Hacker News
- Brightwork.io (a backend-as-a-service) will be launching on August 1st. Looking for some early adopters! http://signup.brightwork.io 7 comments angularjs
- I made a backend service for Unity https://gamefuse.co/ql/1 10 comments unity3d
- How we use Kotlin for backend services at Zalando https://engineering.zalando.com/posts/2021/07/kotlin-for-backend-services.html 5 comments kotlin
- How to set a TCP service backend in traefik? https://www.reddit.com/r/docker/comments/bk1ef8/how_to_set_a_tcp_service_backend_in_traefik/ 3 comments docker
- Wire is open sourcing their backend (services) over time https://github.com/wireapp/wire-server 11 comments selfhosted
- What is BaaS (Backend as a Service)? / Baas with Usergrid http://www.nbrogi.com/2014/08/baas/?w 7 comments webdev
- What is BaaS (Backend as a Service)? / Baas with Usergrid http://www.nbrogi.com/2014/08/baas/ 6 comments sysadmin
- Music Backend As A Service? http://soundkeep.com/api 8 comments javascript
- The Rise of GraphQL API Backend as a Service. https://www.ketaniralepatil.com/blog/the-rise-of-graphql-api-backend-as-aservice/ 3 comments programming
- C++ Backend Service Framework https://www.reddit.com/r/cpp/comments/afh0mo/c_backend_service_framework/ 38 comments cpp
- Best backend services for my game? https://www.reddit.com/r/gamedev/comments/6oyb6k/best_backend_services_for_my_game/ 26 comments gamedev
- How to dynamically forward traefik backend from a service https://www.reddit.com/r/docker/comments/6kunc8/how_to_dynamically_forward_traefik_backend_from_a/ 6 comments docker
- Help choosing mobile backend service https://www.reddit.com/r/gamedev/comments/6wgk8q/help_choosing_mobile_backend_service/ 3 comments gamedev
- Slash GraphQL - a fully managed GraphQL backend service https://blog.graphqleditor.com/slash-graphql/ 17 comments programming
- Backend As A Service with Go, Gin, Mysql & Docker https://nizu.tech/go-blog-1 5 comments golang
- How to get backend and frontend service communicating in K8's https://github.com/HarleyB123/SunsetSunriseMVC 3 comments kubernetes
- DoorDash: Migrating From Python to Kotlin for Our Backend Services https://doordash.engineering/2021/05/04/migrating-from-python-to-kotlin-for-our-backend-services/ 899 comments programming
- Official BaaS (Backend as a Service) Discord for Multiplayer Gamedevs https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1x0eok6EZzigar_K3QNdzTYNhp5NLywLGqBuopKiVzao/edit#gid=0 14 comments gamedev
- code.store : A new TypeScript & GraphQL backend as a service in beta. https://www.reddit.com/r/typescript/comments/iv50px/codestore_a_new_typescript_graphql_backend_as_a/ 6 comments typescript
- Is there a backend service I can pay for that'll host our user generated content? https://www.reddit.com/r/gamedev/comments/6pq1h7/is_there_a_backend_service_i_can_pay_for_thatll/ 7 comments gamedev
- Graphcool - GraphQL Backend as a Service, Firebase competitor https://www.graph.cool/ 27 comments javascript
- Brightwork (a Backend as a Service) is launching on Aug. 1st. Looking for early adopters! http://signup.brightwork.io 6 comments reactjs
- carrier: a single email message object with swappable delivery service backends https://hg.code.netlandish.com/~petersanchez/carrier 3 comments golang
- How is scala as microservices-based backend for web service? https://github.com/libreforge-org/libreforge 13 comments scala
- Security best practices for external access to backend services on our cluster https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sra 4 comments kubernetes
- C++11 web-application framework designed for the backend micro-service development. https://github.com/tdv/mif 21 comments cpp
- We've just launched a multiplayer API. We're looking for advice on what to add to our game backend service next. https://gameup.io/blog/2015/06/05/multiplayer-battle-the-world/ 10 comments gamedev
- PageTranslate.oxt - v1.9 (new backend services, config dialog, bugfixes, etc) https://freshcode.club/projects/pagetranslate.oxt 5 comments libreoffice
- How to prevent your game backend service from being accessed by other than your released game binaries in a F2P game? https://www.reddit.com/r/gamedev/comments/a3mw04/how_to_prevent_your_game_backend_service_from/ 16 comments gamedev
- Distributed Systems with Node.js: Building Enterprise-Ready Backend Services (2020, O'Reilly) https://www.amazon.com/distributed-systems-node-js-building-enterprise-ready/dp/1492077291 13 comments javascript
- Distributed Systems with Node.js: Building Enterprise-Ready Backend Services (2020, O'Reilly) https://shop.aer.io/oreilly/p/distributed-systems-with/9781492077299-9149 29 comments node
- I would like to build and deploy a full-stack service (frontend, backend, DB) on AWS. Which are the current best practice? Which AWS service should I use? How to configure them? (details in post) https://github.com/awslabs/aws-serverless-express 51 comments aws
- GitHub - appwrite/appwrite: Open-source end-to-end backend as a service for web & mobile 🚀 https://appwrite.io/docs/account 19 comments node
- Imaginary Username on Twitter: rest.imaginary.cash is now online for BCH mainnet, providing full services with an (almost) completely independent backend. Feel free to use it for development, redundancy, and smaller projects; please be considerate! https://twitter.com/im_uname/status/1155182803077566464 23 comments btc
- Someone told me that you guys might be interested in this - A spreadsheet I made with tons of unbiased, independently verifiable data on over 100 VPN services (Including those that only use FOSS backends and support tools) https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1fjtvwt5rhfsyueofvpaeqjuqpu4bvzboigt0xebxtow/edit?usp=sharing 175 comments linux
- Apple creating new software platform to unify its cloud services, based off Siri’s open-source backend http://9to5mac.com/2015/09/15/apple-new-cloud-platform-open-source/ 10 comments apple
- Apple price demands for next-gen iPhone's 'A9' chip could slow TSMC output - "Samsung has reportedly agreed to Apple's demands, going so far as to provide "almost-free" backend services for the chips, with the hope of becoming Apple's primary source." http://appleinsider.com/articles/15/08/11/apple-price-demands-for-next-gen-iphones-a9-chip-could-slow-tsmc-output 35 comments apple
- Formspree, a service for sending e-mails from an HTML form without backend http://formspree.io/ 71 comments webdev
- Finagle is Twitter's fault tolerant, protocol-agnostic RPC framework built atop Netty. Twitter’s core services are built on Finagle, from backends serving user profile information, Tweets, and timelines to front end API endpoints handling HTTP requests https://blog.twitter.com/2014/netty-at-twitter-with-finagle 6 comments programming