Hacker News
- Startups: Build Websites, Not Apps https://medium.com/gabor/startups-build-websites-not-apps-5b8232c727d8 2 comments
- How You Can Build a SaaS Startup in 30 Days https://www.indiehackers.com/@mattlo/how-you-can-build-a-saas-startup-in-30-days-a6bf6623fe 4 comments
- Step by step guide for building a startup: from idea to exit https://visionxpartners.com/build-startup/ 7 comments
- Show HN: I'm 16 and building an AI based startup called Factful with friends https://factful.io/ 152 comments
- My experience building startup apps 9-5 for 3+ years / technical! https://bokker.substack.com/p/my-experience-building-startup-apps 45 comments entrepreneur
- Building Remote Teams for Startups https://vadimkravcenko.com/en/how-to-build-remote-teams-properly/ 9 comments programming
- Advice/experience building two startups at the same time? https://www.reddit.com/r/startups/comments/6oru51/adviceexperience_building_two_startups_at_the/ 21 comments startups
- 9 Super Useful Tools to Build Your Startup https://www.reddit.com/r/startups/comments/6oeyom/9_super_useful_tools_to_build_your_startup/ 13 comments startups
- French startup Ynsect to build world's biggest bug farm https://uk.reuters.com/article/us-france-insect-farm/french-startup-ynsect-to-build-worlds-biggest-bug-farm-idukkbn2790gg 7 comments worldnews
- Building MVP. The Lean Startup Way https://datarockets.com/blog/mvp-app-development-lean-startup-way/#growth-engine 26 comments startups
- How do you build the process with interns in a startup? https://www.reddit.com/r/startups/comments/6q3vfn/how_do_you_build_the_process_with_interns_in_a/ 18 comments startups
- 5 Tips for Building a Startup Team - learned the hard way https://medium.com/startup-lesson-learned/5-steps-to-a-badass-startup-team-fda1c39375f1?source=latest& 17 comments startups
- I took the plunge, building an AI startup, I will be documenting everything https://quantera.ai/ 2 comments entrepreneur
- The US military is partnering with a startup to build 3D-printed barracks in Texas https://www.businessinsider.com/photos-icon-largest-3d-printed-structures-barracks-2022-4 27 comments army
- The Domain Startups Building an Uncensorable Internet on Top of Ethereum https://www.coindesk.com/the-domain-startups-building-an-uncensorable-internet-on-top-of-ethereum?amp=1&__twitter_impression=true 10 comments ethereum
- Building an NLP Sentiment Analysis Startup in Quarantine https://youtu.be/liTgn4xCMMw 4 comments artificial
- Is building a startup with Haskell a good idea? https://www.reddit.com/r/haskell/comments/cubxh1/is_building_a_startup_with_haskell_a_good_idea/ 10 comments haskell
- Roger Ver Donating $1m to Startup if They Build on BCH Instead of BTC https://www.cryptovibes.com/crypto-news/roger-ver-donating-1m-to-startup-if-they-build-on-bch-instead-of-btc/ 146 comments btc
- This Swedish startup just raised $1bn to build a battery farm to rival Tesla’s “gigafactory” https://sifted.eu/articles/northvolt-startup-tesla-battery-gigafactory/ 13 comments europe
- Move over, Raspberry Pi. This startup is building a $9 computer http://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2015/05/move-over-raspberry-pi-this-startup-is-building-a-9-computer/ 7 comments technology
- What are some of the keys for building a startup community for smaller cities? http://www.localview.co/Louisville/Mw==/posts/EIwd6WF_mGDpxw0wm2j_7g/Louisville-and-its-Growing-Start-Up-Community#.Utam6mRDu-8 6 comments startups
- This guy is building a new startup every month for 12 months http://blog.thinkapps.com/entrepreneurship/pieter-levels-founder-building-startup/ 5 comments startups
- Google has a new division called 'Area 120' where employees can build their own startups http://uk.businessinsider.com/google-is-building-an-in-house-startup-incubator-2016-4? 4 comments technology
- Small startup builds a successful app on the app store only to have an offshore company steal their identity and customers - and apple wont do anything about it. http://www.flipagr.am/press/ 10 comments technology
- Startup from Cape Town to Build Resumes online. Just starting so any Feedback appreciated ! http://www.curriculumvitae.co.za/ 26 comments startups
- Startup SpinLaunch is raising $30M to build a catapult to put spacecraft into orbit. https://techcrunch.com/2018/02/22/spinlaunch/ 27 comments space
- How Startups can Build Long-lasting Media Relationships: 10 Strategies https://www.reddit.com/r/startups/comments/6oezr7/how_startups_can_build_longlasting_media/ 3 comments startups
- A Mysterious Electric-Car Startup Is Building a $1 Billion Factory in California http://www.businessinsider.com/faraday-future-electric-car-manufacturing-plant-2015-11 93 comments business
- My Experience As a Startup Technical Lead: "Single-Page Applications: Building a Web Stack That Works" https://www.thestorefront.com/ 44 comments startups
- A Polish startup called Nevomo that says it can build maglev trains that can travel at 500km p/hr on existing train tracks has received EU funding after demonstrating the technology on a 700m test track. https://www.globalconstructionreview.com/eu-gives-millions-to-start-up-developing-550km-h-maglev-rail/ 66 comments futurology
- Nuclear fusion startup Energy Singularity completed its first round of financing worth of nearly $63 million. Company is building world’s first small Tokamak experimental device based on high temperature superconducting material and advanced magnet systems https://pandaily.com/energy-singularity-completes-financing-led-by-mihoyo-and-nio-capital/ 134 comments futurology
- Meet the startup building a sustainable alternative to Tesla’s Powerwall - It is the size of a small fridge, doesn't use unsustainable rare-earth metals, won't blow up and can power your house for 20 years. https://sifted.eu/articles/voltstorage-tesla-powerwall-alternative/ 63 comments energy
- Can 'Openbook', an open source security-focussed startup, which is building a rival to Facebook, take off? https://www.cbronline.com/feature/openbook-opensource-socialmedia 18 comments privacy
- New build posts but no display, motherboard fails to detect CPU for a split second on startup https://www.reddit.com/r/techsupport/comments/8vyq2n/new_build_posts_but_no_display_motherboard_fails/ 6 comments techsupport
- New founders and early stage startups: How much money and time would you spend building a website and app prototype? https://www.reddit.com/r/startups/comments/6vy72k/new_founders_and_early_stage_startups_how_much/ 16 comments startups
- Health-tech startup Lybrate’s CEO on building the ‘Quora’ for health and growth plans http://techcircle.vccircle.com/2016/12/07/health-tech-startup-lybrates-ceo-on-building-the-quora-for-health-and-growth-plans/ 3 comments india
- How competitive are Europe's Startup Hubs? Where should you build your company to optimise your salary and overhead costs? -> Tool https://my.teleport.org/runway/?currentlocation=u6sc7&comparelocation=u33db&employees%5B0%5D%5Bcount%5D=2&employees%5B0%5D%5Bsalary%5D=&employees%5B0%5D%5Bposition%5D=software+engineer&employees%5B1%5D%5Bcount%5D=1&employees%5B1%5D%5Bsalary%5D=&employees%5B1%5D%5Bposition%5D=web+designer&employees%5B2%5D%5Bcount%5D=1&employees%5B2%5D%5Bsalary%5D=&employees%5B2%5D%5Bposition%5D=data+scientist&employees%5B3%5D%5Bcount%5D=1&employees%5B3%5D%5Bsalary%5D=&employees%5B3%5D%5Bposition%5D=mobile+developer&employees%5B4%5D%5Bcount%5D=1&employees%5B4%5D%5Bsalary%5D=&employees%5B4%5D%5Bposition%5D=marketing+manager&employertaxes=&officerent=&buffer=&cashathand=750000 4 comments europe
- Startup is building open source massively-distributed 3D simulation engine to power the vast network of interconnected virtual worlds known as the Metaverse http://lucidscape.com/ 14 comments opensource
- Show /r/startups: RazorFlow - a PHP Framework to quickly build interactive, mobile-friendly HTML5 Dashboards [my startup] http://www.razorflow.com 36 comments startups
- My friend's startup business Dash is building high-end carbon fiber components. Here is a review of a 67 gram saddle. http://fairwheelbikes.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=7055 9 comments bicycling