Hacker News
- Estonia: Become an E-Resident https://www.e-resident.gov.ee/become-an-e-resident/ 214 comments
- Become Estonia’s e-resident http://e-estonia.com/e-residents/become-e-resident/ 122 comments
- Why are so many digital nomads becoming “e-Residents” of Estonia? https://blog.leapin.eu/why-are-so-many-digital-nomads-becoming-e-residents-of-estonia-80b0997285d 7 comments
- Become Estonia’s e-resident! http://e-estonia.com/e-residents/become-e-resident/ 6 comments europe
- For 50 Euros and a thumbprint you can now become an e-resident of Estonia. http://www.abc.net.au/7.30/content/2014/s4136006.htm 11 comments worldnews
- COMING SOON: Become Estonia’s e-resident! http://e-estonia.com/e-residents/become-e-resident/ 45 comments europe
- Estonia to become first country to offer e-residency | The Rundown http://www.pbs.org/newshour/rundown/estonia-become-first-country-offer-e-residency/ 6 comments worldnews
- The Estonian plan to let anyone become European – digitally: Estonia's government has launched a plan to bring e-resident ID cards to the country — meaning anyone can apply to be an Estonian citizen, whether they've set foot in the country or not. http://www.zdnet.com/this-is-so-freaking-huge-man-its-insane-the-plan-to-let-anyone-become-european-digitally-7000029486/#ftag=rssbaffb68 4 comments europe