Hacker News
- Show HN: I made a cloud security product that actually saves time https://argos-security.io/ 58 comments
- Show HN: Cloud 66 Docker toolset for running Docker in production from a to Z http://blog.cloud66.com/docker-in-production-from-a-to-z/ 2 comments
- Review: Amazon Aurora Serverless - A cloud-native and production-ready relational database? https://cloudonaut.io/review-amazon-aurora-serverless/ 12 comments aws
- Cloud Spanner is now production-ready; let the migrations begin https://cloudplatform.googleblog.com/2017/05/Cloud-Spanner-is-now-production-ready-let-the-migrations-begin.html 3 comments googlecloud
- Astronomers estimate that a nearby galaxy, the Large Magellanic Cloud, will slam into the Milky Way and could knock our solar system far into the cosmic void. But a by-product of the collision with the LMC is it will delay the Milky Way's collision with the Andromeda galaxy by about a billion years. https://www.theguardian.com/science/2019/jan/04/nearby-galaxy-large-magellanic-cloud-set-to-collide-with-milky-way 36 comments science
- Alibaba expands cloud products with livestream shopping in its battle against Amazon https://www.cnbc.com/2021/06/08/alibaba-cloud-expands-products-with-livestream-shopping-data-centers.html 23 comments stocks
- Is it just me or is every on premise version of a cloud product shittier https://www.reddit.com/r/sysadmin/comments/am897c/is_it_just_me_or_is_every_on_premise_version_of_a/ 13 comments sysadmin
- iPad’s Productivity Problem: Where’s the Cloud Support? http://appchronicles.com/05/ipads-productivity-problem-wheres-the-cloud-computing/ 6 comments apple
- TIL. You can't use Google Cloud Run Jobs for any production jobs https://serverfault.com/questions/1113755/gcp-cloud-run-job-fails-without-a-reason 41 comments googlecloud
- Google Cloud Auto-Diagramming Tool - Seeking product feedback https://www.autocloud.dev/ 19 comments googlecloud
- I wrote about Cloud providers growing amount of product offerings and the ease of use https://www.kevinsimper.dk/posts/the-cloud-provider-complexity-paradox 3 comments googlecloud
- Anyone have experience using the Cloud Development Kit in production? https://docs.aws.amazon.com/CDK/latest/userguide/what-is.html 11 comments aws
- Sling TV CEO: Cloud DVR Will Be ‘Transformational For Our Business’. ‘Thousands’ of Sling TV subs are testing OTT provider’s cloud DVR product. http://www.multichannel.com/news/content/sling-tv-ceo-cloud-dvr-will-be-transformational-our-business/410009 3 comments technology
- I am fairly certain my homelab is ready for production cloud hosting! http://www.kensycloud.com/ 68 comments sysadmin
- "The Cloud Firestore emulator is not running, so calls to Firestore will affect production." Help! https://firebase.google.com/docs/functions/get-started 4 comments firebase
- Every Google Cloud product described in 4 words or less https://medium.com/google-cloud/every-google-cloud-product-described-in-4-words-or-less-4d3f37f4567b 4 comments googlecloud
- Production of ammonia makes Venusian clouds habitable and explains observed cloud-level chemical anomalies https://www.pnas.org/content/118/52/e2110889118 3 comments science
- Every Google Cloud product described in 4 words or less - 28 new products in this update https://twitter.com/gregsramblings/status/1151881674361204738 4 comments googlecloud
- Is there a product on Google Cloud Platform that runs Docker containers on demand? https://superuser.com/questions/1453261/is-there-a-product-on-google-cloud-platform-that-runs-docker-containers-on-deman 12 comments googlecloud
- Do you work on cloud dev environments like Gitpods ? Do you find yourself more or less “productive” using them? https://slack.engineering/remote-development-at-slack/ 2 comments programming
- Avery Dennison’s atma.io connected product cloud to utilize the Hedera network to account for carbon emissions of billions of unique items | Avery Dennison | RFID https://rfid.averydennison.com/content/rfid/na/en/home/news-insights/press-releases/avery-dennisons-atma-io-connected-product-cloud-to-utilize-the-Hedera-network-to-account-for-carbon-emissions-of-billions-of-unique-items.html 14 comments cryptocurrency
- Centralized GCP release notes (all release notes from the last 30 days across most Google Cloud Platform products) https://cloud.google.com/release-notes 3 comments googlecloud
- Microsoft leaks TLS private key for cloud ERP product (and it was still in use for more than 100 days after the initial report) https://medium.com/matthias-gliwka/microsoft-leaks-tls-private-key-for-cloud-erp-product-10b56f7d648 24 comments netsec
- Microsoft has announced a new product called Microsoft Visual Studio LightSwitch, which the company claims is the simplest way to build business applications for the desktop and cloud. - Haven't we been here before? http://www.eweek.com/c/a/application-development/microsoft-lightswitch-15-reasons-nonprogrammers-should-try-it-out-321214/?kc=ewknlboe08062010fea2 75 comments programming
- Renee Paquette frustrated with Mox's green texts, says he refuses to get an iPhone: "This green text…it just causes me a lot of pain and anguish. But there’s no changing him. He wants nothing to do with the cloud. He doesn’t trust it. He thinks something shifty is up with Apple and their products." https://www.sescoops.com/news/aew/renee-paquette-frustrated-jon-moxley-green-bubbles/ 851 comments squaredcircle
- Microsoft faces new antitrust complaint: Microsoft is accused of using new licensing rules for its productivity software to push European enterprise customers toward its Azure cloud infrastructure. https://www.cio.com/article/411633/microsoft-faces-new-antitrust-complaint-over-cloud-software-licensing-in-europe.html 2 comments technology
- Movement of the solar system through the Milky Way’s galactic spiral arms helped form Earth’s first continents. Regions of space with dense interstellar clouds may send more high-energy comets crashing to the surface of the Earth, seeding enhanced production of continental crust. https://www.geosociety.org/GSA/News/pr/2022/22-44.aspx 3 comments science
- Air pollution clouds brain performance and workforce productivity. The effects of air pollution are largest for those under 50 – people of prime working age – which indicates that day-to-day performance in our jobs is also likely to be impacted. https://www.uq.edu.au/news/article/2021/11/air-pollution-clouds-brain-performance-and-workforce-productivity 8 comments environment
- Chinese Police Kept Buying Cellebrite Phone Crackers After Cellebrite Said It Ended Sales. The Israeli company purportedly left China last year. The subsequent sales of its products there could cloud its impending IPO. https://theintercept.com/2021/08/26/cellebrite-china-cellphone-hack/ 73 comments privacy
- A Ruby gem to create production grade Kubernetes clusters in Hetzner Cloud in a couple of minutes or less https://github.com/vitobotta/hetzner-k3s 6 comments rails
- Intel Launches Xe-LP Server GPU: First Product Is H3C’s Quad GPU XG310 For Cloud Gaming https://www.anandtech.com/show/16237/intel-launches-xelp-server-gpu-first-product-is-h3cs-quad-gpu-xg310-for-cloud-gaming 16 comments hardware
- Just passed the Professional Cloud Architect exam! I highly recommend the GCP Gurus course from Udemy, it helped me a lot with core cloud concepts, and a nice overview of the case studies. Also, I work with GCP products for less than 6 months, so this one is really good! https://www.udemy.com/course/google-certified-architect-developer-engineer-data-devops/ 13 comments googlecloud
- Not many news (beside 2 new regions in Asia) but lots of interesting articles about usage of GCP products in issue #114 of Weekly Google Cloud Platform Newsletter. Subscribe to get latest as well as future issues. https://www.gcpweekly.com/newsletter/ 3 comments googlecloud
- Deepak Singh is the director of compute services at AWS, where he works on cloud products relating to containers, Linux, and High Performance Computing. In today’s show, Deepak describes how the market for containers and serverless has evolved, and how Amazon thinks about product strategy. https://softwareengineeringdaily.com/2018/10/19/aws-containers-with-deepak-singh/ 3 comments aws
- Eggheads at /r/cisadmin sad at the fact that Microsoft will increase its cloud services & software/OS products price by 10% effective Oct 1st. Double down on $MSFT. Shits about boom even harder than before https://www.reddit.com/r/sysadmin/comments/9evgoy/microsot_10_price_increase_onpremise_and_cloud/ 9 comments wallstreetbets
- Red Hat Product Security Risk Report: 2015. Across all Red Hat products, and for all issue severities, fixed more than 1300 vulnerabilities by releasing more than 600 security advisories in 2015. (Linux, Java, Middleware, Mobile, Virtualization, Cloud). https://access.redhat.com/blogs/766093/posts/2262281 10 comments linux
- Scientists may have just discovered why life is left-handed, by recreating conditions inside star-forming cloud. Simplest of life’s building blocks, glycine, becomes left-handed through common reaction. This left-handed glycine is known to promote production of other species with same handedness. https://theconversation.com/why-is-life-left-handed-the-answer-is-in-the-stars-44862 17 comments science
- Synthetic weed is sending more kids to the E.R. You can thank federal drug policy for that. "... marijuana prohibition creates a niche for products like Cloud 9, it is driving people away from a well-researched drug that humans have been consuming for thousands of years ..." http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/wonkblog/wp/2014/10/16/synthetic-weed-is-sending-more-kids-to-the-e-r-you-can-thank-federal-drug-policy-for-that/?tid=rssfeed 56 comments politics
- Microsoft Corp launched its biggest internal overhaul in five years to streamline the development of products from Windows to tablets, hoping to catch nimbler rivals in mobile and cloud computing. http://www.reuters.com/article/2013/07/11/us-microsoft-reorganization-idUSBRE96A0JM20130711 8 comments microsoft
- HTC in disarray: staff departures, 'disastrous' First, and production problems cloud company's future http://www.theverge.com/2013/5/21/4352838/htc-in-disarray-kouji-kodera-staff-departures-disastrous-first-and-production-problems 13 comments technology