Hacker News
- C++ State Machine with Threads https://www.codeproject.com/Articles/1156423/Cplusplus-State-Machine-with-Threads 2 comments cpp
- My approach to "state machine" in C++ https://github.com/lukaszgemborowski/fsmpp2 29 comments cpp
- InstantFSM: easily write complex Finite State Machines in your C++ code. https://sourceforge.net/projects/instantfsm/ 16 comments cpp
- Creating C++ State Machines Using Boost::statechart Framework (A Mini eBook) https://github.com/9lean/state-machine-using-boost-statechart 13 comments cpp
- Hsm – Feature rich and fast C++ state machine library based on boost hana https://github.com/erikzenker/hsm 32 comments cpp
- If you deal in state machines, you might enjoy StateSmith. It compiles diagrams to C or C++ with zero dependencies. Free & opensource. https://github.com/StateSmith/StateSmith 19 comments cpp
- dlib C++ Library v18.5 released. Lots of state-of-the-art Machine Learning algorithms and other useful tools meant for use on real world problems. http://dlib.net 8 comments programming
- dlib C++ Library v18.0 released. Lots of state-of-the-art Machine Learning algorithms and other useful tools meant for use on real world problems. http://dlib.net 10 comments programming