- Bernie Sanders Wants College To Be Free For All, and The Republicans Hate Him for It. http://www.politicalpeopleblog.com/bernie-sanders-wants-college-to-be-free-for-all-and-the-republicans-hate-him-for-it/#sthash.hqeuhhgl.sfju 28 comments politics
- Bernie Sanders Wants College To Be Free For All, and The Republicans Hate Him for It. http://www.politicalpeopleblog.com/bernie-sanders-wants-college-to-be-free-for-all-and-the-republicans-hate-him-for-it/#sthash.7s7dknlj.sfju 8 comments politics
- Bernie Sanders Wants College To Be Free For All, and The Republicans Hate Him for It http://www.politicalpeopleblog.com/bernie-sanders-wants-college-to-be-free-for-all-and-the-republicans-hate-him-for-it/#sthash.gh0v7w0l.sfju 14 comments politics
- Want to retire in comfort? Back Bernie Sanders on free college tuition http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2016/mar/15/bernie-sanders-free-college-tuition-plan-better-retirement 119 comments politics
- Bernie Sanders Wants To Tax Wall Street To Pay For Free College https://www.huffpost.com/entry/bernie-sanders-tax-wall-street-free-college_n_607f8f06e4b03fc5b215fea6 1087 comments politics
- Bernie Sanders still wants tuition-free college http://money.cnn.com/2017/04/04/pf/college/bernie-sanders-tuition-free-college/index.html 5 comments politics
- Bernie Sanders still wants tuition-free college http://money.cnn.com/2017/04/04/pf/college/bernie-sanders-tuition-free-college/index.html?sr=twcnn040417bernie-sanders-tuition-free-college0720pmstorylink&linkid=36185323 58 comments politics
- Bernie Sanders wants to Make College Tuition Free. Here's why We Should Take Him Seriously. http://www.slate.com/blogs/moneybox/2015/05/19/bernie_sanders_free_college_plan_make_wall_street_pay_for_higher_education.html 19 comments politics
- Bernie Sanders Wants to Tax Stock Trades to Pay for Free College http://www.bloomberg.com/politics/articles/2015-05-18/bernie-sanders-wants-to-tax-stock-trades-to-pay-for-free-college 1626 comments politics
- "Senator Bernie Sanders wants it. Until the Vietnam War, most public colleges and universities had it. So what happened to our tuition-free public universities and colleges?" http://www.huffingtonpost.com/harlan-green/what-happened-to-tuition_b_10240514.html 420 comments politics
- Bernie Sanders wants a new $2.4 billion Wall-Street tax to pay for free college education in the US https://www.businessinsider.com/bernie-sanders-college-plan-free-education-tax-wall-street-2021-4 412 comments politics
- Bernie Sanders’s free college proposal just got a whole lot bigger: Sanders wants to cancel all student loan debt. https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2019/6/23/18714615/bernie-sanders-free-college-for-all-2020-student-loan-debt 247 comments politics
- Vermont Senator and presidential candidate Bernie Sanders has introduced legislation that would make the first four years of college free for Americans. | He wants the rich to pay for it. This guy is literally Robin Hood, but what happens when the rich start to move their wealth? https://www.ringoffireradio.com/2015/05/tyt-bernie-sanders-free-college-for-all/ 11 comments politics