- Trump tweets: “The crime rate in California is high enough.” California is a safer-than-average state. https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2018/4/19/17257344/trump-tweet-california-crime-immigration 6 comments politics
- Trump tweets: “The crime rate in California is high enough.” California is a safer-than-average state. https://www.vox.com/platform/amp/policy-and-politics/2018/4/19/17257344/trump-tweet-california-crime-immigration 904 comments politics
- Researchers have developed a system that can simultaneously deliver watts of power and transmit data at rates high enough to stream video over the same wireless connection. By integrating power and high-speed data, a true single "wireless" connection can be achieved https://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2017-09/ncsu-riw091817.php#.wb_bqizpnw0.reddit 10 comments technology
- High suicide rates, 200 days of winter, not enough babies. How is Finland so happy? https://nationalpost.com/news/world/world-happiness-report-finland-happiest-country 12 comments worldnews
- Are Rates High Enough? Fed Resets Clock on Interest-Rate Cuts https://finance.yahoo.com/news/rates-high-enough-fed-resets-110000692.html 70 comments stocks
- [Jones] Vlade Divac said the point guard they wanted (Dunn) was gone so they traded down. Didn't have one rated high enough to take at 13 https://twitter.com/mr_jasonjones/status/746204917769986049 37 comments nba
- Fed officials ponder whether rates high enough as inflation expectations jump https://www.msn.com/en-us/money/markets/fed-officials-ponder-whether-rates-high-enough-as-inflation-expectations-jump/ar-BB1maXu0?cvid=70dbc71013a944a49e1b865aaad465b4&ei=80&ocid=hpmsn 85 comments stocks
- To Fed: Your rate hikes aren't slowing inflation bc inflation is coming from big corporations using the cover of inflation to increase their prices...Your rate hikes would have to be VERY high...enough to plunge the economy into a deep recession...We need windfall profits tax + antitrust enforcement https://twitter.com/RBReich/status/1580666979324551168?s=20&t=rmoxvQfFF2j5NxgYwnSsEA 119 comments economics
- People who rate themselves as highly knowledgeable about a new infectious disease threat could also be more likely to believe they don’t know enough, a new study suggests. Newly published study involved Zika virus and may have implications for COVID-19. https://news.osu.edu/knowing-more-about-a-virus-threat-may-not-satisfy-you/ 11 comments science
- Chris Christie's star is shining bright. How long can it last? - Polls show Gov. Chris Christie – who is seeking reelection – with sky-high approval ratings, thanks to his handling of hurricane Sandy. Whether that lasts long enough for a presidential bid remains to be seen. http://www.csmonitor.com/usa/dc-decoder/decoder-wire/2012/1127/chris-christie-s-star-is-shining-bright.-how-long-can-it-last 14 comments politics
- Drug War: Alaska Cops Target Home-Brew Ingredients - Owning yeast and sugar isn't enough to get you arrested in most places. But in some communities of rural Alaska, the high rate of alcohol abuse has caused voters to ban booze along with possession of the supplies to make it at home. http://www.adn.com/2011/07/18/1973815/home-brew-ingredients-catch-the.html 39 comments politics
- 6 things you need to know about STEM: "STEM jobs are growing at 1.7 times the rate of non-STEM jobs, and the U.S. is simply not producing enough candidates to fill them. Only 16% of high school seniors are interested in pursuing STEM careers, according to the Department of Education." http://money.cnn.com/2014/09/25/smallbusiness/stem-facts/index.html?iid=hp_ln 42 comments politics
- One thing everyone seems to agree on is that we need more science graduates (i.e., science, technology, engineering, and math). There are not enough people taking science degrees and something must be done. Yet we seem to have an awfully high unemployment rate for science graduates. Why? http://www.braincrave.com/viewblog.php?id=606 203 comments science
- TIL that there are people in this world stupid enough to think Planned Parenthood has an agenda against black people and secretly wants their race extinct. Instead of blaming high abortion rates on poverty or ghetto mentality, lets blame Planned Parenthood! http://blackgenocide.org/planned.html 10 comments politics
- "At what point is a customer’s electricity rate high enough to justify rooftop solar on a financial basis? ... I’ll throw out a number: 15 cents." – Dan Gearino, Inside Climate News #GlobalCarbonFeeAndDividendPetition https://insideclimatenews.org/news/19102023/inside-clean-energy-15-cent-rule-residential-solar-adoption-electricity-rates/ 3 comments climate
- Oxfam believes tax rates on the top 1% should be high enough to reduce their numbers and wealth significantly. The funds should then be redistributed. One way to do that would be through global carbon fee-and-dividend #GlobalCarbonFeeAndDividendPetition https://edition.cnn.com/2023/01/15/business/top-1-wealth-oxfam-davos/index.html 22 comments climate
- [Katie Campione] WS Dodgers-Yankees Showdown Should Help MLB Hit Ratings Highs, But Will That Be Enough To End Media Rights Slugfest? ESPN & MLB have a mutual opt-out of $550M Deal. 41M viewers tuned in 6 games for the last Yankees/Dodgers WS in 1981. That number is basically an impossibility today. https://deadline.com/2024/10/world-series-ratings-yankees-dodgers-1236157523/ 39 comments baseball
- Arctic to be ‘functionally ice-free’ in the next 50 years, study says | If the Earth continues at its current rate of greenhouse gas emissions, Arctic sea ice would regress to levels not high enough to perform its function of reflecting heat — levels that can be reached as early as September 2044 https://globalnews.ca/news/6220789/arctic-functionally-ice-free-study/ 404 comments worldnews