Hacker News
- Javier Milei Champions Bitcoin and Currency Freedom in Argentina's Economic Reform https://dailycoin.com/milei-backs-free-currency-competition-including-bitcoin/ 2 comments bitcoin
- Bitcoin is a ‘critical hedge’ against currency debasement and return of inflation, Jefferies says https://www.cnbc.com/2023/10/05/bitcoin-is-a-critical-hedge-against-currency-debasement-and-return-of-inflation-jefferies-says.html 16 comments cryptocurrency
- Bitcoin Cash currency works, full stop. https://twitter.com/francis105d1/status/1550258108273807361 20 comments btc
- Ukraine already trades more crypto than fiat currency. Now assets like Bitcoin are officially legal https://fortune.com/2022/02/18/ukraine-legalizes-cryptocurrency-bitcoin-russia-digital-assets/ 71 comments cryptocurrency
- Bitcoin & the Currency Wars with Lyn Alden — What Bitcoin Did https://www.whatbitcoindid.com/podcast/bitcoin-the-currency-wars 9 comments bitcoin
- Perth Heat baseball team to pay players in Bitcoin and accept currency for ticket and food sales https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10214467/Perth-Heat-baseball-team-pay-players-Bitcoin-accept-currency-ticket-food-sales.html 6 comments baseball
- Sweden might Drop all Taxes on Crypto because Bitcoin just became a Official Currency in El Salvador https://www.domstol.se/hogsta-forvaltningsdomstolen/avgoranden/2018/41597/ 510 comments cryptocurrency
- Bitcoin transactions on the real estate market: a “pop-art” penthouse in Bucharest with a listing price of 1.7 million euros can also be purchased with virtual currencies https://economedia.ro/bitcoin-transactions-on-the-real-estate-market-a-pop-art-penthouse-in-bucharest-with-a-listing-price-of-1-7-million-euros-can-also-be-purchased-with-virtual-currencies.html 6 comments cryptocurrency
- Bitcoin Jumps Most in 2 Weeks to $36K After El Salvador Passes Currency Law https://www.coindesk.com/bitcoin-bounces-from-two-week-low-as-china-inflation-surges-el-salvador-passes-currency-law 17 comments cryptocurrency
- Bitcoin is now the 6th largest currency in the world, and has overtaken the British pound sterling in monetary base size https://financialoccultist.com/2021/04/14/bitcoin-is-now-the-6th-largest-currency-in-the-world-and-has-overtaken-the-british-pound-sterling-in-monetary-base-size/ 13 comments cryptocurrency
- Deutsche Bank: Bitcoin Now 3rd Largest Currency, Too Important to Ignore https://news.bitcoin.com/deutsche-bank-bitcoin-3rd-largest-currency-too-important-to-ignore/?utm_source=coingecko&utm_content=coingecko&utm_campaign=coingecko&utm_medium=coingecko&utm_term=coingecko 68 comments cryptocurrency
- European Central Bank Dismisses Bitcoin as a Currency https://beincrypto.com/ecb-president-dismisses-bitcoin-currency/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=btc&utm_content=sne 34 comments europe
- Bitcoin Needs to Cross $213,000 To Replace U.S Dollar As a Global Currency: UBS Report https://www.worldcoinindex.com/news/bitcoin-needs-to-cross-213-000-to-replace-u-s-dollar-as-a-global-currency-ubs-report 3 comments btc
- Bitcoin Is a Hit in Countries Where Locals Face Currency Troubles https://www.wsj.com/articles/bitcoin-is-a-hit-in-countries-where-locals-face-currency-troubles-1515067201 10 comments btc
- Bitcoin: Nobel winner says digital currency should be 'outlawed' http://money.cnn.com/2017/12/01/investing/bitcoin-criticism-outlawed/index.html 4 comments btc
- CME to launch bitcoin futures in push for currency's wide adoption http://www.reuters.com/article/us-cme-group-bitcoin/cme-to-launch-bitcoin-futures-in-push-for-currencys-wide-adoption-idUSKBN1D01UG 3 comments btc
- Bitcoin fees are getting high. Should @OpenBazaar support multiple crypto currencies? https://twitter.com/thee_wolf/status/849802746463047681 97 comments ethereum
- 98% of all bitcoin transactions are in the Chinese Currency. https://qz.com/881373/bitcoin-btc-price-crashed-because-of-notices-issued-by-the-peoples-bank-of-china/?utm_source=The+Sinocism+China+Newsletter&utm_campaign=dc004e2e82-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2017_01_11&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_171f237867-dc004e2e82-29619613&mc_cid=dc004e2e82&mc_eid=5157c2365f 3 comments btc
- Bitcoin Will Never Be a Currency - It's Something Way Weirder https://www.wired.com/2017/01/bitcoin-will-never-currency-something-way-weirder/ 12 comments ethereum
- I think Bitcoin has already failed as an alternative currency. https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/5lg2nz/i_think_bitcoin_has_already_failed_as_an/ 100 comments btc
- Bitcoin to be equalled to foreign currency in Russia http://www.coinfox.info/news/5942-bitcoin-to-be-equalled-to-foreign-currency-in-russia 3 comments btc
- Henry Brade: "Bitcoin is the world's first universal currency" https://jaxenter.com/bitcoin-halving-interview-henry-brade-127616.html 3 comments btc
- A bitcoin civil war is threatening to tear the digital currency in two http://uk.businessinsider.com/bitcoin-xt-launches-block-size-debate-hearn-andresen-2015-8 3 comments btc
- Bloomberg: Bitcoin Was World's Worst Currency in 2014 http://www.pcmag.com/article2/0,2817,2474241,00.asp?mailingid=2790f4d2f849d21acbb7eedc2b9cffe0?mailing_id=1137038 3 comments nottheonion
- On Bitcoin Maximalism, and Currency and Platform Network Effects https://blog.ethereum.org/2014/11/20/bitcoin-maximalism-currency-platform-network-effects/ 28 comments ethereum
- Bitcoin: the fastest growing currency in the world - video http://www.guardian.co.uk/technology/video/2013/mar/22/bitcoin-currency-video 25 comments worldnews
- In bankrupt Lebanon, locals mine bitcoin and buy groceries with tether, as $1 in their local currency is now worth 15 cents https://www.cnbc.com/2022/11/05/-in-bankrupt-lebanon-locals-mine-bitcoin-and-buy-groceries-with-tether.html 355 comments cryptocurrency
- Chris Wood hikes exposure to crypto currency; sells gold for Bitcoin https://wap.business-standard.com/article-amp/markets/chris-wood-hikes-exposure-to-crypto-currency-sells-gold-for-bitcoin-121110400830_1.html 14 comments cryptocurrency
- Remember, Bitcoin Cash is the second most used crypto currency in the world most days in terms of the value of the native token sent. https://bitinfocharts.com/comparison/sentinusd-eth-bch.html#1y 11 comments btc
- Cryptocurrency trades in India show no sign of slowing despite clampdown: Far from dumping their investments in bitcoins and altcoins, Indian virtual currency investors double down on the market, driving local prices higher than global trends http://www.livemint.com/politics/kahvtchgc79rc8ugkreeup/cryptocurrency-trades-in-india-show-no-sign-of-slowing-despi.html 15 comments india
- Charlie Lee: "I really want SegWit on Bitcoin, but compromising with Segwit2x is insane in my opinion. This is how a $40B currency go down in flames. ☹️" https://twitter.com/SatoshiLite/status/883627392844963840 43 comments btc
- A confederation of seven Sioux tribes in the US have created a digital currency similar to bitcoin and adopted it as their official national tender. http://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/gadgets-and-tech/mazacoin-native-american-tribe-adopts-bitcoin-derivative-as-national-currency-9165314.html 21 comments worldnews
- Using Bitcoins to pay Chinese Suppliers from Kenya. Bitcoin as a bridge currency. https://twitter.com/pesa_africa/status/812618598443319297 4 comments btc
- The transactional advantages of Bitcoin are dwarfed by its resource-intensive design - Law and policy choices for reducing the energy consumption of Blockchain technologies and digital currencies https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/s2214629618301750?via%3Dihub#! 38 comments science
- Study claims Bitcoin uses as much energy as Ireland, but experts don't agree. The rise in popularity of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies has been met with growing concern about the energy usage required by the thousands of computing systems that power these virtual currencies. http://www.euronews.com/2018/05/18/study-claims-bitcoin-uses-much-energy-ireland-not-so-fast-n875211?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=feed%3A+euronews%2Fen%2Fsci-tech+%28euronews+-+sci-tech+-+en%29 108 comments science
- Hong Kong-based crypto-currency exchange Bitfinex, from which hackers stole about US$72 million worth of bitcoin this week, said on Friday that it expected to "socialize" the losses among bitcoin balances http://www.reuters.com/article/us-bitfinex-hacked-hongkong-iduskcn10g0cz 12 comments worldnews
- Every country has its own currency and works on its own sets of principles. When Bitcoin came into this financial system, it carried weight enough to disrupt all the centralized banking channels and financial institutions. What do the governments feel about this? https://www.techmerge.io/2019/07/18/governments-worldwide-are-shitting-their-pants-metaphorically/ 3 comments india
- PSA for newcomers: Bitcoin Cash is the commerce-friendly branch of Bitcoin. We strongly believe in fostering Bitcoin as a currency used in day-to-day life, and encourage you to spend your BCH. https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/7aeodv/psa_for_newcomers_bitcoin_cash_is_the/ 152 comments btc
- The IMF has previously said that digital currencies - the best known of which is BitCoin - could play a greater role in future in cross-border transactions and in countries where the domestic currency is unstable. http://uk.reuters.com/article/uk-imf-lagarde/imfs-lagarde-says-digital-currencies-could-boost-its-own-sdr-idUKKCN1C41QP?il=0 3 comments btc