Hacker News
- Trump Even Tried to Cheat Tiger Woods at Golf, Says Rick Reilly, Author of ‘Commander-in-Cheat’ https://www.thedailybeast.com/trump-even-tried-to-cheat-tiger-woods-at-golf-says-rick-reilly-author-of-commander-in-cheat?ref=wrap 4 comments politics
- Linux command cheat-sheet http://linuxmemes.com/articles/linux-commands-wallpaper/ 26 comments linux
- Tmux Cheat Sheet: Essential Commands And Quick References https://www.stationx.net/tmux-cheat-sheet/ 19 comments linux
- Git Cheat Sheet: Essential Commands for Effective Code Management https://medium.com/@kanani-nirav/git-cheat-sheet-essential-commands-for-effective-code-management-82ce06f3e70b 5 comments git
- curl Cheat Sheet: Helpful Commands and Hacks https://www.stationx.net/curl-cheat-sheet/ 2 comments ubuntu
- What advanced kubectl commands to include on a cheat sheet? https://phoenixnap.com/kb/kubectl-commands-cheat-sheet#ftoc-heading-11 7 comments kubernetes
- Example-based cheat sheets from the command line https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4EE7qlTaO7c 11 comments commandline
- Git cheat sheet - Commands I use every day https://antoinerr.github.io/blog-website/2022/10/09/git-cheatsheet.html 14 comments git
- Replace your command cheat sheets with AI Command Search (it actually works) https://www.warp.dev/blog/replace-git-cheat-sheet-ai-command-search 2 comments commandline
- Made an OpenSSL Cheat Sheet with common OpenSSL commands https://s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/contents.newzenler.com/1723/library/ocs16-page261eb3518b3e9e_sm.png 45 comments sysadmin
- Cheat sheet for git command https://quickref.me/git 3 comments git
- Windows & Active Directory Exploitation Cheat Sheet and Command Reference - Cas van Cooten https://casvancooten.com/posts/2020/11/windows-active-directory-exploitation-cheat-sheet-and-command-reference/ 3 comments netsec
- This is a one page quick reference cheat sheet to the awk command https://quickref.me/awk 17 comments linuxadmin
- [Git] Commands to Live By: the cheat sheet that goes beyond the basics https://medium.com/better-programming/git-commands-to-live-by-349ab1fe3139?sk=3c6a8fe034c7e9cbe0fbfdb8661e360b&source=friends_link 7 comments programmertil
- Git Commands to Live By: the cheat sheet that goes beyond the basics https://medium.com/better-programming/git-commands-to-live-by-349ab1fe3139?source=friends_link&sk=3c6a8fe034c7e9cbe0fbfdb8661e360b 177 comments programming
- When hacking Windows machines, I get tired of constantly googling commands or scrolling through cheat sheets. So to fix that, I made WADComs! It's an interactive cheat sheet for Windows/AD commands with filters. Please contribute your own commands too! https://wadcoms.github.io/ 19 comments netsec
- FreeBSD Commands Cheat Sheet https://github.com/sbz/freebsd-commands 10 comments linux
- 81 Docker Command Cheat Sheet with Description https://www.reddit.com/r/docker/comments/j2jt2a/81_docker_command_cheat_sheet_with_description/ 16 comments docker
- Rick Reilly on How Trump Cheated a Teenage Boy to Win a Golf Championship A conversation about the president and his favorite sport with the author of Commander in Cheat https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-features/rick-reilly-trump-golf-816324/ 45 comments politics
- Commander in Cheat? Donald Trump's 18 golf tournament wins examined https://www.theguardian.com/sport/2019/apr/02/donald-trump-golf-28-club-championships 106 comments politics
- No evidence that moral reminders reduce cheating behavior, finds a new replication study (n=4,674). Scientists report they were unable to reproduce the results of a well-known study showing that people are less likely to cheat on a task after making a list of the Ten Commandments. https://www.psychologicalscience.org/news/releases/moral-reminders-replication.html 648 comments science
- Celebrating 24 years of FreeDOS: Useful commands cheat sheet https://opensource.com/article/18/6/freedos-commands-cheat-sheet 10 comments programming
- Most Important Penetration Testing commands Cheat Sheet for Linux Machine https://techincidents.com/important-penetration-testing-cheat-sheet/ 26 comments netsec
- I created a cheat sheet to help myself with Vim's most common commands. http://docdro.id/I9NruaP 19 comments vim
- Commander in cheat: Trump regularly breaks the rules of golf, exaggerates his handicap http://www.salon.com/2017/08/02/commander-in-cheat-trump-regularly-cheats-at-golf-exaggerates-his-handicap/ 97 comments politics
- curl cheat.sh — command line cheat sheets using curl alone http://cheat.sh 13 comments commandline
- Linux cheat sheet: 16 Linux server monitoring commands you really need to know https://insights.hpe.com/articles/16-linux-server-monitoring-commands-you-really-need-to-know-1703.html 4 comments linux
- Factorio 0.13 will feature way more game hooks for mods, commands and scripts including cheat mode, allowing free and instant crafting. https://www.reddit.com/r/factorio/comments/4mtizq/factorio_013_will_feature_way_more_game_hooks_for/ 61 comments factorio
- Git Commands and Best Practices Cheat Sheet http://zeroturnaround.com/rebellabs/git-commands-and-best-practices-cheat-sheet/ 3 comments git
- Git Commands and Best Practices Cheat Sheet http://zeroturnaround.com/rebellabs/git-commands-and-best-practices-cheat-sheet/ 10 comments java
- Git Commands and Best Practices Cheat Sheet http://zeroturnaround.com/rebellabs/git-commands-and-best-practices-cheat-sheet/ 74 comments programming
- Linux Command Line Cheat Sheet by DaveChild http://cheatography.com/davechild/cheat-sheets/linux-command-line 15 comments linux
- Linux Commands Cheat Sheet https://plus.google.com/109539407031864086615/posts/8zl7fieujys 43 comments linux
- Hey guys, I just created a new Linux cheat sheet! This time it's about all the commands in the util-linux package that's available on all Linux systems. http://www.catonmat.net/blog/util-linux-cheat-sheet/ 8 comments linux
- Command Line Cheat Sheets in Your Terminal http://cheat.errtheblog.com/ 3 comments linux
- Vim Commands Cheat Sheet http://bullium.com/support/vim.html 15 comments linux
- Linux Cheat Sheet - Shell Commands http://www.examville.com/examville/linux%20cheat%20sheet%20-%20quick%20guide-id4166 3 comments linux
- 10 Essential UNIX/Linux Command Cheat Sheets http://www.junauza.com/2009/08/10-essential-unixlinux-command-cheat.html 4 comments linux
- Concise Unix/Linux Command Cheat Sheet, very good for beginners: everything on it is really useful http://fosswire.com/2007/08/02/unixlinux-command-cheat-sheet/ 13 comments reddit.com