Hacker News
- BRICS Digital Currency: Cryptocurrency on a Public Blockchain https://illya.sh/blog/posts/brics-cryptocurrency-blockchain/ 43 comments
- Russians liquidating crypto in UAE in hunt for safe havens: Cryptocurrency exchanges say they’re taking steps to ensure digital currency is not used to evade sanctions https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2022/3/12/russians-liquidating-crypto-in-the-uae-as-they-seek-safe-havens 14 comments economy
- Before Launching A Digital Currency, President Biden Wants To Learn More About Cryptocurrencies https://bobosandwojaks.com/before-launching-a-digital-currency-president-biden-wants-to-learn-more-about-cryptocurrencies/ 9 comments bitcoin
- Cryptocurrency payments have taken flight at Fast Private Jet in Italy, with one-third of bookings being paid using digital currency since the company introduced the payment option last year https://www.pymnts.com/cryptocurrency/2021/crypto-payments-take-flight-at-fast-private-jet-with-33-of-bookings-paid-in-emoney/ 2 comments cryptocurrency
- AMC announces cryptocurrency payments including 3 currencies, with plans for 1 more https://www.benzinga.com/markets/cryptocurrency/21/11/24053437/amc-begins-accepting-bitcoin-ethereum-and-2-other-cryptos-ceo-says-dogecoin-next 73 comments wallstreetbets
- Cryptocurrency: everything you need to know about investing in digital currencies https://www.usatoday.com/videos/money/2021/11/05/cryptocurrency-hot-new-trend-some-investors/6299076001/ 9 comments cryptocurrency
- Edward Snowden Calls CBDCs 'Cryptofascist Currency' — 'Closer to Being a Perversion of Cryptocurrency' https://news.bitcoin.com/edward-snowden-calls-cbdcs-cryptofascist-currency-closer-to-being-a-perversion-of-cryptocurrency/ 29 comments cryptocurrency
- While running out of FUD ideas, Marketwatch now starts a narrative that the cryptocurrency is "A currency of the radical right". https://www.marketwatch.com/story/domestic-extremism-isnt-purely-domestic-how-cryptocurrency-follows-radical-right-ideology-across-international-frontiers-01633132654 43 comments cryptocurrency
- Coin Cloud, a digital currency provider, announced it is depositing cryptocurrency machines into more than two dozen H-E-B stores https://www.chron.com/business/technology/article/h-e-b-cryptocurrency-bitcoin-machines-16257509.php?utm_campaign=cms%20sharing%20tools%20(premium)&utm_source=t.co&utm_medium=referral 12 comments cryptocurrency
- Ukraine is the latest country to legalize bitcoin, as the cryptocurrency slowly goes global — Unlike El Salvador’s move this week to adopt bitcoin as legal tender, Ukraine’s crypto law does not put bitcoin on an equal footing with the hryvnia, the country’s national currency. https://www.nbcnews.com/business/business-news/ukraine-latest-country-legalize-bitcoin-cryptocurrency-slowly-goes-global-n1278789 2 comments business
- If someone asks how a CBDC (Central Bank Digital Currency) is different from a real cryptocurrency, what do you say? https://thehificrypto.substack.com/p/cbdc-the-future-of-fiat 23 comments cryptocurrency
- 76% of finance professionals believe cryptocurrency will rival or replace fiat currency within 5 to 10 years according to Deloitte survey https://www2.deloitte.com/us/en/insights/topics/understanding-blockchain-potential/global-blockchain-survey.html 20 comments cryptocurrency
- Fed Chair Jerome Powell Says 'You Wouldn’t Need Cryptocurrencies if You Had a Digital US Currency' https://news.bitcoin.com/fed-chair-jerome-powell-you-wouldnt-need-cryptocurrencies-if-you-had-digital-us-currency/ 37 comments cryptocurrency
- UAE to issue its own 'Govcoin' digital currency amid the rise of cryptocurrency https://www.arabianbusiness.com/alternative-assets/466003-uae-to-issue-its-own-govcoin-digital-currency-amid-the-rise-of-cryptocurrency 5 comments cryptocurrency
- The reason cryptocurrency can never be a currency, is because it would destroy the commercial banking system….Here’s some fresh #FUD for you. https://www.thestar.com/business/opinion/2021/07/05/why-cryptocurrencies-cannot-be-currencies.html 15 comments cryptocurrency
- Top 5 cryptocurrencies to watch this week: BTC, ETH, ADA, SOL, THETA - BTC Ethereum Crypto Currency Blog https://www.btcethereum.com/blog/2021/06/07/top-5-cryptocurrencies-to-watch-this-week-btc-eth-ada-sol-theta/ 7 comments cryptocurrency
- Bitcoin’s growing energy problem: ‘It’s a dirty currency’ - Elon Musk has highlighted the cryptocurrency’s environmental impact and governments are starting to take notice https://www.ft.com/content/1aecb2db-8f61-427c-a413-3b929291c8ac 18 comments technology
- Cryptocurrency Is Now Worth More Than All US Currency in Circulation https://futurism.com/the-byte/cryptocurrency-worth-more-than-us-currency-circulation 32 comments cryptocurrency
- Economic downturn fueling Argentine crypto craze - Argentina's economic downturn, with high inflation, a deflating currency and a shortage of US dollars to invest in, has in fact proved a shot in the arm for one sector: cryptocurrency. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/economic-downturn-fueling-argentine-crypto-craze/ar-bb1gkrkd 6 comments cryptocurrency
- Turkey continues to Harass Cryptocurrency to Protect its double digit inflating FIAT Currency https://www.hindustantimes.com/world-news/turkey-adds-cryptocurrency-exchanges-to-terror-funding-rules-101619865537509.html 8 comments cryptocurrency
- Cryptocurrencies Are the Next Frontier for the Surveillance State - Countries are launching digital currencies to rival Bitcoin—and opening up new ways to snoop on their citizens in the process. https://newrepublic.com/article/161894/bitcoin-digital-wallet-currency-surveillance 21 comments cryptocurrency
- Mark Cuban on his cryptocurrency portfolio: ‘I own a lot of Ethereum because I think it’s the closest to a true currency’ https://www.cnbc.com/2021/04/01/mark-cuban-on-his-crypto-portfolio-i-own-ethereum-ether-and-bitcoin.html 377 comments cryptocurrency
- Cryptocurrencies are neither currency nor commodity; will bring bill soon: Anurag Thakur https://www.businesstoday.in/current/corporate/cryptocurrencies-are-neither-currency-nor-commodity-will-bring-bill-soon-anurag-thakur/story/430725.html 17 comments india
- Indian Government Prepares to Fast Track Crypto Bill — Plans to Introduce Cryptocurrency Law in a Month: Report. The bill seeks to ban cryptocurrencies while creating a framework for the official digital currency to be issued by the central bank https://news.bitcoin.com/indian-government-crypto-bill-cryptocurrency-law/ 15 comments india
- India proposes law to ban cryptocurrencies, create official digital currency https://www.reuters.com/article/us-india-cryptocurrency-lawmaking-iduskbn29z0ex 48 comments worldnews
- India proposes law to ban cryptocurrencies, create official digital currency https://www.channelnewsasia.com/news/business/india-proposes-law-ban-cryptocurrencies-create-offical-14075956 21 comments worldnews
- India To ban all Cryptocurrencies except official digital currency issued by RBI https://www.bloombergquint.com/economy-finance/new-bill-to-ban-all-cryptocurrencies-except-official-digital-currency-by-rbi 6 comments technology
- New Bill To Ban All Cryptocurrencies Except Official Digital Currency By RBI https://www.bloombergquint.com/economy-finance/new-bill-to-ban-all-cryptocurrencies-except-official-digital-currency-by-rbi 92 comments india
- My first chrome extension - A currency converter with more than 1700 currencies including both traditional and cryptocurrencies. https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/currency-converter/cplhiiplkgimabelobmjbbfcfhnelkhb 3 comments webdev
- Cryptocurrency panel for ban on private digital currencies, jail time of up to 10 years https://www.thehindu.com/news/national/cryptocurrency-panel-for-ban-on-private-digital-currencies-jail-time-of-up-to-10-years/article28662389.ece?homepage=true 106 comments india
- Demand for Cryptocurrency Explodes in Zimbabwe After Foreign Currency Ban https://beincrypto.com/demand-for-cryptocurrency-explodes-in-zimbabwe-after-foreign-currency-ban/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=zimbabwe&utm_content=jl 8 comments economy
- Exclusive: India Proposes 10-Year Jail For Cryptocurrency Use, May Introduce Its Own Digital Currency https://www.bloombergquint.com/bq-blue-exclusive/exclusive-india-proposes-10-year-jail-for-cryptocurrency-use-may-introduce-its-own-digital-currency 24 comments economy
- Venezuela's New Currency Starts Circulating August 20: The Sovereign Bolivar has five zeros less than the current currency and will be anchored to the Venezuelan digital cryptocurrency, the Petro. https://www.telesurtv.net/english/news/venezuelas-new-currency-starts-circulating-on-august-20-20180725-0030.html 7 comments worldnews
- Study claims Bitcoin uses as much energy as Ireland, but experts don't agree. The rise in popularity of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies has been met with growing concern about the energy usage required by the thousands of computing systems that power these virtual currencies. http://www.euronews.com/2018/05/18/study-claims-bitcoin-uses-much-energy-ireland-not-so-fast-n875211?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=feed%3A+euronews%2Fen%2Fsci-tech+%28euronews+-+sci-tech+-+en%29 108 comments science
- Cryptocurrency trades in India show no sign of slowing despite clampdown: Far from dumping their investments in bitcoins and altcoins, Indian virtual currency investors double down on the market, driving local prices higher than global trends http://www.livemint.com/politics/kahvtchgc79rc8ugkreeup/cryptocurrency-trades-in-india-show-no-sign-of-slowing-despi.html 15 comments india
- What are the benefits of running a loyalty program currency through Ethereum cryptocurrency? https://www.reddit.com/r/ethereum/comments/5i64p4/what_are_the_benefits_of_running_a_loyalty/ 9 comments ethereum
- Apply Now: MIT Intro to Cryptocurrencies Bootcamp for Underrepresented People of Color and Women — MIT Media Lab Digital Currency Initiative https://medium.com/mit-media-lab-digital-currency-initiative/apply-now-mit-intro-to-cryptocurrencies-bootcamp-for-underrepresented-minorities-and-women-ba85fa8fc898#.z5bpamxco 4 comments btc
- Treasury planning crackdown on bitcoin and cryptocurrency anonymity in bid to tackle criminal use of digital currencies http://www.cityam.com/238500/treasury-planning-crackdown-on-bitcoin-and-cryptocurrency-anonymity-in-bid-to-tackle-criminal-use-of-digital-currencies 6 comments btc
- Eugene Kaspersky: Cryptocurrencies Will Be Banned When They Unsettle National Currencies https://www.cryptocoinsnews.com/eugene-kaspersky-cryptocurrencies-will-be-banned/ 8 comments btc
- According to Cuba’s official news agency, Prensa Latina’s reportage, the Cuban Central Bank issued its Cryptocurrency Resolution No. 215 on September 16, which has set off virtual currencies as a legal method of commercial transactions in Cuba, effective immediately. https://bitcoinwarrior.net/2021/09/is-cuba-next-in-line-with-crypto-legal-tender/ 41 comments cryptocurrency