Hacker News
- TikTok Ban Measure Attached to House Foreign Aid Bill, Boosting Odds of Passage https://www.wsj.com/politics/policy/tiktok-ban-measure-attached-to-house-foreign-aid-bill-boosting-odds-of-passage-7a946470 12 comments
- Thermo acoustic heat pump boosts performance without refrigerants https://emag.directindustry.com/2023/02/22/thermoacoustic-heat-pumps-could-revolutionize-the-way-we-heat-and-cool-our-homes/ 23 comments
- Turbo Boost Your Development Career by Starting a Blog https://www.zeroequalsfalse.press/2018/12/23/blog/ 2 comments
- How Elon Musk boosted false USAID conspiracy theories to shut down global aid https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna190646 26 comments politics
- Toronto library, zoo attacks show public bodies need to boost cybersecurity | Experts urge public orgs to boost cybersecurity https://www.thecanadianpressnews.ca/ontario/toronto-library-zoo-attacks-show-public-bodies-need-to-boost-cybersecurity-experts/article_0fd7def3-32c3-5cc0-a87b-91f5548258c7.html 3 comments technology
- Fisker's stock soars as EV maker to announce plan to boost sales, deliveries https://www.marketwatch.com/story/fiskers-stock-surges-as-ev-maker-to-announce-plans-to-boost-sales-and-deliveries-in-january-60896d68 53 comments technology
- Bayley: Are you guys kidding me? You’re taking an incredibly low, heartbreaking moment in my career caused by a couple Canadians that are not even worth my time and trying to boost your ticket sales?!???!! The show in Toronto should be cancelled https://twitter.com/itsbayleywwe/status/1557087823953416192?s=21&t=LMDAm-sW1Q0gx9bzjj9TYg 27 comments squaredcircle
- Biden will unveil new steps to confront extreme heat and boost wind power in remarks at Massachusetts plant https://www.cnn.com/2022/07/20/politics/climate-extreme-heat-wind-power-biden-massachusetts-speech/index.html 13 comments politics
- Coalition steps up effort to boost Nebraska minimum wage https://apnews.com/article/business-nebraska-labor-unions-minimum-wage-media-fe6f640ab41c1a7b4af0a2378af2ebd2 6 comments politics
- Top Democrat unloads on Lindsey Graham's argument that the Biden child tax credit will boost illegal immigration to the US: 'I just have never heard such a stupid thing' https://www.businessinsider.com/gop-lindsay-graham-democrats-biden-child-tax-credit-2021-11 132 comments politics
- Playing Virtual Reality Video Game May Boost Seniors’ Memory https://www.ucsf.edu/news/2021/03/420096/playing-virtual-reality-video-game-may-boost-seniors-memory 5 comments science
- Much Depends on Supreme Court's Review of Dark Money Case: The ruling could give a boost to untraceable campaign donations https://www.commondreams.org/views/2021/04/25/much-depends-supreme-courts-review-dark-money-case 24 comments politics
- Boost C++ Libraries v1.76.0 https://www.boost.org/users/history/version_1_76_0.html 24 comments cpp
- Tobacco giant bets £1bn on influencers to boost 'more lung-friendly' sales https://www.theguardian.com/business/2021/feb/20/tobacco-giant-bets-1bn-on-social-media-influencers-to-boost-lung-friendlier-sales?cmp=share_androidapp_other 52 comments worldnews
- Democrats seize on Trump's push for $2,000 stimulus checks for boost in Georgia Senate race https://www.cnbc.com/2020/12/23/democrats-use-trump-2000-stimulus-checks-georgia-senate-race.html 24 comments politics
- [Rapoport] The #Bills are activating standout LB Matt Milano from Injured Reserve to play against the #49ers tonight, source said. A major boost to Buffalo’s defense down the stretch. https://twitter.com/rapsheet/status/1336059910975598595?s=19 20 comments nfl
- Some Tips to Boost Your Sales & Conversions #1 https://drive.google.com/open?id=1oOP-jK65WTtD9xBEjRoPtncZeDdjZMQQ 23 comments shopify
- NRA boosted executive pay while cutting funding for key programs, filing shows https://www.washingtonpost.com/investigations/nra-boosted-executive-pay-while-cutting-funding-for-key-programs-filing-shows/2019/11/26/da4f3f60-0c61-11ea-a49f-9066f51640f6_story.html 12 comments politics
- Sanders’ heart attack could have ended his presidential campaign. Instead, it boosted it https://www.bostonglobe.com/news/politics/2019/11/07/sanders-heart-attack-could-have-ended-his-presidential-campaign-instead-boosted/f7fcjfbz3jyr0mv6bb5nip/story.html 79 comments politics
- Windows 10 to Boost Performance via Favored CPU Core Optimization (Turbo Boost 2.0 and 3.0 chips) https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/microsoft/windows-10-to-boost-performance-via-favored-cpu-core-optimization/ 54 comments hardware
- Plans to combat veterans suicide, boost VA benefits move ahead https://www.militarytimes.com/news/pentagon-congress/2019/05/22/plans-to-combat-veterans-suicide-boost-va-benefits-move-ahead/ 3 comments politics
- A farmer has enrolled 15 sheep at a French primary school to boost pupil numbers https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-48199839 59 comments worldnews
- US Gov gives cryptocurrency the green light - markets respond with an $83 billion one day boost! http://www.globalcryptopress.com/2018/02/us-gov-gives-cryptocurrency-green-light.html 27 comments ethereum
- Putin hails upgraded supersonic bombers that will 'boost Russia's military power http://www.ibtimes.co.uk/putin-hails-upgraded-supersonic-bombers-that-will-boost-russias-military-power-1656705 6 comments worldnews
- Poll: Economic satisfaction is booming, but it’s not boosting Trump http://www.msnbc.com/msnbc/poll-economic-satisfaction-booming-its-not-boosting-trump 6 comments politics
- 'Spectacular' drop in renewable energy costs leads to record global boost - Falling solar and wind prices have led to new power deals across the world despite investment in renewables falling https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2017/jun/06/spectacular-drop-in-renewable-energy-costs-leads-to-record-global-boost 3 comments technology
- How Germany accidentally gave Erodogan a boost ahead of key vote http://www.al-monitor.com/pulse/originals/2017/03/turkey-germany-should-allow-turkish-rallies.html 12 comments europe
- Boost version 1.63.0 http://www.boost.org/users/history/version_1_63_0.html 38 comments cpp
- Trump win could boost push to define fertilized eggs as people https://www.statnews.com/2016/12/09/trump-price-fetal-personhood/ 3 comments politics
- So We Meet Again GPU Boost 3.0 https://www.reddit.com/r/nvidia/comments/4waaq2/so_we_meet_again_gpu_boost_30/ 53 comments nvidia
- A new device is set to give any disposable battery - from AAA to D - eight times its usual lifespan by keeping its voltage boosted to just above what most appliances consider 'dead' http://www.sciencealert.com/this-new-2-50-device-extends-disposable-battery-life-by-800 13 comments technology
- The GOP budgets proposed in Congress would cut about $5 trillion over the next decade. The overwhelming burden would fall on programs that boost working families: education, Medicare and Medicaid, college aid, job training, medical research and rebuilding roads and bridges. http://thehill.com/opinion/op-ed/236658-stark-choices-peoples-budget-vs-republican-plan 321 comments politics
- Evegeny Kiselyov: Putin attacked Ukraine to boost his ratings http://inforesist.org/putin-napal-na-ukrainu-chtoby-povysit-svoj-rejting-evgenij-kiselev/ 42 comments russia
- I just produced a single 488K boost error, any challengers? https://drive.google.com/open?id=0bxsvhvm7imyuzgg4n2xqoep2qu0&authuser=0 27 comments cpp
- Net Neutrality Gets Boost from T-Mobile Campaign https://arctouch.com/2014/07/net-neutrality/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=blog&utm_content=net+neutrality 16 comments technology
- Rd Bull claims new evidence boosts their DSQ appeal https://uk.eurosport.yahoo.com/news/formula-1-new-evidence-boosts-red-bull-appeal-104507920--f1.html 28 comments formula1
- Nepalese farmers go organic with human waste: A free and efficient way to boost production that sells for a higher price http://www.cnn.com/2013/06/04/business/nepal-human-urine-fertilizer/ 4 comments worldnews
- Nazis Took 'Meth' Pills To Stay Alert, Boost Endurance During World War II, Letters Reveal http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/06/04/nazis-meth-world-war-ii_n_3384881.html 4 comments history
- Obama boosted by GOP birth-control stance http://www.mcclatchydc.com/2012/02/21/139479/obama-boosted-by-gop-birth-control.html#storylink=cpy 2 comments politics
- Tim Vickery: Milito form boosts Argentina hopes http://www.bbc.co.uk/blogs/timvickery/2010/05/tim_vickery.html 3 comments soccer