- React Bricks v2: create your own "Wix" with React components! https://reactbricks.com 3 comments reactjs
- How to Avoid the “Boolean Trap” When Designing React Components https://spicefactory.co/blog/2019/03/26/how-to-avoid-the-boolean-trap-when-designing-react-components/ 39 comments reactjs
- Testing of React components with a real Redux store https://react.christmas/2018/5 5 comments reactjs
- Building a Component Library with React and Storybook https://auth0.com/blog/building-a-component-library-with-react-and-storybook/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=sc&utm_campaign=react_storybook 6 comments reactjs
- React Bootstrap Components https://getreactbootstrap.com 37 comments javascript
- React Compose: Simpler Stateless Components http://reactcompose.com/ 3 comments reactjs
- React components for design engineers https://cult-ui.com 6 comments web_design
- I built a tool to generate react native UI components https://manual-ui.com 22 comments reactnative
- Exploring Headless UI Components in React https://martinfowler.com/articles/headless-component.html 4 comments coding
- [AskJS] how to call a WASM function inside of my react component https://stackblitz.com/edit/vitejs-vite-ck9p9d?file=src%2Fmain.jsx 25 comments javascript
- react icon picker component ? http://i.epvpimg.com/HRe7fab.png 5 comments reactjs
- The Algebraic Structure of Functions, illustrated using React components https://jrsinclair.com/articles/2020/algebraic-structure-of-functions-illustrated-with-react-components/ 26 comments javascript
- Help/discuss: choosing between CSS architectures for my React app (styled-components vs. css-modules, etc.) https://styled-components.com/ 10 comments reactjs
- React Kawaii - Cute React SVG Components https://react-kawaii.now.sh/ 9 comments javascript
- Storybook Loop: Free collaboration tool for React components https://blog.hichroma.com/introducing-storybook-loop-6bac7bd0a85b 3 comments reactjs
- I published "How to open source your React components" https://medium.com/@jeantimex/how-to-open-source-your-react-components-a2128c75b5b6 3 comments reactjs
- Using React v16 to create self-destructing components https://medium.com/@gajus/using-react-v16-to-create-self-destructing-components-de8e4eb61d0f 29 comments javascript
- Rendering custom React components with Markdown https://gist.github.com/kitze/14f0ec52c97e5d4a6ee4d6204e71046a 5 comments reactjs
- {' '} has some especial meaning on React components http://stackoverflow.com/q/35730551/816721 3 comments reactjs
- Meet react-cloud-letter, a React component to wrap your text in cloud-like shapes None 2 comments reactjs
- Functional Components with React stateless functions and Ramda https://medium.com/@mirkomariani/functional-components-with-react-stateless-functions-and-ramda-e83e54fcd86b#.w5k8ogtlc 3 comments javascript
- I Reverse-Engineered iOS's Smooth Corners into a React Component https://spatiolabs.org/get-squircle/demo 22 comments reactjs
- Combining React, Flux & Web Components - on the future of web frontend architecture http://futurice.com/blog/combining-react-flux-and-web-components 3 comments javascript
- Not many people know this, but AWS's UI React components are open source! https://www.npmjs.com/package/@awsui/components-react 14 comments reactjs
- Publish your React components as NPM packages from your React project https://medium.com/@iamssen/publish-your-react-components-as-npm-packages-from-your-react-project-d1d1853ade9c 4 comments reactjs
- Passing data between sibling components in React using Context API and React Hooks https://medium.com/@valentynbilousov/passing-data-between-sibling-components-in-react-using-context-api-and-react-hooks-fce60f12629a 3 comments reactjs
- I made a thing that maps React 16.3's new Context to a component's props https://github.com/contiamo/react-connect-context 4 comments javascript
- Made a super simple component for lazy-loading/code-splitting with React Router 4 https://www.npmjs.com/package/lazy-route 7 comments reactjs
- SwipeALot - Cross-Platform Swiping Component For React Native https://github.com/nickjanssen/react-native-swipe-a-lot 3 comments reactnative
- An in-depth guide on how to use the "key" prop to reset React components effectively https://www.amitmerchant.com/using-key-prop-to-reset-react-components/ 4 comments reactjs
- DRY-ing up the most commonly used React pattern using Higher Order Component https://medium.com/@mdazmainamin/dry-ing-up-the-most-commonly-used-react-pattern-using-higher-order-components-f513436bf15b 17 comments reactjs
- I've been working on a react component library that allows you to divide your page into nestable anchored, resizable and scrollable spaces with a slightly different way of thinking than the usual grid layouts. https://github.com/aeagle/react-spaces 42 comments reactjs
- Using advanced design patterns to create flexible and reusable React components — Part 3: Render Props https://medium.com/@shaundavidhutch/using-advanced-design-patterns-to-create-flexible-and-reusable-react-components-part-3-render-d7517dfe72bc 7 comments reactjs
- Got my first React project working with a single-file set of React components. For expanding, how do I split this up so that each component lives in its own file? https://www.reddit.com/r/rails/comments/55ftnx/got_my_first_react_project_working_with_a/ 4 comments rails
- Elastic UI - a design library in use at Elastic to build internal products that need to share our aesthetics. It distributes UI React components and static assets for use in building web layouts https://elastic.github.io/eui 3 comments webdev
- Introducing Ladle, a drop-in alternative to Storybook for React components. Based on Vite , instant server start, 4x faster production build, 20x smaller footprint, code-splitting, fast refresh, single dependency & command and no configuration required. https://www.ladle.dev/blog/introducing-ladle/ 27 comments reactjs
- For those who are new learning to React, since the official React docs is still Class component-centric, I've found this WIP page that has been converted to use Functional components https://reactwithhooks.netlify.app/ 9 comments reactjs
- I created a No-Code Design Platform that lets anyone design components and export it to React, Angular & Vue (Experimental). Would love your feeedback. https://codedesign.app 50 comments reactjs
- Hey sub! I finally completed my upload component that I posted quite a while ago. (Link to the prev post in comments). Published it on NPM under react-upload-box. Check comments for complete description. Feedbacks are welcome. https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cheersmas/react-upload-box/main/readme-assets/upload.gif 44 comments reactjs
- Made a website for a client recently. Used React Transition group for the page change animations and i think it is an amazing library that is way underrated. It keeps both the leaving and incoming components on screen to be able to animate them and provide a seamless transition. https://rabiat-alsalam.firebaseapp.com/ 101 comments reactjs