Hacker News
- AWS S3 beginning to apply 2 security best practices all new buckets by default https://aws.amazon.com/about-aws/whats-new/2023/04/amazon-s3-two-security-best-practices-buckets-default/ 35 comments
- Are Your AWS S3 Buckets Secure ? https://towardsdatascience.com/are-your-aws-s3-buckets-secure-5cc07f63788?sk=3938670e8684e35c35d3661c4c4feddf&source=friends_link 4 comments aws
- Building a Secure Amazon S3 Bucket (AWS) https://www.fugue.co/blog/building-a-secure-amazon-s3-bucket-aws 8 comments netsec
- Is copying an S3 bucket from one AWS account to another AWS account secure in transit? https://medium.com/tensult/copy-s3-bucket-objects-across-aws-accounts-e46c15c4b9e1 4 comments aws
- How Automatically Created S3 Buckets Could Pose a Security Risk in AWS https://thehackernews.com/2024/08/experts-uncover-severe-aws-flaws.html 21 comments aws