Hacker News
- Free SVG generators, color tools and web design tools https://fffuel.co/ 6 comments
- Show HN: Cron Color: Color Tool and Contrast Checker for Web Design http://croncolor.com 7 comments
- Khroma - The AI color tool for designers http://www.khroma.co/ 10 comments internetisbeautiful
- Tool: Extract color palette from website https://alwane.io 9 comments web_design
- Alpha 1 of my color harmonies tool: Feedback is welcome. https://codepen.io/meodai/full/kagxww 43 comments webdev
- HTML5 color palette tool http://color.hailpixel.com/ 48 comments programming
- A tool to test color compliance on your web browser http://gearoracle.com/tools/web-browser-color-management-test/ 3 comments webdev
- Gradience, the tool to adjust colors for libadwaita apps, is now available on flathub https://flathub.org/apps/details/com.github.GradienceTeam.Gradience 34 comments gnome
- Incredibly useful tool for selecting color palettes https://colorhunt.co/ 26 comments webdev
- emerald: simple color palette tool https://www.reddit.com/r/css/comments/cxo2fb/emerald_simple_color_palette_tool/ 15 comments css
- This tool shows you how ADA compliant your brand's colors are in relation to each other https://abc.useallfive.com/ 22 comments web_design
- Color Tool for UI palette generation by Cloudflare Design https://cloudflare.design/color/ 4 comments webdev
- I just tried a few of these color tools, love the Tineye one http://www.designer-daily.com/the-best-free-color-tools-for-graphic-and-web-designers-56630 3 comments web_design
- This online color palette tool is amazing! for game devs. https://www.reddit.com/r/gamedev/comments/fydv3p/this_online_color_palette_tool_is_amazing_for/ 4 comments gamedev
- React Color Tools - A set of tools as React components for working with colors https://github.com/nitin42/react-color-tools 3 comments reactjs
- Updating the Windows Console Colors – Windows Command Line Tools For Developers https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/commandline/2017/08/02/updating-the-windows-console-colors/ 39 comments programming
- Tool that shifts a hex color lighter or darker http://codepen.io/tomhodgins/pen/jbKZer 8 comments web_design
- Sharing of F# snippets with colorization and tool tips http://fssnip.net/ 3 comments fsharp
- HTML Color Codes — a powerful set of free color tools http://htmlcolorcodes.com/ 15 comments webdev
- HTML Color Codes — a powerful set of free color tools http://htmlcolorcodes.com/ 22 comments web_design
- Took a stab at Svelte by building a little color previewer/sharing tool. https://color.macarthur.me/ 32 comments javascript
- Introducing "gradient" - A command line tool for playing with color gradients https://github.com/mazznoer/gradient-rs 9 comments rust
- Never knew Firefox had a built-in color picker tool. Was it always a feature? https://www.reddit.com/gallery/lv255n 52 comments firefox
- Google tool lets you 'hear' colors just like famed abstract painter Vassily Kandinsky did https://www.cnet.com/news/google-tool-lets-you-hear-colors-just-like-painter-vassily-kandinsky-did/ 5 comments worldnews
- Colors & Fonts - A collection of colors and typography tools for web developers and designers. 100% free. Please enjoy it... https://www.reddit.com/r/css/comments/ggh0yh/colors_fonts_a_collection_of_colors_and/ 8 comments css
- Facebook will temporarily disable a tool that lets advertisers exclude people of color https://techcrunch.com/2017/11/30/facebook-will-temporarily-disable-a-tool-that-lets-advertisers-exclude-people-of-color/ 284 comments technology
- ImageMesh Tool - Convert Images to Flat / Sphere Mesh with Vertex Colors (MIT) https://www.reddit.com/r/gamedev/comments/78k8qs/imagemesh_tool_convert_images_to_flat_sphere_mesh/ 5 comments gamedev
- Researchers have discovered a new method of X-ray imaging based on the natural mineral hackmanite’s ability to change color upon exposure to X-rays. The hackmanite film can be used multiple times, and the image on it can be seen without expensive analysis tools and recorded with a regular camera. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/adom.202100762 4 comments science
- Introducing Swach - a Cross-Platform Color Management Tool Written in Ember.js and Electron https://swach.io/ 13 comments javascript
- Twitter experimenting with new tool to label lies and misinformation | Twitter is experimenting with using colorful labels to respond to misinformation from political and public figures https://thehill.com/policy/technology/483913-twitter-experimenting-with-new-tool-to-label-lies-and-misinformation 16 comments politics
- I made a color picker app that helps you find and collect all the colors around you. Built to be simple to use, just point your camera and capture, designers and color lovers alike can find it a very helpful tool. https://apps.apple.com/us/app/litur/id1487096693?ls=1 92 comments apple
- Saw this free tool to automatically match your branding colors to any given vector design posted the other day and thought you guys might appreciate it. https://www.iconshock.com/svg-color/ 14 comments web_design
- Have you guys ever needed to randomize colors in a certain range? I made a simple tool to do it, sharing it https://www.waywaystudio.com/works/rgbit/color-experiment 5 comments web_design
- “Data Color Picker” looks like a spectacular tool for any developer out there who appreciates the value of a good color palette, but lacks the ability to put one together. https://learnui.design/tools/data-color-picker.html 32 comments web_design
- A team of forensic researchers has developed a web tool that can determine an individual's eye, hair, and skin colors using 41 genetic markers. Small DNA samples, such as those found at a crime scene or an archeological site, can yield accurate predictions. http://www.hcanews.com/news/a-new-tool-uses-dna-to-predict-eye-hair-skin-color 3 comments science
- Haishoku - a development tool for grabbing the dominant color or representative color palette from an image. https://github.com/lancegin/haishoku 9 comments programming
- Sassy-palette is Sass color palette agnostic tool for designers and front-end developers. It manages complex color palettes and simplifies design process by giving a nice API for outputting predefined or random colors and their tones. https://github.com/skoks/sassy-palette 4 comments webdev
- Json Parser Online - JSON PARSER ONLINE is a tool which lets you parse json string into a preety and colorful json tree view. http://jsonparseronline.com 7 comments javascript
- Learn all about color selection and using color palette's in this short article written for game designers. Free color pallet tools shown in article. Was very informative http://gamedevelopment.tutsplus.com/articles/picking-a-color-palette-for-your-games-artwork--gamedev-1174 7 comments gamedev
- I was making a graph the other day and I needed a color scale, so I made a tool to generate one. Sharing the link in case anybody wants to bookmark it. http://www.bretttolbert.com/projects/colorscale/ 50 comments programming