Hacker News
- Why the P2P Foundation pays salaries in Bitcoin http://blog.p2pfoundation.net/why-the-p2p-foundation-is-paying-its-salaries-in-bitcoin/2012/03/28 12 comments
- The OpenBSD Foundation now accepts BitCoin donations... http://marc.info/?l=openbsd-misc&m=138550593024643&w=2 4 comments merkle-trees , openbsd
- Luna Foundation Purchases Another $5 Million in Bitcoin, LFG Wallet Holds 42,530 BTC https://blockchaintimes.news/2022/04/15/luna-foundation-purchases-another-5-million-in-bitcoin-lfg-wallet-holds-42530-btc/ 22 comments cryptocurrency
- Luna Foundation Guard Raises $1B for Bitcoin UST Stablecoin Reserve. https://cryptopotato.com/luna-foundation-guard-raises-1b-for-bitcoin-ust-stablecoin-reserve/ 7 comments cryptocurrency
- Justin Trudeau Announced as New VP of Marketing at Bitcoin Foundation https://www.cryptonicle.com/justin-trudeau-announced-as-new-vp-of-marketing-at-bitcoin-foundation/ 213 comments cryptocurrency
- Bitcoin lacks a solid foundation as an international currency https://www.ft.com/content/aee87c1d-b00f-4c22-ab97-97bb2b042342 12 comments cryptocurrency
- Bill Miller Foundation plans to invest up to $ 337 million in bitcoin https://read.cash/@Sam.Hamou/bill-miller-foundation-plans-to-invest-up-to-337-million-in-bitcoin-e1e460cf 3 comments btc
- The Bitcoin Mining Parliament vs a Foundation? https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/j7zno9/the_bitcoin_mining_parliament_vs_a_foundation/ 10 comments btc
- Do not forget the Libertarian foundations of Bitcoin https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/9vcihc/do_not_forget_the_libertarian_foundations_of/ 9 comments btc
- How to Save (Or Destroy) the Bitcoin Foundation http://hoskinsoncharles.blogspot.com/2015/12/how-to-save-or-destroy-bitcoin.html 10 comments ethereum
- Bitcoin Foundation vice chair arrested for money laundering http://www.theguardian.com/technology/2014/jan/27/bitcoin-foundation-vice-chair-arrested-money-laundering 14 comments worldnews
- Nicklaus Children’s Hospital Foundation To Accept Bitcoin Donations https://bitcoinmagazine.com/business/nicklaus-children-hospital-nonprofit-accept-bitcoin-donations?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=feed%3A+bitcoinmagazine+%28bitcoin+magazine%29 6 comments cryptocurrency
- BitMEX and the Human Rights Foundation to Award Bitcoin Developer 150k$ https://coinquora.com/bitmex-and-the-human-rights-foundation-to-award-bitcoin-developer-150k/ 7 comments cryptocurrency
- Human Rights Foundation Donates $210,000 In Bitcoin Ecosystem Grants https://bitcoinmagazine.com/business/hrf-donates-210000-in-bitcoin-grants 7 comments cryptocurrency
- Ethereum Foundation Devcon 5 After Party Features Rare ETH-Bitcoin Cash Networking Chance https://coinspice.io/news/ethereum-foundation-devcon-5-after-party-features-rare-eth-bitcoin-cash-networking-chance/ 3 comments btc
- Immo Foundation - A Rothschild Creation to Beat Bitcoin? - One World Reserve Currency? https://www.youtube.com/watch?amp%3Bt=9s&v=hQNprytBpfM 5 comments btc
- Bitcoin history repeats. Tezos coders fight for power with Foundation - Wrong governance structure again https://qz.com/1106594/tezos-dispute-puts-400-million-raised-in-the-ico-at-risk/ 7 comments btc
- "Bitcoin stands alone in the world as the only currency that’s non-political. It’s the only one that has a shot to be this neutral reserve asset that would be globally restraining equally among all players." says Human Rights Foundation CSO, Alex Gladstein https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vMnZl6LwV34 13 comments bitcoin
- Any foundation whose funding comes from a unilateral decision by Bitcoin ABC will be controlled by ABC https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/i60zac/any_foundation_whose_funding_comes_from_a/ 146 comments btc
- Bolstering Privacy: Human Rights Foundation Donates $50K Toward Bitcoin Mixing Development https://news.bitcoin.com/human-rights-foundation-donates-50k-bitcoin-mixing/ 6 comments btc
- Linux Foundation Will Build a Standard Blockchain, Bitcoin's Core Technology http://www.linuxfoundation.org/news-media/announcements/2015/12/linux-foundation-unites-industry-leaders-advance-blockchain 41 comments linux
- Building a Solid Foundation for Bitcoin Cash Businesses: A Bitcoin ABC Livestream Fri 3 Jul @ 1300 UTC https://twitter.com/Bitcoin_ABC/status/1278401082872541185 8 comments btc
- Even gold is not as secure as un-hackable Bitcoin currency - Bitcoin Foundation CEO https://www.rt.com/shows/sophieco/343136-bitcoin-cryptocurrency-growing-importance/ 5 comments btc
- Kindelia is a new layer 1 I'm developing since I've left the Ethereum Foundation. I want it to be the Bitcoin of the p2p computers. It has very solid foundations and I think its paper deserves a read! https://github.com/Kindelia/Kindelia/blob/master/WHITEPAPER.md 22 comments cryptocurrency
- Tony Hawk Foundation Now Accepts Bitcoin Cash Donations Through BitPay - CoinSpice https://coinspice.io/news/tony-hawk-foundation-now-accepts-bitcoin-cash-donations-through-bitpay/ 5 comments btc
- Electronic Frontier Foundation: "You can now become an EFF member by donating Bitcoin Cash." https://twitter.com/EFF/status/973722550445289473 58 comments btc
- Vice chairman of the Bitcoin Foundation charged by federal prosecutors with conspiring to launder more than $1 million http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2014-01-27/men-tied-to-silk-road-bitcoin-exchange-subject-of-u-s-charges.html 5 comments worldnews
- A new bitcoin-based foundation for the development and deployment of open source and privacy-first blockchain dApps - Particl https://particl.news/particls-next-evolutionary-leap-forward/ 7 comments btc
- Bitcoin Can Be The Foundation Of Human Rights: As it separates money from authorities. Cannot be steered, created, destroyed or controlled in anyone's favor. It is independent, antifragile, democratic and secure. https://bitcoinmagazine.com/culture/bitcoin-the-foundation-of-human-rights 60 comments cryptocurrency
- A tectonic shift is underway for crypto as it takes 'a seat at national security discussions'. Bitcoin is laying down the foundations for a multi-decade bull run that will vindicate early investors. https://www.businessinsider.com/bitcoin-price-bull-run-russia-ukraine-security-crypto-invesing-strategy-2022-3 68 comments cryptocurrency
- I just used Badger Wallet to donate $2 worth of Bitcoin Cash to SENS Research Foundation. This is the organization that Vitalik Buterin has donated millions of dollars worth of Ethereum to. https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/b77f09/i_just_used_badger_wallet_to_donate_2_worth_of/ 5 comments btc
- Former Bitcoin Core Developer Joins Linux Foundation Board Of Directors http://coinjournal.net/jeff-garzik-joins-linux-foundation-board-directors/ 3 comments linux
- The white paper is a foundation that Bitcoin and the whole cryptocurrency sits. What did BTC do? Disregard it. What did BSV do? Decided to rip most of the improvements that would've complemented the white paper's goal of secure transactions on the web. What did BCH do? Built unto the main idea. https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/lku5o0/the_white_paper_is_a_foundation_that_bitcoin_and/ 10 comments btc
- Winklevoss Brothers Sue One of First Bitcoinist Charlie Shrem, the CEO of Bitinstant and the Founder of Bitcoin Foundation https://www.cryptovibes.com/crypto-news/winklevoss-brothers-sue-one-of-first-bitcoinist-charlie-shrem/ 3 comments btc
- Fact: proof of work which is the foundation of bitcoin and not invented by Adam back was designed to counter attacks where one person falsely represents to be many(like spam). Subreddits and twitter dont form the foundation of bitcoin for a reason. https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/741k89/fact_proof_of_work_which_is_the_foundation_of/ 31 comments btc
- Saylor: "We could create $100 trillion of value in the real world simply by building applications on top of Bitcoin as a foundation. Continually trying to reinvent the wheel and create competitive things is a massive waste of time, and it's a diversion of human creativity." https://podclips.com/c/vKeiWB?d=2022-09-19&m=true&ss=r&ss2=bitcoin 53 comments bitcoin
- Bitcoin Foundation Chairman Brock Pierce discusses his advice to government officials, including New York City Mayor-elect Eric Adams, on their efforts to adopt cryptocurrencies and his own political aspirations. He speaks on “Quicktake Stock.” https://www.bloomberg.com/news/videos/2021-11-24/the-man-helping-guide-nyc-mayor-elect-s-crypto-vision-video 2 comments cryptocurrency
- Emin Gün Sirer in 2013: "Now is a good time to sell your Bitcoins." Similar to charlatans like Faketoshi, he peddled "bitcoin is broken". Then he created his own coin to fix Bitcoin's problem.. but somehow 60% of supply is owned by "foundation". Today this centralised shitcoin is entering top 10 https://nitter.net/el33th4xor/status/397219415025934336 83 comments cryptocurrency
- FEE.org (Foundation for Economic Education) accepts Bitcoin donations, but not Bitcoin Cash donations. Let's reach out to them & educate them about the difference, and see if they will start accepting BCH. :) https://fee.org/donate/other#bx8 9 comments btc