Hacker News
- C++ Streams http://jscheiny.github.io/Streams/ 48 comments
- C++ Streams & Typedefs: Be Charful http://blog.mezeske.com/?p=170 11 comments
- For processing strings, streams in C++ can be slow https://lemire.me/blog/2023/10/19/for-processing-strings-streams-in-c-can-be-slow/ 101 comments
- Yet another C++ header-only stream coloring library https://github.com/datafl4sh/sgr 3 comments
- Concord – High Performance Stream Processing with C++ and Mesos http://concord.io/why 26 comments
- Show HN: RaftLib – Stream Computation library for C++ http://www.raftlib.io 6 comments
- Show HN: C++ Http-Live-Streaming Server built with Oat++ framework https://github.com/oatpp/oatpp-examples/tree/master/Media-Stream 11 comments
- Show HN: AOO – C++ library for real-time audio streaming and messaging https://aoo.iem.sh/ 25 comments
- C++ Streams https://jscheiny.github.io/Streams/ 2 comments c , compsci , release
- For processing strings, streams in C++ can be slow https://lemire.me/blog/2023/10/19/for-processing-strings-streams-in-c-can-be-slow/ 10 comments c++
- PhD student solves physics problems with C++ on daily stream http://leios.github.io 2 comments c , science
- High-Performance Stream Processing Library for C++ Using Coroutines TS https://github.com/LoopPerfect/conduit 2 comments c++ , programming
- Streams: java.util.stream-style streams for C++ https://github.com/jscheiny/streams 3 comments cpp
- C++ Binary Stream Manipulator http://themathsgeek.blogspot.com/2011/04/c-binary-stream-manipulator.html 10 comments programming
- C++ Streams & Typedefs: Be Charful http://blog.mezeske.com/?p=170 29 comments programming
- For processing strings, streams in C++ can be slow https://lemire.me/blog/2023/10/19/for-processing-strings-streams-in-c-can-be-slow/ 34 comments cpp
- Extensible Stream Logging in Modern C++ https://www.cppstories.com/2021/stream-logger/ 3 comments programming
- Extensible Stream Logging in Modern C++ https://www.cppstories.com/2021/stream-logger/ 4 comments cpp
- input-stream, a very small library for C++ *fstream style parsing of input https://crates.io/crates/input-stream 5 comments rust
- C++ : Boost asio UDT implementation (stream over boost asio datagram socket) https://github.com/securesocketfunneling/udt 3 comments programming
- JSONxx: A C++ library for stream-generating JSON http://cdn.bitbucket.org/maghoff/jsonxx/downloads/documentation.html 21 comments programming
- Stream OpenCV Mat as HLS stream C++ FFmpeg approach https://www.funvisiontutorials.com/2024/08/hls-video-streaming-from-opencv-and.html 4 comments cpp
- PSA: Rust for the C++ Programmer - CB Bailey and Andy Balaam - ACCU 2023 - Streaming in 24 hours. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u-jJ8Z3Xrk0 3 comments rust
- Concord – High Performance Stream Processing with C++ and Mesos http://concord.io/why/ 6 comments programming
- Lecture 7 - Learn String Streams in C++ Programming Language https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xJSvAJlne_U 4 comments coding
- RaftLib - Simple, easy to use stream computation library for C++ http://www.raftlib.io/ 5 comments cpp
- I am still wondering why virtual classes (not to be mixed with C++ virtual base classes) are not yet a part of the main stream? http://www.gamasutra.com/blogs/ivicaaracic/20100926/6047/virtual_classes.php 32 comments programming
- osmanip 3.1.1! a C++ library with output stream tools like color and styles manipulators, progress bars and 2D terminal graphics https://github.com/JustWhit3/osmanip 23 comments cpp
- A C++ library with output stream tools: color and style manipulators and fully customizable progress bars (other stuff incoming) https://github.com/JustWhit3/osmanip/tree/main/scripts 7 comments programmertil
- started work on my c++ gameengine feel free to join the live stream https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bs-3klwvesq 3 comments gamedev
- (Stream) C++ programmer and game developer starts learning Rust this week https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1asufxmzw5a 4 comments rust
- Avast C++ Meetup with Bjarne Stroustrup, Tony van Eerd, and Herb Sutter (Stream on 11th February 2020 6pm CET, 5pm UTC, 9am PCT, 12pm EST) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o2V544cHNKE 38 comments cpp
- LibDRC: a C++ library for interaction with a Nintendo Wii U Gamepad, including streaming video and audio data https://bitbucket.org/memahaxx/libdrc 24 comments linux
- job_stream: a c++ boost/mpi based library for easy distributed pipeline processing (xpost from /r/programming) https://github.com/wwoods/job_stream 10 comments cpp
- My entire C++ Game Programming course is being streamed live on YouTube for free this semester. Make your own 2D game engine using C++ and ECS https://youtu.be/S7lXSihz0ac?list=PL_xRyXins848nDj2v-TJYahzvs-XW9sVV&t=550 58 comments cpp
- My entire C++ Game Programming course is being streamed live on YouTube for free this semester. Make your own 2D game engine using C++ and ECS https://youtu.be/S7lXSihz0ac?list=PL_xRyXins848nDj2v-TJYahzvs-XW9sVV&t=550 38 comments programming
- C++ Weekly: Jonathan Turner (Rust expert, nushell author) Teaches Jason Turner Rust! (Video, Recorded Live Stream) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EzQ7YIIo1rY 9 comments cpp
- Avast Prague C++ Meetup: Chandler Carruth - Programming Language Design for Performance Critical Software (Stream 18th December 5:10pm CET, 8:10am PST, 4:10pm GMT) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_prA_EmoBe4 41 comments cpp
- Looking for opinions - job_stream: a c++ boost/mpi based library for easy distributed pipeline processing https://github.com/wwoods/job_stream 11 comments programming