/javascript/comments/50reyw/each_number_in_this_array_is_being_multiplied_by/ 8 comments javascript
- Random NHL Matchup Generator: Pick which team you think is better to help create some user-generated power rankings http://rankings.sdleitch.com/teams 39 comments hockey
- Professor revolutionises computers with the most random function ever: Computers need to be able to generate random results in order to work. A Danish researcher has now created the most random function in the world. http://sciencenordic.com/professor-revolutionises-computers-most-random-function-ever 23 comments science
- Creativity tip: If you're using an Entity-Component model, create a random component-family generator to inspire weird results! https://www.reddit.com/r/gamedev/comments/5bwqxk/creativity_tip_if_youre_using_an_entitycomponent/ 13 comments gamedev
- How it works- Explanation of the Random Number Generator used to create the mazes in 1980's classic arcade hit Berzerk. In an era when each byte was precious, they resorted to clever mathematics... http://www.robotron2084guidebook.com/home/games/berzerk/mazegenerator/code/ 54 comments programming
- Popular musician Gramatik is teaming up with LuxasMusix and audioglyphs to launch a new music project that uses Chainlink VRF to create 9,639 randomly generated NFT songs. https://medium.com/@nftboi/gramatik-luxas-and-audioglyphs-launch-synthopia-an-nft-music-project-powered-by-chainlink-vrf-bd7c4af4ffb8 10 comments cryptocurrency
- Random numbers are critical to encryption algorithms, but they're nigh-on impossible for computers to generate. Now, Swedish researchers say they've created a new, super-secure quantum random number generator using cheap perovskite LEDs. https://newatlas.com/quantum-computing/perovskite-led-quantum-random-number/ 85 comments science
- The laser is the perfect light source: As long as it is provided with energy, it generates light of a specific, well-defined color. Physicists create the opposite, a random anti-laser - an object that perfectly absorbs light of a particular color and dissipates the energy almost completely. https://eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2019-03/vuot-tra030419.php 14 comments science
- This site lets you create a fake, real-looking link, then uses it as the headline on a fake news page. It randomly generates an article thumbnail, enters the fake title in tweets/likes, and creates an actual page with randomly generated images to get people who use link previews too. (x ~ IIB) http://ubwg.net/chistopher-nolan-begins-casting-interstellar-2 40 comments webdev
- Made a complex random generator app fully in SwiftUI. In addition to standard stuff you can generate data like gaussian sequences, cities, real english words and more. Everything is customizable (e.g: create a color that has a redish hue and low brightness). Please let me know what you think! https://apps.apple.com/app/id1511310222 22 comments apple