- Sen. Tammy Duckworth Blasts ‘Coward-in-Chief’ Trump: ‘Our Troops Deserve Better’ https://www.thedailybeast.com/coward-in-chief-sen-tammy-duckworth-calls-out-trump-for-lack-of-military-leadership 13 comments politics
- Perkins on Scalabrine saying Perk isn't invited to Celtics parade: Scal is a coward. If you publicly say something like that & I contact you privately, at least call me back. Was I the only 08 member missing from the duck boat? House, Powe, Scal, Pierce was there. There's still 11 other guys missing https://streamable.com/kch3ra 71 comments nba
- Bully Ray on Britt Baker's Social Media Behavior: "Wrestlers who complain on social media about their push...is a coward. The same way you're tweeting is the same way you could be walking into your boss' office." https://www.wrestlinginc.com/1462035/bully-ray-details-issues-aew-star-britt-bakers-social-media-behavior/ 35 comments squaredcircle
- Trump Called Him a 'Coward.' Now He Wants Mike Pence’s Endorsement. https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/trump-wants-mike-pence-endorsement-1234865427/ 91 comments politics
- Trump Judge Aileen Cannon Is A Hack... But Maybe Also A Cowardly Hack? https://abovethelaw.com/2023/06/trump-judge-aileen-cannon-is-a-hack-but-maybe-also-a-cowardly-hack/ 6 comments law
- [Surrender Index] DAL decided to punt to SF from the DAL 18 on 4th & 10 with 2:05 remaining in the 4th while losing 12 to 19. With a Surrender Index of 4.56, this punt ranks at the 86th percentile of cowardly punts of the 2022 season, and the 83rd percentile of all punts since 1999. https://twitter.com/surrender_index/status/1617348072572346370?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Etweet 59 comments nfl
- [Surrender Index] DEN decided to punt to LAC from the LAC 39 on 4th & 8 with 10:49 remaining in the 4th while tied 13 to 13. With a Surrender Index of 38.93, this punt ranks at the 99.3rd percentile of cowardly punts of the 2022 season, and the 98th percentile of all punts since 1999. https://twitter.com/surrender_index/status/1582198068987932672 25 comments nfl
- Ted Cruz Heckled at Texas GOP Convention, Called 'Coward' in Viral Video https://www.newsweek.com/ted-cruz-texas-gop-convention-coward-viral-video-globalism-globalist-1717270 1147 comments politics
- Democratic Congressman Mocks Marjorie Taylor Greene After She Calls Him a 'Coward' https://www.businessinsider.com/ruben-gallego-mocks-marjorie-taylor-greene-coward-qanon-democrats-gop-2021-5 100 comments politics
- Democratic rep. calls Kevin McCarthy "coward" for not standing up to Marjory Taylor Greene https://www.newsweek.com/democratic-rep-calls-kevin-mccarthy-marjory-taylor-greene-1565563 218 comments politics
- Coward’: MAGA internet turns on Trump https://www.politico.com/amp/news/2021/01/08/maga-internet-turns-on-trump-456490 33 comments politics
- Wow, what a coward. https://apnews.com/article/donald-trump-senate-elections-georgia-campaigns-david-perdue-8e53503496dc38a043f9b833604b2acd 8 comments politics
- [David Price] "I am not an activist.” and “what are we doing this for?” Are the two questions that stuck out in my mind that baseball players said yesterday. How crazy is that? You don’t have to be an activist to speak up for what’s right. You are just a coward. https://twitter.com/DAVIDprice24/status/1299009698058784769 873 comments baseball
- Nancy Pelosi Calls Trump 'Cowardly,' For Not Wearing Mask, Supports Federal Mandate https://www.opb.org/news/article/npr-nancy-pelosi-calls-trump-cowardly-for-not-wearing-mask-supports-federal-mandate/ 39 comments politics
- John Bolton Shows That All the President’s Men Are Cowards https://www.thedailybeast.com/john-bolton-shows-that-all-the-presidents-men-are-cowards?ref=home 10 comments politics
- Don’t Be a Coward, Joe Biden: Debate Bernie Sanders on Health Care https://www.jacobinmag.com/2020/03/biden-bernie-sanders-health-care-medicare-for-all-aca 828 comments politics
- Ted Cruz once called Trump ‘utterly amoral’ and a ‘sniveling coward.’ Then he worked to save his presidency. https://www.washingtonpost.com/powerpost/ted-cruz-once-called-trump-utterly-amoral-and-a-sniveling-coward-then-he-worked-to-save-his-presidency/2020/02/15/db635480-4e70-11ea-bf44-f5043eb3918a_story.html 1570 comments politics
- [Zucker] Gregg Popovich Blasts 'Cowardly' Donald Trump in Comparison to Adam Silver https://bleacherreport.com/articles/2857884-gregg-popovich-blasts-cowardly-donald-trump-in-comparison-to-adam-silver 1350 comments nba
- Donald Trump's GOP Challengers Call Out Nixed Primaries In 'Cowards Run' Op-Ed https://www.huffpost.com/entry/trump-gop-challengers-op-ed-washington-post_n_5d7cab93e4b00d6905995ce2 79 comments politics
- Castro slams Trump Jr. as 'coward' for giving voice to questions about Harris's racial heritage https://thehill.com/homenews/sunday-talk-shows/451059-castro-slams-trump-jr-as-coward-for-giving-voice-questions-about 115 comments politics
- Robert Mueller's statement made the Democrats look like cowards https://www.nbcnews.com/think/opinion/robert-mueller-s-press-conference-made-democrats-look-cowards-ncna1011661 42 comments politics
- "Arrest Me, You Alabama Cowards" - The state's abortion ban treats women as victims of evil doctors rather than informed, willing participants. https://newrepublic.com/article/153921/arrest-me-alabama-anti-abortion-cowards 648 comments politics
- The ‘sniveling coward’ and the ‘maniac’ are now allies, as Trump stumps for Cruz https://www.texastribune.org/2018/10/21/donald-trump-stumps-ted-cruz-texas-former-enemies-are-now-allies/ 8 comments politics
- Dear Anonymous Trump Official, There Is No Redemption in Your Cowardly Op-Ed https://theintercept.com/2018/09/06/dear-anonymous-trump-official-there-is-no-redemption-in-your-cowardly-op-ed/?comments=1#comments 11 comments politics
- No, Anonymous Trump Official, You're Not 'Part of the Resistance.' You're a Coward https://www.commondreams.org/views/2018/09/06/no-anonymous-trump-official-youre-not-part-resistance-youre-coward 12 comments politics
- Trump says 'so-called' White House leakers are 'traitors and cowards' http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5728827/trump-says-called-white-house-leakers-traitors-cowards.html 7 comments worldnews
- Trump condemns White House 'leakers' as traitors, cowards after furor over McCain 'joke' https://www.azcentral.com/story/news/politics/arizona/2018/05/14/donald-trump-calls-leakers-traitors-cowards-after-aide-kelly-sadler-joke-john-mccain-dying-anyway/609755002/ 49 comments politics
- Trump says he will track down ‘traitors and cowards’ who leak https://nypost.com/2018/05/14/trump-says-he-will-track-down-traitors-and-cowards-who-leak/ 47 comments politics
- Harrowing moment female Paris cop is beaten in the head by gang of youths in ‘cowardly lynching’ https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/5248921/harrowing-moment-female-paris-cop-is-beaten-in-the-head-by-gang-of-youths-in-cowardly-lynching/ 10 comments worldnews
- Ex-mayor called traitor says Catalan referendum has ruptured society - Jordi Ballart, who quit as mayor of Terrassa last month, says he was labelled a quisling and coward for not backing independence https://www.theguardian.com/world/2017/dec/17/catalan-referendum-jordi-ballart-terrassa-mayor-society-independence 7 comments europe
- Hundreds chant 'Coward!' amid Paul Ryan's Rhode Island visit http://bigstory.ap.org/article/9c0ffe1a1785469a84fc4fede5cb4a4b/paul-ryan-set-visit-democratic-leaning-rhode-island 509 comments politics
- The cowardly GOP has engineered its own suicide https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/the-cowardly-gop-has-engineered-its-own-suicide/2016/10/11/ec585af8-8f22-11e6-a6a3-d50061aa9fae_story.html?utm_term=.a253ecba7ead 19 comments politics
- Donald Trump's cowardly debate performance: Kirsten Powers http://www.usatoday.com/story/opinion/2016/10/10/town-hall-debate-trump-clinton-kirsten-powers-column/91838404/ 3 comments politics
- "Mike McCoy is an inept Coward" - San Diego Union Tribune http://www.sandiegouniontribune.com/news/2015/nov/22/chargers-mccoy-must-go/ 113 comments nfl
- Why Isn't This Ever Discussed Here??: 'Moderate' 'Palestinian Authority' Television teaches kids that Christians and Jews are 'inferior, cowardly and despised' http://israelmatzav.blogspot.com/2012/05/moderate-palestinian-authority.html 4 comments politics
- It is extraordinarily cowardly that HarperCollins is changing the wonderful art for "Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark." It is also pretty dumb. http://www.fictioncircus.com/news.php?id=613&mode=one 5 comments books
- Frankie Boyle criticises 'cowardly' BBC for Israel joke apology http://www.guardian.co.uk/stage/2010/apr/30/frankie-boyle-israel-joke-bbc-apology 34 comments worldnews
- 'Americans are cowards,' the 42-year-old said. 'They are afraid of fighting man-to-man in a battlefield and that is why they hit from the sky and run away.' 'Many people who did not support the Taliban previously support them now b/c the Americans are killing innocent people,' Khan said. http://www.monstersandcritics.com/news/southasia/features/article_1542234.php/us-drone-war-brings-torment-hope-in-pakistan-feature 45 comments politics
- Police chief denounces 'cowardly' iPhone users monitoring speed traps http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/local/devices-that-warn-drivers-of-speed_-red-light-cameras-draw-police-ire-7930619-50074717.html 12 comments politics
- The bravest soldier becomes a coward when he follows an order to shoot unarmed people. http://www.opednews.com/articles/opedne_steve_fo_071130_rules_of_engagement_3a.htm 15 comments politics