- Target is reducing prices on 5,000 common goods, including milk, butter and pet food https://www.npr.org/2024/05/21/1252616600/target-price-reductions-milk-butter 11 comments business
- Common Good vs Greater Good https://ntrygg.wordpress.com/2011/05/19/common-good-vs-greater-good/ 6 comments philosophy
- Why neoliberal capitalism and the common good are incompatible https://theweek.com/articles-amp/901796/why-neoliberal-capitalism-common-good-are-incompatible 129 comments politics
- [Common Lisp] Good resource on Clack/Cavemen2 based web development stack? https://borretti.me/ 14 comments lisp
- ''Fake it until you make it'' is common advice for unconfident people and imposter syndrome. But Bayesian reasoning argues that it takes more than willpower and good intentions to succeed https://iainews.iai.tv/articles/should-i-pretend-that-im-perfect-auid-1136?access=all?utmsource=reddit 599 comments philosophy
- Which commonly accepted "Hall of Very Good players" will actually have a good chance to be HOFer? https://www.reddit.com/r/baseball/comments/6ox81g/which_commonly_accepted_hall_of_very_good_players/ 90 comments baseball
- Good article on common CSS mistakes https://blog.mariano.io/common-css-mistakes-and-how-to-fix-them-8ee0f5e88d64#.uggazph09 10 comments web_design
- 'Towards the Common Good': Mr. Sanders Goes to the Vatican http://www.commondreams.org/news/2016/04/15/towards-common-good-mr-sanders-goes-vatican 7 comments politics
- Does anybody have any experience with the Clozure Common Lisp IDE? Are there any other really good IDE available? http://ccl.clozure.com/docs/ccl.html#the-clozure-cl-ide 8 comments lisp
- Common administrative commands in Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5, 6, and 7 (good for RHCSA study!) https://access.redhat.com/articles/1189123 4 comments redhat
- Peter Seibel: Common Lisp Standardization: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly [ILC 2010 talk audio] https://soundcloud.com/zach-beane/peter-seibel-common-lisp 3 comments lisp
- Whatever Happened to the “Common Good”? http://ideas.time.com/2013/04/04/whatever-happened-to-the-common-good/ 326 comments politics
- Chomsky: Corporations and the Richest Americans Viscerally Oppose Common Good http://www.alternet.org/visions/chomsky-corporations-and-richest-americans-viscerally-oppose-common-good 497 comments politics
- I know it's walmart, but I am looking for a good deal on a road-bike for college(bike theft is common at my college), what does reddit think? http://www.walmart.com/ip/Schwinn-700c-Men-s-Varsity-Road-Bike/19582523#Product+Reviews 12 comments bicycling
- Lock-picking and the Internet: Physical locks aren't very good. They keep the honest out, but any burglar worth his salt can pick the common door lock pretty quickly. http://www.schneier.com/blog/archives/2009/08/lockpicking_and.html 52 comments technology
- The BBC's Reith lectures return: Professor Michael Sandel of Harvard talks on the prospect of a new politics of the common good http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b00kt7rg 5 comments philosophy
- This is a story about what happens when you abandon the idea of government as a conveyance for the common good, and start thinking about it as the problem. You hire "regulators" like Nancy Nord. And you hire mine safety administrators like Richard Stickler. http://commonsense.ourfuture.org/creative_society?tx=3 4 comments reddit.com
- Democrats quietly adopt "Common Good" as theme for 2006 http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20061016/ap_on_el_ge/common_good_2 7 comments reddit.com
- "Did you know there is a Python implementation written in Common Lisp? It works and could be a good candidate for an extension language." https://fosstodon.org/@svetlyak40wt/111346758561228402 9 comments common_lisp
- How Republicans Stoke Anti-Government Hatred | Tearing down faith in the common good has helped the GOP for years but it’s killing the country. https://washingtonmonthly.com/2021/08/27/how-republicans-stoke-anti-government-hatred/ 642 comments politics
- [O'Halloran] "There is a very good chance the Broncos and Chirs Harris Jr. find common ground on a contract that would keep him in a Broncos No. 25 jersey for the rest of his career." https://www.denverpost.com/2019/12/17/broncos-mailbag-von-miller-analysis-john-elway/ 46 comments nfl
- Our nation has never been less American than in 2020, when 'freedom' is used as an excuse to ignore the common good, says NYU professor Scott Galloway https://www.businessinsider.com/scott-galloway-our-nation-has-never-been-less-american-than-2020-8 531 comments politics
- Postpartum hemorrhage is the most common cause of maternal death. The standard treatment must be held in cold storage, making it unavailable in many developing nations. Scientists identified a new, heat-stable treatment that’s just as good, spurring hope that it could save many lives. https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/nejmoa1805489?query=gynecology-obstetrics 317 comments science
- Democracy is the theory that the common people know what they want, and deserve to get it good and hard. - H. L. Mencken https://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/quotes/h/hlmencke163179.html 4 comments politics
- Celtic's Kris Commons lays blame on his teammates for Juve loss, "There are certain individuals who let the team down... If [recent ACoN winner Efe Ambrose] wasn't feeling okay then he should have said so. If he felt good then he should have put in a better performance." http://theworldgame.sbs.com.au/news/1140738/commons-blames-teammate 90 comments soccer
- The Jesuits Go Another Round With Paul Ryan: “This philosophy leaves no room for Catholic notions of Government in service to the common good.... Ryan’s policies are based on a political philosophy completely at odds with the principles of Catholic Social Doctrine." http://www.commonwealmagazine.org/blog/?p=20839 63 comments politics
- This thread could use your help: "Nietzsche thinks that systems like democracy and Christianity share common traits ... people constrain themselves from being the best person they can because to do so is 'morally good' and therefore justify living a slavish, reasonably pathetic life." http://www.reddit.com/r/atheism/comments/he46p/democracy_is_christianity_made_natural_nietzsche/c1up6ug 4 comments philosophy
- "How can it be that so obvious a social good as universal health insurance, so humane a solution to common vulnerability, is not sewn deep into the fabric of the United States? How can one of the biggest, richest and most advanced countries in the world tolerate a situation where...?" http://www.independent.co.uk/opinion/commentators/mary-dejevsky/mary-dejevsky-a-mean-streak-in-the-us-mainstream-1776795.html 3 comments politics
- Finland #1 in Good Country Index - Finland contributes most to the common good of humanity relative to its size https://www.goodcountryindex.org/results 304 comments europe
- I've updated Statistics Done Wrong with a new example: guns in self-defense. What other good examples of common statistical traps are there? http://www.refsmmat.com/articles/statistics.html 29 comments statistics
- I will be giving a hands-on lab session on web application hacking at the UC Davis IT Security Symposium. I am curious if anyone knows of a good source that provides examples of common vulnerabilities using vulnerable real-world applications (i.e. old versions) http://itsecuritysymposium.ucdavis.edu/ 18 comments netsec
- Papiamento has the Greco-Latin vocabulary common to Europe, plus some Germanic words, and is easier to learn than Spanish or other Romance languages. Would it make a good official language for the EU? http://mithridates.blogspot.com/2008/05/tons-of-papiamento-papiamentu-to-listen.html 14 comments science
- Jim Hightower: Exceptionally Mediocre on a Global Scale -- America became great through deliberate and determined public investments in the common good, not hocus-pocus exceptionalism. http://www.commondreams.org/view/2013/07/17-2 4 comments politics
- Europe Must Fix Its Fiscal Rules: In an environment of persistently low interest rates & weak output, policymakers must rethink the prevailing approach. This means creating a common budget, or at least overhauling the fiscal rules that have tied member-state governments' hands for no good reason. https://www.project-syndicate.org/commentary/eurozone-must-relax-budget-deficit-rules-by-olivier-blanchard-2019-06 6 comments europe
- French consumers have been warned that 28 over-the-counter medicines for common complaints like colds, coughs and sore throats should be avoided because they do more harm than good. The new "blacklist" includes best-selling products by Nurofen and Actifed. https://www.thelocal.fr/20171114/french-public-told-to-avoid-28-over-the-counter-medicines-included-on-blacklist 12 comments worldnews
- Netanyahu Says He Had 'Good' Chat With Obama. “We spoke about our common goal of stopping Iran from developing its nuclear weapons program, and our desire to closely coordinate our efforts,” http://forward.com/articles/162770/netanyahu-says-he-had-good-chat-with-obama/ 8 comments politics
- You Can't Kill An Idea | Maybe what we’re witnessing is the end of passive citizenship. And maybe the defense of public-sector union jobs is just the beginning, to be followed by demands for a defunding of our wars, and a redirection of spending into programs that serve the common good. http://www.commondreams.org/view/2011/03/03-0 9 comments politics
- [Shelburne] If the dunk contest was tied after that last dunk, the judges could have gone to a judges choice. Essentially, each would hold up a card with who was the best dunker all night. That’s what Common says he thought was the best outcome because “They were both so good.” https://twitter.com/ramonashelburne/status/1228896686275268608?s=20 210 comments nba
- "[W]hen the world wide economic depression hit Japan hard ... instead of reforming society ... the political and military elites sold them a nationalistic bill of goods, giving them a false sense of pride based on colonial conquests ..." Sadly, seems like a VERY COMMON pattern. http://search.japantimes.co.jp/cgi-bin/fl20070128rp.html 5 comments history
- Fifty States of Fear - Even democracies founded in the principles of liberty and the common good often take the path of more authoritarian states. They don’t work to minimize fear, but use it to exert control over the populace and serve the government’s principle aim: consolidating power. http://opinionator.blogs.nytimes.com/2014/01/19/fifty-states-of-fear/ 5 comments politics