- "If we don't stop extending our troops all around the world in nation-building missions, then we're going to have a serious problem coming down the road." - George W., Oct 2000 http://www.50bushflipflops.com/lecture_outline/lesson1.html 26 comments politics
- [McMenamin] The Lakers trail 36-22 after 1Q in Houston. A familiar deficit for LAL in this building, where they've lost three straight coming into tonight https://x.com/mcten/status/1876065221279986019 23 comments nba
- Microsoft confirms Sudo is coming to Windows 11 with Build 26052 https://www.windowslatest.com/2024/02/08/microsoft-confirms-sudo-is-coming-to-windows-11-with-build-26052/ 3 comments technology
- The world’s largest solar panel manufacturer is coming to Ohio. LONGi Solar is combining forces with solar developer Invernergy to build a 5 GW/year solar module manufacturing facility in Ohio. Both single and bifacial solar modules will be manufactured at the site. https://pv-magazine-usa.com/2023/03/14/the-worlds-largest-solar-panel-manufacturer-is-coming-to-ohio/ 49 comments energy
- The Human Brain-Scale AI Supercomputer Is Coming - Funded by the Slovakian government using funds allocated by the EU, the I4DI consortium is behind the initiative to build a 64 AI exaflop machine (that’s 64 billion, billion AI operations per second) by the end of 2022 https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbestechcouncil/2022/01/20/the-human-brain-scale-ai-supercomputer-is-coming/ 37 comments futurology
- 'A Good First Step': Senators File Ethics Complaint Over Cruz and Hawley's Role in Capitol Insurrection | The move by a group of Democrats comes as demands are building for the two Republicans to be ousted from the Senate over the deadly attack. https://www.commondreams.org/news/2021/01/21/good-first-step-senators-file-ethics-complaint-over-cruz-and-hawleys-role-capitol 25 comments politics
- Croats in Istria rebelled en masse against the building of mosque: 'I am an atheist, but they will not come to my yard, we want peace' https://www.vecernji.hr/vijesti/istrijani-se-masovno-pobunili-protiv-dzamije-ateist-sam-ali-u-moje-dvoriste-nece-zelimo-mir-1448329 175 comments europe
- Building CI of Aliyun Image Registry failed because of DockerHub's Rate Limit. Oh come on! https://www.reddit.com/r/docker/comments/jwypqn/building_ci_of_aliyun_image_registry_failed/ 6 comments docker
- React Native Now #74: Hermes is coming to iOS 🍎 Build for tvOS https://reactnativenow.com/issues/74 3 comments reactnative
- Kevin-Prince Boateng would have loved to return to Hertha Berlin in winter: "I would have just taken the phone and called Götze and the Draxler and said: 'Come here, boys, let's build something up here.' It was my plan that I could make Hertha attractive again." https://www.kicker.de/774070/artikel/boateng_schrieb_klinsmann_dann_haette_ich_goetze_und_draxler_angerufen_#twfeed 39 comments soccer
- Virtual Go Meetup - Come learn about WebRTC and how you can build sub-second decentralized real-time communications software! https://www.meetup.com/golang/events/269676725/ 14 comments golang
- [Highkin]: Jim Boylen: “We have to keep playing the way we’re playing. The wins will come.” Reporter: “What makes you think the wins will come?” Boylen: “If you build it, they will come. You ever seen that movie?” https://twitter.com/highkin/status/1200651929375739905 17 comments nba
- [Rapoport] Redskins LT Trent Williams was the subject of trade talks that ultimately didn’t come to fruition… and now the team and his agent Vince Taylor confirm that he’s in the building. His contract won’t toll, he’ll now get paid… and we’ll see when he plays. https://twitter.com/RapSheet/status/1189276605501325314 36 comments nfl
- When you need to do a task/ chore you are not so fond of, do the parts that are easiest or fastest or the most fun FIRST. This will get you started, build momentum, get you in the mindset/ zone of doing that specific task, make a dent in your pile, keep you motivated. (Coming from experience) https://www.reddit.com/r/productivity/comments/cc1nch/when_you_need_to_do_a_task_chore_you_are_not_so/ 12 comments productivity
- Rep. Adam Smith, Ranking Member of House Armed Services Committee, says stability should be the U.S’ main priority in Africa. US should work with local partners and build trust to develop transparency, rather than coming in with the military and saying, "we’re going to fix everything" https://www.americansecurityproject.org/event-recap-us-africa-security-relations/ 72 comments geopolitics
- Would it be possible to build a spacecraft that could be flown directly into a gas planet and have it come out the other side? https://www.reddit.com/r/askscience/comments/4qpnfx/would_it_be_possible_to_build_a_spacecraft_that/ 15 comments askscience
- What happens when shipping lines build for growth that never comes? The Thing That No One Is Talking About Is: By Many Measures, world Trade Growth Is Petering Out and shipping prices are collapsing http://www.marketplace.org/2016/06/20/world/panama-canal-peak-trade-shipping 3 comments business
- Windows Phone is so dead that a new build is coming today or tomorrow to fix our battery issues https://twitter.com/GabeAul/status/735138545543843840 171 comments windowsphone
- My 1992 Klein Quantum build coming along. https://flic.kr/s/aHskuPUGLX 5 comments bicycling
- Donald Trump Is a Mediocre Businessman: "When it comes to building and managing tangible assets, there's really not much evidence that Trump has any special talent" http://www.motherjones.com/kevin-drum/2016/01/donald-trump-mediocre-businessman 23 comments politics
- Russian State Duma Committee Comes Out Against Antigay Bill: The Russian State Duma Committee on Constitutional Legislation and State-Building has declined to endorse a controversial draft bill that would introduce fines and arrests for people who publicly express their homosexuality http://www.rferl.org/content/russia-parliament-rejects-antihomosexual-expression-bill/27494613.html 16 comments europe
- No new build today, coming in a "Day or Two" @gabeaul https://twitter.com/GabeAul/status/659058707230134272 82 comments windowsphone
- Hungary will build a barrier on the border with Croatia, which is an EU member, in case large numbers of undocumented migrants start coming from that direction, says Hungarian PM Viktor Orban http://sputniknews.com/europe/20150903/1026560024.html 3 comments worldnews
- Hungary races to build border fence as migrants keep coming "...Before the announcement, 500 people a day were walking through the narrow bottleneck of woods close to the E75, the main Belgrade to Budapest motorway. Now the daily average is 1500." http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-33802453 2 comments europe
- New Build: Computer only comes on 1-2 seconds and repeats until I turn off CPU. http://pcpartpicker.com/p/kzv7ZL 6 comments techsupport
- Why police need MRAPs "...you have a lot of people who are coming out of the military that have the ability and knowledge to build IEDs and to defeat law enforcement techniques.” (x-post r/military) http://fox59.com/2014/05/12/armed-for-war-local-police-tote-pentagon-surplus/#axzz31isc0kux 85 comments army
- Heatwave frequency 'surpasses levels previously predicted for 2030'. “Heatwaves are coming earlier, they are lasting longer and they are hotter. They build up for days and before you know it, elderly people, infants and the homeless are in danger.” http://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/feb/17/heatwave-frequency-surpasses-levels-previously-predicted-for-2030 4 comments science
- What happens first in Vegas: bike lanes or bikes? "If you build it, they will come?" http://www.grist.org/biking/2011-09-13-what-comes-first-the-bike-lanes-or-the-bikes 3 comments bicycling
- If you walked into some building with a large neon sign that blinked the word ASSRAPE over and over, what would you expect? Would you come back the next day? And the next? And the next? http://seanfuckingmay.wordpress.com/2010/12/28/21-rules-of-casino-etiquette/ 7 comments reddit.com
- 1,270 Architects/Engineers Reveal Hard Evidence of Explosive Demolition at World Trade Center on 9/11. Senator Mike Gravel: "Critically important evidence has come forward after the original government building reports were completed." http://news.yahoo.com/s/usnw/20100907/pl_usnw/dc60870 134 comments politics
- [Lombardi] 49ers building strategy: 1. Acquire/develop A-list players 2. Pay those A-list players (list can grow as salary cap does) 3. Don’t pay B-listers when FA comes; obtain comp picks thru departures instead 4. Develop staff (restocks coaches + more comp picks) 5. Pick next A-listers https://twitter.com/LombardiHimself/status/1635853497571876865 195 comments nfl
- [Daniel Popper] Brandon Staley said CB J.C. Jackson is back in the building and lifting with the team. Jackson is wearing a walking boot and is "day-to-day," per Staley. Staley said team will have clearer timetable once walking boot comes off. https://twitter.com/danielrpopper/status/1564720079740084224?s=21&t=esaY5NOqmZHt3VWCwZAJZA 29 comments nfl
- "The Police State with full Surveillance State capability is not coming; it is already here. And private citizens are purchasing and installing the apparatus used to build it." https://www.thenewamerican.com/tech/computers/item/33332-the-surveillance-state-is-here-and-now 145 comments privacy
- Germany's building boom 'coming to an end': German construction companies may no longer be building as many new buildings in the coming years - despite a deepening housing shortage. Experts say there needs to be a "culture change" in how we think about houses. http://www.dw.com/en/germanys-building-boom-coming-to-an-end/a-42099953 3 comments worldnews
- Build it and they will come? Why Britain's 1960s cycling revolution flopped - Squint at Stevenage’s extensive 1960s protected cycleway network and you could be in the Netherlands – except for the lack of people on bikes. So why did the New Town’s residents choose the motor car over the bicycle? https://www.theguardian.com/cities/2017/sep/19/britains-1960s-cycling-revolution-flopped-stevenage 8 comments bicycling
- Sidechains: the coming death of altcoins - building into side chains instead of new chains or instead of using metacoins http://letstalkbitcoin.com/e99-sidechain-innovation/#.U0eZP1dgwi8 38 comments ethereum
- A picture of what is likely to go on within the walls of the NSA's new Utah Data Center has come into focus with recently leaked documents on NSA surveillance, combined with prior revelations, building specifics, information from defense contractors and hints dropped by top NSA brass. http://www.sltrib.com/sltrib/news/56515678-78/data-nsa-http-www.html.csp 5 comments privacy
- The coin that ends up winning will be the coin with the first viral dapp. Alice/Bob don't give 2 shits about BCH's blocksize and they definitely won't start randomly buying Starbucks with BCH. Alice/Bob will be onboarded through dapps which aren't possible on fiat. Build the dapps and they will come https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/ac79lq/the_coin_that_ends_up_winning_will_be_the_coin/ 28 comments btc
- I'm making a low-level RISC-V CPU emulator as part of a larger series building an actual hardware CPU on an FPGA in TypeScript. This video is all about adding unconditional jumps, then compiling and running C code on the emulator. Come check it out if you want to learn about how CPUs are made! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tjCF5R97pxk 4 comments node
- Ron Paul Wants to Abolish the CIA; His Largest Donor Builds Toys for It - Why does 76 percent of the civil libertarian's Super PAC money come from billionaire Peter Thiel, whose Palantir Technologies helps the government spy on citizens? http://www.thenation.com/article/166421/ron-paul-wants-abolish-cia-his-largest-donor-builds-toys-it?rel=emailnation 82 comments politics