Hacker News
- Stablecoins: Understanding Counterparty Risk https://medium.com/gemini/stablecoins-understanding-counterparty-risk-241d55f0b392 28 comments
- Broker Dealers & Mutual Funds/ETFs Have A LOT of GME Securities Lending Counterparty Exposure - Let's Explore Some Numbers https://insight.kellogg.northwestern.edu/article/what-went-wrong-at-aig 284 comments wallstreetbets
- LIST OF REVERSE REPO COUNTERPARTIES - MORE BANKS HAVE BEEN ADDED https://www.newyorkfed.org/markets/rrp_counterparties 8 comments wallstreetbets
- Part 2 | Coupang Inc. - Pressure is building... A Counterparty Incentive to Suppress Price https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/o75luw/part_2_coupang_inc_pressure_is_building_a/ 14 comments wallstreetbets
- Coupang Inc. - A Counterparty Incentive to Suppress Price https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/o4z614/coupang_inc_a_counterparty_incentive_to_suppress/ 66 comments wallstreetbets
- Financial services: Commission adopts equivalence decision for US central counterparties https://ec.europa.eu/commission/presscorner/detail/en/ip_21_205 15 comments europe
- We built a truly frictionless, trustless escrow for Ethereum–with no deposits, no counterparty risk, and no trading fees. Let us know what you think! https://medium.com/fluidity/introducing-airswap-trader-63a0ef9e67c0 4 comments ethereum
- ATTN: collegiate dumbfucks. use the BB terminal while you can, feed me Deutsche Bank credit default swap rates. i'll make you autistically rich by way of counterparty risk mispricings https://twitter.com/debtinstruments/status/1087933053597638658 6 comments wallstreetbets
- Chinese stocks - what are the counterparty risks? https://www.reddit.com/r/investing/comments/9vxg69/chinese_stocks_what_are_the_counterparty_risks/ 16 comments investing
- Haipo Yang on Twitter: "I wish we can issue tokens over BCH as soon as possible." Where are we at counterparty cash, omni and colored coins? https://twitter.com/yhaiyang/status/1000364241721769984 51 comments btc
- Counterparty on Bitcoin Cash: Create your own digital tokens in a matter of seconds, which can represent anything and are easily exchanged peer-to-peer. http://counterparty.cash 12 comments btc
- Blockfreight port Counterparty for Bitcoin Cash Q1 2018 https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/7o3sdg/blockfreight_port_counterparty_for_bitcoin_cash/ 4 comments btc
- REPOST : Holy shit! The *real* goal of the people who support limited blocksize and Lighting Network is to bring back fractional reserve, debt-backed promissory notes, and counterparty risk - ie, the whole crappy fiat system that Bitcoin was designed to avoid! (interviewing /u/JustusRanvier) • r/btc https://np.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/4eo13z/holy_shit_the_real_goal_of_the_people_who_support/ 14 comments btc
- is anyone working on a "counterparty" for bitcoin cash? https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/73u2on/is_anyone_working_on_a_counterparty_for_bitcoin/ 28 comments btc
- Storj to Migrate Cloud Storage Service to Ethereum Blockchain from Counterparty over Bitcoin https://www.cryptocoinsnews.com/storj-migrate-cloud-storage-service-ethereum-blockchain-counterparty-bitcoin/ 4 comments ethereum
- Storj will be Migrating from Counterparty to Ethereum http://blog.storj.io/post/158740607128/migration-from-counterparty-to-ethereum 4 comments ethereum
- CENSORED: Counterparty Developer Delivers Damning Segwit Disquisition https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/5zx9qf/charlie_shrem_for_those_saying_segwit_isnt_a/df2415z/ 7 comments btc
- Counterparty Token Price Doubles Year-to-Date thanks to Real World Use-Cases – “We’ve come up with a vision of a true ownership of digital assets” https://news.bitcoin.com/counterparty-token-price-doubles-year-date/ 37 comments btc
- DeGiro using clients as a counterparty to a hedgefund? http://www.amsterdamtrader.com/2015/09/degiro-clients-as-counterparty-for-hedgefund.html 5 comments eupersonalfinance
- Broker counterparty risk? https://www.reddit.com/r/eupersonalfinance/comments/4zeoj4/broker_counterparty_risk/ 3 comments eupersonalfinance
- Counterparty Update 07/04/16 with news from Storj http://counterparty.io/news/counterparty-update-070416/ 4 comments btc
- Counterparty's EVM Port Moves Forward http://counterparty.io/news/counterpartys-evm-port-moves-forward/ 9 comments ethereum
- Bitcoin Minimalism: Counterparty to Talk with Bitcoin in Ethereish http://forklog.net/bitcoin-minimalism-counterparty-to-talk-with-bitcoin-in-ethereish/ 3 comments btc
- Counterparty Tests Ethereum Smart Contracts on Bitcoin Blockchain | Finance Magnates http://www.financemagnates.com/cryptocurrency/innovation/counterparty-tests-ethereum-smart-contracts-on-bitcoin-blockchain/ 5 comments btc
- Counterparty Gives Bitcoin Smart Contracts by Porting the EVM (Ethereum Virtual Machine) https://news.bitcoin.com/counterparty-bitcoin-smart-contracts/ 3 comments btc
- Counterparty Announces Ethereum Virtual Machine for Smart Contracts Creation on the Bitcoin Blockchain http://coinjournal.net/counterparty-ethereum-virtual-machine-smart-contracts-bitcoin-blockchain/ 24 comments ethereum
- Counterparty progresses in adding Ethereum VM support to Bitcoin https://counterparty.io/news/proposal-for-ethereum-smart-contracts-on-counterparty-mainnet/ 14 comments btc
- Proposal for Ethereum Smart Contracts on Counterparty Mainnet https://counterparty.io/news/proposal-for-ethereum-smart-contracts-on-counterparty-mainnet/ 14 comments ethereum
- Smart contracts now possible even if inefficient? Can it be ported over to bitcoin through Counterparty? Will the cost benefit ratios be different on Counterparty? https://www.reddit.com/r/ethereum/comments/4cc5ya/costs_vs_benefits_my_experience_with_an_ethereum/ 4 comments btc
- Counterparty Founder: Ethereum Can’t Work, it’s 100% Hype http://www.newsbtc.com/2016/03/28/counterparty-founder-ethereum-cant-work-100-hype/ 66 comments btc
- Counterparty in a "holding pattern" implementing Smart Contracts because Ethereum tech "not ready for prime-time." http://counterparty.io/news/counterparty-community-update-aug-17/ 20 comments ethereum
- BusinessInsider: Ethereum and Counterparty // LOL http://www.businessinsider.com/25-most-exciting-bitcoin-startups-in-the-world-ethereum-21-coinbase-coindesk-2015-3#25-edgelogic-stamping-out-diamond-thieves-1 12 comments ethereum
- ETHEREUM FORKS COUNTERPARTY https://github.com/ethereum/serpent/commit/f509f4d20e3938fdf8a426513cfb4d13c5806fc5 54 comments ethereum
- COUNTERPARTY RECREATES ETHEREUM ON BITCOIN https://www.cryptocoinsnews.com/counterparty-recreates-ethereum-bitcoin/ 96 comments ethereum
- Dear /r/Pakistan, who do you think is the right counterparty for Indian government to engage with in Pakistan. http://www.dawn.com/news/1128364/nawaz-close-to-reaching-deal-with-army-wsj 11 comments pakistan
- Bloomberg News: "Bank of America...hit by a credit downgrade last month, has moved derivatives from its Merrill Lynch unit to a subsidiary flush with insured deposits...The Federal Reserve and [FDIC] disagree over the transfers, which are being requested by [BofA] counterparties..." http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2011-10-18/bofa-said-to-split-regulators-over-moving-merrill-derivatives-to-bank-unit.html 11 comments politics
- Geithner Says U.S. AIG Aid Saved Economy, Not Counterparties http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601087&sid=a7b3veizjaoe 14 comments economy
- Damaging e-mails have revealed that Geithner urged AIG to withhold crucial information about the deterioration of its financial condition in the lead up to its demise and subsequent 100 cent on the dollar backdoor bailout of its counterparties. This was looting and a cover-up plain and simple. http://www.nakedcapitalism.com/2010/01/geithners-dubious-aig-cover-up.html 99 comments politics
- The real scandal at AIG is the not the bonuses. It's the payments to counterparties. - By Eliot Spitzer http://www.slate.com/id/2213942/ 118 comments reddit.com
- Masters of the Universe emergency meeting - Lehman is counterparty to "only" $729 billion in derivatives trades http://www.myprops.org/content/masters-of-the-universe-emergency-meeting-lehman-is-counterparty-to-only-729-billion-in-derivatives-trades/ 8 comments business