Hacker News
- VLC developers refuse to consider updates over HTTPS https://trac.videolan.org/vlc/ticket/21737 91 comments
- Considering the recently leaked draft for EU’s comprehensive strategy for AI development, do you think the European Union can become a leading hotspot for AI innovation and development on a global scale? https://open.substack.com/pub/bytebeam/p/the-future-is-ai-europes-strategic?r=33w1a7 19 comments futurology
- [Giuliano Duchessa]: ~1.5M$ in damage excluding PU. Considering that with BC the teams allocate $15M for certain development areas (and reserves) we are at a 10% penalty without any fault . The anger won’t pass easily for Vasseur... https://twitter.com/GiulyDuchessa/status/1725834714886357100 215 comments formula1
- New algorithm, developed by researchers of the University of Zurich, outperforms drones professional pilots by calculating time-optimal trajectories that fully consider the drones’ limitations https://www.media.uzh.ch/en/Press-Releases/2021/Drone-Race.html 4 comments science
- Asking each one of you to consider making a donation to save “Mozilla” (the Nonprofit organization behind the Firefox browser & TOR Browser which is based on Firefox). It laid off 250 people (25% of workforce) due to the COVID-19’s and development will be affected. Thank You. https://donate.mozilla.org 3 comments privacy
- The Indian government is reportedly considering the development of a homegrown chat app. https://beebom.com/indian-government-homegrown-whatsapp/ 9 comments india
- On Loch Lomond’s banks, anger grows at £30m resort plan - Locals & naturalists oppose hotel project on unique national park land. “If they can sell off something as beautiful & historic as this without any govt intervention, nowhere in Scotland can be considered off-limits to developers.” https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2019/apr/28/loch-lomond-resort-development-flamingo-land 17 comments worldnews
- Considering becoming a project manager for a game development company, what to learn? https://www.reddit.com/r/gamedev/comments/abwsi0/considering_becoming_a_project_manager_for_a_game/ 15 comments gamedev
- The U.S. would consider backing off on trade once China begins acting like a developed nation,"You're going to like the deals when you see them." Kevin Hassett says https://www.cnbc.com/2018/07/09/heres-what-it-would-take-for-trump-to-back-off-china-trade-advisor.html 9 comments worldnews
- How did Israel became so developed and rich considering countries in the Middle East are usually not very developed or rich? https://www.reddit.com/r/history/comments/7nr0et/how_did_israel_became_so_developed_and_rich/ 412 comments history
- Is php / css Wordpress development considered the absolute lowest tier job? https://www.reddit.com/r/cscareerquestions/comments/76fk62/is_php_css_wordpress_development_considered_the/ 6 comments cscareerquestions
- I want to become a Java Developer - what courses should I take for employers to consider me without work experience? https://www.reddit.com/r/learnprogramming/comments/6rrcug/i_want_to_become_a_java_developer_what_courses/ 126 comments learnprogramming
- Looking at the development in Turkey, I can't stop thinking of how the EU was seriously considering them to join the union https://www.reddit.com/r/europe/comments/6qv2kt/looking_at_the_development_in_turkey_i_cant_stop/ 24 comments europe
- Any /r/NBA developers out there know of any useful resources worth considering if one wanted to create an improved version of ESPN's Trade Machine? https://www.reddit.com/r/nba/comments/6lpge3/any_rnba_developers_out_there_know_of_any_useful/ 24 comments nba
- Dakota Access Oil Pipeline Developer Won't Consider Reroute http://abcnews.go.com/us/wirestory/dakota-access-oil-pipeline-developer-reroute-43638824 4 comments politics
- What is knowledge required to be considered a veteran or competent C++ developer? https://www.reddit.com/r/cscareerquestions/comments/514elg/what_is_knowledge_required_to_be_considered_a/ 6 comments cscareerquestions
- If you are a developer interested in Ubuntu Touch please consider helping Signal port their private messenger over. http://support.whispersystems.org/hc/en-us/articles/213133427-are-there-plans-for-a-windows-phone-version-blackberry-version-ubuntu-phone-version- 10 comments linux
- Is Germany actively considering the development of a European ground attack fighter? http://www.difesaonline.it/mondo-militare/svilupperemo-un-nuovo-aereo-dattacco-al-suolo-berlino-stupisce-tutti-ed-insidia-lf-35 12 comments europe
- Considering developing a color palette app https://www.dropbox.com/sh/9rnz8cy3ibg3d3b/AABzXXLiWbdQgVzMOPVkuHgja?dl=0 6 comments webdev
- Considering developing a color palette app https://www.dropbox.com/sh/9rnz8cy3ibg3d3b/AABzXXLiWbdQgVzMOPVkuHgja?dl=0 6 comments web_design
- Oracle considers a new effort to develop mobile Java apps http://www.javaworld.com/article/2990440/mobile-java/oracle-considers-a-new-effort-to-develop-mobile-java-apps.html 8 comments java
- "Kerr, Welts and current Warriors player development coach Bruce Fraser-all of whom worked closely with the 41-year-old Nash when he was playing in Phoenix -- are among Nash's closest friends in the league and ultimately persuaded him to consider joining the NBA reigning champions as a part-timer." http://espn.go.com/nba/story/_/id/13664255/steve-nash-talks-part-consultant-golden-state-warriors 29 comments nba
- Development of Diabetic Friendly Rice Varieties - Indian Institute of Rice Research, has identified three rice varieties with low glycemic index values which are considered suitable for diabetic patients. These varieties are: Lalat , BPT 5204, and Sampada. (source: official government press release) http://pib.nic.in/newsite/printrelease.aspx?relid=123993 2 comments science
- Teams considering running 2014 engines in early 2015 races to allow more development. http://www.autosport.com/news/report.php/id/117089 67 comments formula1
- "Any studio that considers itself to be a serious developer of interactive material should be using audio middleware" - article http://www.asoundeffect.com/the-current-state-of-game-audio-and-what-lies-ahead/ 7 comments gamedev
- Football League clubs consider radical reforms to help develop English players: a ban on taking foreign players on loan, a significant increase in home-grown players required for match-day squads, and two of the seven substitutes must be aged under 21. http://www.thetimes.co.uk/tto/public/football/article4022186.ece 50 comments soccer
- After seriously considering sending out “3 strikes” warning letters to file-sharers, today Denmark will officially announce the abandoning of the idea. Instead, it will focus on the development of legal services https://torrentfreak.com/denmark-kills-file-sharing-warnings-launches-legal-services-initiative-120620/ 29 comments worldnews
- Considering: Waste & Efficiency within game development teams, within the concept of "The Lean Startup" http://strangedesign.typepad.com/strange_design/2011/11/considering-waste-inefficiency-in-game-development-teams.html 3 comments gamedev
- I started a Kickstarter project for the game I'm developing. Has anyone in /r/gamedev tried / considered this? https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/gregsmith/91-a-new-old-rpg 32 comments gamedev
- Linux developers considering move to Eclipse http://www.linux-watch.com/news/ns4521261966.html 14 comments programming
- [O'Connor] Dallas is considered by executives to be the most serious threat to land Kawhi because of Luka Doncic’s presence & front office’s ability to create maximum cap space or work out a sign-and-trade. During Kawhi’s years with Nike, he developed a good relationship with Mavs’ GM Nico Harrison. https://www.theringer.com/2021/7/1/22558854/clippers-rumors-free-agency-kawhi-leonard-paul-george 1174 comments nba
- Bloomberg could divert his Facebook Ad budget towards coronavirus vaccine development, he'd save lives and probably be considered more electable. https://www.businessinsider.com/bill-gates-coronavirus-pandemic-solutions-2020-2 36 comments politics
- New study shows a higher consumption of dietary cholesterol or eggs was significantly associated with higher risk of incident CVD and all-cause mortality in a dose-response manner. These results should be considered in the development of dietary guidelines and updates. https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/fullarticle/2728487 8 comments science
- The highest court of the EU ruled that courts can consider whether a vaccination led to someone developing an illness even when there is no scientific proof. http://www.cbsnews.com/news/eu-court-vaccines-can-be-blamed-for-illnesses-without-proof/ 4 comments worldnews
- Considering pursuing a Computer Science degree to do something within web design/ web development, what do I need to know? https://www.reddit.com/r/webdev/comments/5h20bt/considering_pursuing_a_computer_science_degree_to/ 6 comments webdev
- Sweden considers cutting development aid budget by 60% due to refugee crisis http://www.euractiv.com/sections/development-policy/sweden-considers-cutting-development-aid-budget-60-due-refugee-crisis 104 comments worldnews
- "A few years ago, Dana Mackenzie developed — with the help of a computer program named Fritz — a strategy that’s not only creative…it’s considered beautiful." {Only a Game podcast} http://onlyagame.wbur.org/2015/06/27/chess-computer-queen-sacrifice-mackenzie 2 comments chess
- The United States believes North Korea may still consider the use of biological weapons as an option and the communist nation continues to develop its biological research and development capabilities, according to a State Department report. http://english.yonhapnews.co.kr/northkorea/2014/08/04/26/0401000000aen20140804000200315f.html 27 comments worldnews
- "Attorneys and judges who work in the field of criminal or family law are considered at higher risk of developing compassion fatigue compared to those who work in other areas of the law. These legal professionals listen day after day to stories of human induced violence..." http://www.wisbar.org/downloads/wssfc10/Ethics_Session_8_Safe_Lawyering_Albert_2of3.pdf 43 comments law
- Considering the developer is proficient, would HTML, CSS, Javascript & Python be enough for a web developer to fully build custom corporate, business, media, portfolio, etc. websites? https://www.reddit.com/r/webdev/comments/5boczn/considering_the_developer_is_proficient_would/ 12 comments webdev