- Democratic pollster warns that party will lose young voters unless it defines Trump https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/powerpost/wp/2018/01/24/democratic-pollster-warns-that-party-will-lose-young-voters-unless-it-defines-trump/?utm_term=.8bde2ede1ab7 24 comments politics
- Jerry Brown: Abortion should not define Democratic Party http://www.sfgate.com/politics/article/jerry-brown-abortion-should-not-be-litmus-test-11737884.php 110 comments politics
- Party of FDR or Obama: How the 2020 primary will define Democrats https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2020-election/party-fdr-or-obama-how-2020-primary-will-define-democrats-n1126976 4 comments politics
- "Crowley on CNN: Democrats are uncorking champagne right now. The Ryan pick will allow Democrats to define Republicans as the party of austerity for You People, whose goal is to redistribute the wealth in a reverse RobinHood move to the top 2%. Crowley called the pick “a ticket death wish.” http://www.politicususa.com/cnn-calls-romney-ryan-ticket-death-wish.html 7 comments politics
- Two Women In Their 20s Could Be Elected To Congress Tuesday. Their Differences Define The Democratic Party’s Divide. https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/mollyhensleyclancy/two-women-in-their-20s-could-be-elected-to-congress-tuesday?ref=bfnsplash&utm_term=4ldqpho 34 comments politics
- "Over the past 20 years, nationalism [in the US] has become sorted by party, as Republican identifiers have come to define America in more exclusionary and critical terms and Democrats have increasingly endorsed inclusive and positive conceptions of nationhood." https://www.journals.uchicago.edu/doi/10.1086/717103 405 comments science
- Ocasio-Cortez Welcomes Help From Anti-Trump Republicans in Defeating President—But Rejects Kasich's Attempt to Define Party | "Something tells me a Republican who fights against women's rights doesn't get to say who is or isn't representative of the Democratic Party." https://www.commondreams.org/news/2020/08/17/ocasio-cortez-welcomes-help-anti-trump-republicans-defeating-president-rejects 528 comments politics
- President Obama and Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) are locked in an increasingly personal dispute over a mammoth global trade deal that the president is trying to finalize in his last years in the White House. The faceoff has become the defining battle in the Democratic Party http://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/obama-warren-feud-breaks-open-as-trade-legislation-blocked-by-democrats/2015/05/12/9902f880-f8bb-11e4-9030-b4732caefe81_story.html 59 comments politics