- Europeans care more about elephants than people, says Botswana president | Wildlife https://www.theguardian.com/global-development/2024/apr/17/europeans-care-more-about-elephants-than-people-says-botswana-president-aoe 21 comments nature
- Elephants Are People Too https://www.prindlepost.org/2020/12/elephants-are-people-too/ 2 comments philosophy
- People on Twitter Are Upset That President Trump Lifted an Elephant Poaching Ban http://time.com/5027350/donald-trump-elephant-ban-jr/?utm_campaign=time&utm_source=twitter.com&utm_medium=social&xid=time_socialflow_twitter 4 comments politics
- People on Twitter Are Upset That President Trump Lifted an Elephant Poaching Ban http://time.com/5027350/donald-trump-elephant-ban-jr/ 5 comments politics
- In Tanzania, people replace spears with chilli-powder-firecracker condoms to drive away elephants http://indianexpress.com/article/trending/trending-globally/chilli-powder-condoms-firecrackers-boost-tanzania-elephant-protection-2975047/ 3 comments nottheonion
- 5 shocking videos of elephants killing people http://www.dancewithshadows.com/society/elephants-killing-video-2.asp 9 comments reddit.com
- Namibia to auction 170 wild elephants, saying rising numbers threaten people https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/dec/03/namibia-to-auction-170-wild-elephants-saying-rising-numbers-threaten-people?cmp=share_iosapp_other 9 comments worldnews
- Seven people killed 'from heroin batches spiked by anaesthetic used on elephants' http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/seven-people-killed-from-heroin-10370234 5 comments worldnews
- Wild Elephants Kill 5 People In India In Separate Attacks http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/elephants-kill-people-india_us_56f02da2e4b03a640a6b26af?cps=gravity_2425_-8993265734635300381 3 comments worldnews
- GoDaddy.com CEO shoots elephant to protect "crops" and "feed" people... http://mashable.com/2011/03/31/godaddy-ceo-elephant/ 3 comments reddit.com
- Are Elephants People? New York's Highest Court Hears Case for Animal Personhood https://reason.com/2022/05/19/are-elephants-people-new-yorks-highest-court-hears-case-for-animal-personhood/ 36 comments goldandblack
- The Plutocratic War on People: Centrists and Conservatives are Ignoring the Giant Elephant in Our National Living Room https://www.commondreams.org/views/2019/09/14/plutocratic-war-people-centrists-and-conservatives-are-ignoring-giant-elephant-our 6 comments politics
- Rothschilds expelling people from their land in Cameroon to operate a safari to hunt elephants http://www.survivalinternational.org/news/11487 84 comments worldnews
- Death tolls mount as elephants and people compete for land in Sri Lanka: Conservationists plead for coexistence as shrinking forests drive conflict, with elephant deaths doubling in a decade https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2024/mar/19/sri-lanka-elephants-people-deaths-natural-resources-climate-crisis-coexistence-aoe 4 comments environment
- The fertility paradox – poverty vs prosperity - With a predicted peak of 11 billion people by 2090, this one elephant in the room has become not just a talking point, but a whole herd of elephants. https://spectator.com.au/2022/04/the-fertility-paradox-poverty-vs-prosperity/ 1146 comments futurology
- Climate change: Elephants killing and injuring people due to drought - Conservationists are collaring the giant mammals and tracking them to try to avoid rising clashes between humans and animals. https://news.sky.com/story/climate-change-elephants-killing-and-injuring-people-due-to-drought-11878598 4 comments worldnews
- Elephant named after Osama bin Laden kills five people in Assam. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/asia/elephant-osama-bin-laden-kills-people-assam-india-a9182511.html 11 comments india
- Apple is working to restore African grasslands to curb climate change and save elephants: “By restoring tens of thousands of hectares in the Chyulu Hills, we can remove carbon from the air, protect a critical wildlife corridor for elephants, and support the livelihoods of the Maasai people.” https://www.fastcompany.com/90408802/apple-is-paying-to-restore-african-grasslands-to-curb-climate-change-and-save-the-elephants 23 comments technology
- Apple is working to restore African grasslands to curb climate change and save elephants: “By restoring tens of thousands of hectares in the Chyulu Hills, we can remove carbon from the air, protect a critical wildlife corridor for elephants, and support the livelihoods of the Maasai people.” https://www.fastcompany.com/90408802/apple-is-paying-to-restore-african-grasslands-to-curb-climate-change-and-save-the-elephants 37 comments apple
- Apple is working to restore African grasslands to curb climate change and save elephants: “By restoring tens of thousands of hectares in the Chyulu Hills, we can remove carbon from the air, protect a critical wildlife corridor for elephants, and support the livelihoods of the Maasai people.” https://www.fastcompany.com/90408802/apple-is-paying-to-restore-african-grasslands-to-curb-climate-change-and-save-the-elephants? 4 comments worldnews
- Elephants killed over 2,300 people in last five years: Environment Ministry https://www.thehindu.com/sci-tech/energy-and-environment/elephants-killed-over-2300-people-in-last-five-years-environment-ministry/article28208456.ece?homepage=true 7 comments india
- Video shows 'shocking cruelty' towards elephants at Jungle Book themed resort sold by top UK travel agencies: TUI and Thomas Cook allegedly booked UK tourists on trips to attraction, where elephants are kept chained up and forced to give rides to as many as three people at a time. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/asia/elephants-pointed-sticks-goa-india-resort-uk-tourists-wildlife-sos-a8458771.html 17 comments worldnews
- Elephant poachers killed three rangers in Congo's Garamba wildlife park and wounded two other people including the Swedish park manager. http://www.reuters.com/article/us-congodemocratic-poachers-attack-iduskcn0xm0tz 332 comments worldnews
- TIL that the concept of the cyclops monster from Greek mythology probably originated from people finding a dwarf elephant skull http://listoffigures.files.wordpress.com/2010/04/dwarf-elephant-skull-ghar-dalam-museum.jpg 3 comments reddit.com
- GoDaddy CEO illegally hunts elephants in poor countries and then lets the people scavenger the corpse while wearing GoDaddy branded hats (video) http://www.businessinsider.com/godaddy-ceo-videotapes-himself-killing-an-elephant-2011-3 58 comments web_design
- Elephant Man who staged daring WWII rescues of people stranded in Japanese held Burma over flood waters into British India http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-11652782 4 comments history
- While nations rally to reduce their carbon emissions, and try to adapt at-risk places to hotter conditions, there is an elephant in the room: for large portions of the world, local conditions are becoming too extreme and there is no way to adapt. People will have to move to survive. https://time.com/6209432/climate-change-where-we-will-live/ 9 comments climate
- Elephants in Ambosheli National Park, Kenya terrorizing the neighborhoods by breaking into businesses and people's homes to lick and eat sugar. https://www.standardmedia.co.ke/amp/coast/article/2001422650/spectacle-of-the-wild-as-elephants-break-into-taita-taveta-homes-to-lick-sugar 28 comments worldnews
- Elephant population in the Sambisa forest, a game reserve the size of Belgium and Netherlands, effectively doubled due to Boko Haram keeping people out for the past 10 years http://www.rfi.fr/en/africa/20191225-nigeria-elephant-herd-sighted-northeast-borno-state-boko-haram-warzone 14 comments science
- Ocasio-Cortez Says 'Elephant in the Room' Is Senate Democrats Blocking Their Own Party's Agenda | "The argument that we need to make here," the New York Democrat said of bipartisanship's dead end, "is that it's worth going it alone if we can do more for working people in this country." https://www.commondreams.org/news/2021/06/13/ocasio-cortez-says-elephant-room-senate-democrats-blocking-their-own-partys-agenda 663 comments politics
- A record number of elephants - 361 - have died in Sri Lanka during 2019, environmental groups say: It is highest figure of elephant deaths to be reported since Sri Lanka became independent in 1948, conservationists said. Most were killed by people. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-51076898 8 comments worldnews
- More than a dozen people were injured after an elephant ran amok at a religious festival in Sri Lanka. It is another elephant-related controversy for Sri Lanka after photos emerged last month showing a starving 70-year-old female forced to don a colourful costume hiding her emaciated body. https://metro.co.uk/2019/09/09/elephant-injures-17-going-rampage-religious-festival-10709682/ 3 comments worldnews
- Chris Broussard: "The other elephant in the room, the ESPN article that Magic alluded to. There has been talk months that an article ESPN was working on about Magic's treatment of people in the [Lakers] Organization. The impression is that the Lakers and the League got ESPN not to do that article" https://streamable.com/6po7l 46 comments nba
- 125,000 people sign petition demanding Canada ban trade in elephant ivory. Current ban in Canada affects only that from elephants killed since 1990. Diffculty in dating ivory, however, makes it easy for people to hide more recent ivory among legal products. https://www.thestar.com/news/canada/2018/03/18/125000-people-sign-petition-demanding-canada-ban-trade-in-elephant-ivory.html 47 comments worldnews
- 'Very-Very Dangerous People' who target those fighting elephant poaching - Three people have been charged with the murder of elephant conservationist Wayne Lotter, who was gunned down in Tanzania. Also, last week the British government announced plans to ban the ivory trade altogether. https://sputniknews.com/africa/201710131058211539-elephant-conservationist-tanzania-murder/ 43 comments worldnews
- Marauding elephant could be shot after killing 15 people in India - Wildlife officials say something must be done to end animal’s months-long rampage that has left villagers living in fear https://www.theguardian.com/world/2017/aug/09/elephant-marauding-could-shot-killing-15-people-india 2 comments worldnews
- Canada seizes 50 million doses of the elephant tranquilizer that’s killing people - Carfentanil is a synthetic drug typically used to sedate elephants & other large wild animals. The package intercepted at a Vancouver mailing center originated in China & was falsely marked as printer accessories. https://news.vice.com/article/canada-just-seized-50-million-doses-of-the-elephant-tranquilizer-thats-killing-people 30 comments worldnews
- Footage of Blockchain conference in Kiev with well-known people such as Slock.it's Christoph Jentzsch and ex-Stellar Pavel Kravchenko (ab)used to promote its sponsor Elephant https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LsZv5CZqk9w 10 comments ethereum
- Animals kill seven people in seven weeks, says Malawi wildlife park: New managers of Liwonde national park say elephants and crocodiles have killed three poachers inside, and four people outside, the unfenced park. http://www.theguardian.com/world/2015/sep/29/animals-kill-seven-people-in-seven-weeks-says-malawi-wildlife-park 10 comments worldnews
- India: Nearly 300 Wild Elephant Deaths in Orissa, Over 1/3 Killed by Electric Shock & Hanging Electricity Wires - Other causes of deaths include poaching, poisoning by farmers, & being hit by trains. Shrinking habitat has led to conflict with people & the deaths of many of the protected animals. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-india-20150702 4 comments worldnews