Hacker News
- Dear advertisers: It’s time to stop supporting BuzzFeed Video https://medium.com/swlh/dear-advertisers-its-time-to-stop-supporting-buzzfeed-video-10f1f423a645#.qeqa0p5si 2 comments
- BuzzFeed News reviewed 62 incidents of video footage contradicting an officer's statement in a police report or testimony. From traffic stops to fatal force, these cases reveal how cops are incentivized to lie — and why they get away with it. https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/albertsamaha/blue-lies-matter 33 comments moderatepolitics
- Blue Lies Matter, How Video Finally Proved That Cops Lie: BuzzFeed News reviewed 62 incidents of video footage contradicting an officer's statement in a police report or testimony. From traffic stops to fatal force, these cases reveal how cops are incentivized to lie — and why they get away with it. https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/albertsamaha/blue-lies-matter 8 comments indepthstories
- Nigeria is facing catastrophic levels of opioid addiction — and no one seems to know how to stop it. (Magnum Photos for BuzzFeed News) https://www.buzzfeed.com/monicamark/tramadol-in-nigeria?utm_term=.jw1ezkbxp#.jcj3k4aom 4 comments worldnews
- Meet The Man Who Stopped Thousands Of People Becoming HIV-Positive — “I knew I was doing something of substance, but it’s really overwhelming.” In an exclusive interview with BuzzFeed News, Greg Owen reveals the story behind Britain’s largest ever drop in HIV transmissions. https://www.buzzfeed.com/patrickstrudwick/meet-the-man-who-stopped-thousands-of-people-becoming-hiv-po 4 comments worldnews
- Dear advertisers: It’s time to stop supporting BuzzFeed Video https://medium.com/swlh/dear-advertisers-its-time-to-stop-supporting-buzzfeed-video-10f1f423a645#.uf4pdv5cs 17 comments india
- Can BuzzFeed Be Stopped? The site whose articles are shared more often than the WSJ's and the NY Time's. http://techcrunch.com/2013/06/15/can-buzzfeed-be-stopped/ 5 comments technology