Hacker News
- Code Blocks: open-source, cross-platform, free C, C++ and Fortran IDE http://codeblocks.org/ 45 comments
- VERY Slow Site - Unused Code and Eliminate render-blocking https://www.reddit.com/r/shopify/comments/lykzs5/very_slow_site_unused_code_and_eliminate/ 4 comments shopify
- Need help to write a non-blocking code or asynchronous code in Arduino, any help is appreciated. https://www.reddit.com/r/arduino/comments/ham5vn/need_help_to_write_a_nonblocking_code_or/ 18 comments arduino
- Vim Tip - Jump to start of function or code block https://youtube.com/watch?feature=share&v=FuHZAUCsy1I 23 comments vim
- Refactor Terraform code with Moved Blocks – a new way without manually modifying the state https://content.fme.de/en/blog/terraform-moved-blocks 10 comments terraform
- Inoreader adblock detected not being blocked (picture and HTML code included) https://pastebin.com/raw/AHvtwu96 8 comments ublockorigin
- GitHub’s Commercial AI Tool Copilot Facing Criticism From Open-Source Community For Blind Copying Of Blocks Of Code https://www.theinsaneapp.com/2021/07/github-copilot-ai-facing-criticism.html 27 comments coding
- NEW VSCode extension "Blockman" to highlight nested code blocks https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=leodevbro.blockman 6 comments rails
- NEW VSCode extension "Blockman" to highlight nested code blocks https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=leodevbro.blockman 35 comments dotnet
- An Arduino Blockly Coding Simulator Website (Like Scratch for the Arduino) https://www.reddit.com/r/arduino/comments/lnpzvo/an_arduino_blockly_coding_simulator_website_like/ 6 comments arduino
- macOS beta code suggests Apple will block users from sideloading unsupported iOS apps on M1 Macs - 9to5Mac https://9to5mac.com/2021/01/13/macos-beta-code-suggests-apple-will-block-users-from-sideloading-unsupported-ios-apps-on-m1-macs/ 5 comments stallmanwasright
- Avoid losing window layout when editing org code blocks https://erick.navarro.io/blog/avoid-losing-windows-layout-when-editing-org-code-blocks/ 12 comments emacs
- Cannot store NSURL and __SwiftValue (Can only store objects of type NSNumber, NSString, NSDictionary) errors the bottom two blocks of code? https://www.reddit.com/r/swift/comments/gdcu7x/cannot_store_nsurl_and_swiftvalue_can_only_store/ 5 comments swift
- Is it possible to add a custom header to org-mode source code blocks? https://www.reddit.com/r/emacs/comments/fdwm8m/is_it_possible_to_add_a_custom_header_to_orgmode/ 6 comments emacs
- Code::Blocks last "stable release" was 18 months ago according to Wikipedia and it's own website. But in sourceforge it seems to be getting updated every day many times. Can you explain to me this situation? Should we use Code::Blocks or is it too old and not mantained enough? https://www.reddit.com/r/learnprogramming/comments/cd5iro/codeblocks_last_stable_release_was_18_months_ago/ 8 comments learnprogramming
- I really wish Xcode had something like this. It is very useful for large blocks of code. https://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/10080-rainbow-brackets 19 comments swift
- New Bitcoin XT release with support for the May upgrade. New OP codes, 32MB blocks, cashaddr and more. https://github.com/bitcoinxt/bitcoinxt/releases 62 comments btc
- DeepGit is a tool to investigate the history of source code. It is based on git blame and makes it easy to trace changes to a line or block of code. DeepGit will detect code movements, even if lines are not identical https://www.syntevo.com/deepgit/ 47 comments programming
- VS extension to ensure all enum values are handled in a C# code block https://github.com/abjennings/enumanalyzer 13 comments csharp
- How can I execute a block of code only once in python? https://www.reddit.com/r/learnprogramming/comments/6y15zf/how_can_i_execute_a_block_of_code_only_once_in/ 4 comments learnprogramming
- [ELI5 Code Explanation] It *DOES NOT* Take 6 Post-Fork Blocks To Trigger The BCC Difficulty Reduction. Here Is A Simple Line-By-Line Code Explanation Of BCC Difficulty. https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/6qkvjt/eli5_code_explanation_it_does_not_take_6_postfork/ 35 comments btc
- Learning C - Using Code Blocks, continuously getting an error. https://www.reddit.com/r/learnprogramming/comments/6qbgdn/learning_c_using_code_blocks_continuously_getting/ 9 comments learnprogramming
- Is it OK to use try - catch blocks as a way of writing failsafe code? https://www.reddit.com/r/javascript/comments/6nsur3/is_it_ok_to_use_try_catch_blocks_as_a_way_of/ 35 comments javascript
- Arduino beginner here, need some help in minimally modifying a block of code. Please. https://www.reddit.com/r/arduino/comments/5b5z7i/arduino_beginner_here_need_some_help_in_minimally/ 4 comments arduino
- Help: Code blocks in pod? https://www.reddit.com/r/perl/comments/4vm4l0/help_code_blocks_in_pod/ 5 comments perl
- IAB is forming Ad Blocking Working Group and plans to distribute code that detects ad blockers http://adexchanger.com/publishers/ad-blocking-unlike-fraud-comes-at-the-users-behest/ 3 comments technology
- Court orders 20 big piracy sites blocked in Denmark - The blocking order, handed down yesterday by a district court, will be respected by the country's leading ISPs following the signing of a piracy code of conduct in 2014. https://torrentfreak.com/court-orders-20-big-piracy-sites-blocked-in-denmark-150821/ 7 comments worldnews
- Having trouble linking SDL to my Code::Blocks project http://lazyfoo.net/SDL_tutorials/lesson01/windows/codeblocks/index.php 3 comments sdl
- Thousands of websites block Congress in Patriot Act protest - More than 10,000 sites have added code that redirects any visitors from Congress away from their site and towards a protest page. “Congress: This is a blackout. We are blocking your access until you end mass surveillance laws” http://thehill.com/policy/national-security/243416-activists-black-out-websites-for-congress-in-patriot-act-protest?rss=1 17 comments politics
- Help getting OpenCV to work in Code::Blocks IDE http://opencv.org/ 8 comments learnprogramming
- Blockly makes it easier to learn to code http://opensource.com/education/15/2/blockly-makes-easier-every-one-learn-code 5 comments opensource
- Source Code Tales » Emulating the static initialization blocks of Java in C++ http://szelei.me/cpp-static-init-block/ 21 comments programming
- So I was watching a Maker Faire demo and saw this, it's a graphic tool for making arduino code called Blockly. Thought you guys might like it. http://www.gasolin.idv.tw/public/blockly/demos/blocklyduino/index.html 6 comments arduino
- HTTP Error Code 451: Site blocked for legal reasons http://www.451unavailable.org/ 21 comments webdev
- Campaign for a new HTTP Error code: 451 - Blocked for legal reasons http://www.451unavailable.org/ 422 comments programming
- It's "locking" if it's blocking: a definition "lock-free" code http://www.yosefk.com/blog/its-locking-if-its-blocking.html 35 comments programming
- YQL and The Pirate Bay - avoiding the block with a single line of code http://shkspr.mobi/blog/index.php/2012/05/yql-and-the-pirate-bay/ 4 comments technology
- Browser extension that transforms code blocks to explain Bash commands as you browse https://kmdr.sh/ 10 comments bash
- A new chip called MORPHEUS blocks potential hacking attacks by encrypting and randomly reshuffling key bits of its own code and data 20 times per second. This is infinitely faster than a human hacker can work and thousands of times faster than even the fastest electronic hacking techniques. https://news.umich.edu/unhackable-new-chip-stops-attacks-before-they-start/ 1004 comments science
- PostgreSQL 9 now available ... built-in replication, anonymous code blocks, in-place upgrades and more http://www.postgresql.org/about/news.1235 80 comments programming