Hacker News
- Myths Apple Is Using to Justify Their 30% Tax on Apps https://telegra.ph/7-Myths-Apple-Is-Using-to-Justify-Their-30-Tax-on-Apps-07-28 2 comments
- EU tax probe will not affect Apple's operation in Cork – Tim Cook http://www.rte.ie/news/2015/1111/741064-apple-jobs-cork/ 49 comments
- Apple and Ireland win €13bn tax appeal http://www.rte.ie/news/business/2020/0715/1153349-apple-ireland-eu/ 1070 comments europe
- Ireland to be fined for not taxing Apple http://bndl.tw/qjumvrot 4 comments technology
- Is the Apple tax real? Ultrabook Edition http://www.techspot.com/guides/538-ultrabooks-vs-macbook-air/ 35 comments apple
- Apple wins appeal against EU’s $14.9 billion tax bill https://www.theverge.com/2020/7/15/21325325/apple-eu-ireland-back-taxes-13-billion-overturned-appealed?utm_campaign=theverge&utm_content=chorus&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter 3 comments worldnews
- Korea moving to tax Google, Apple, Amazon http://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/tech/2018/08/129_253245.html 12 comments technology
- Apple paid only 2% corporation tax outside US http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-20197710 744 comments technology
- Meta is passing on the Apple tax for boosted posts to advertisers https://www.theverge.com/2024/2/15/24073228/meta-apple-tax-facebook-instagram-boosted-posts 5 comments technology
- Apple and other tech giants to pay tax in each country they operate https://9to5mac.com/2019/10/09/pay-tax-in-each-country/ 35 comments apple
- Apple argued building was worth $200 not $1B to lower tax bill https://thehill.com/policy/technology/401776-apple-argued-its-buildings-were-worth-200-instead-of-1-billion-to-reduce 7 comments apple
- Why Ireland doesn't want Apple's $22 billion in back taxes https://www.cbc.ca/news/thenational/national-today-newsletter-apple-taxes-tb-strawberries-1.4821842 32 comments europe
- Apple agrees to pay over $15 billion to Ireland in back taxes https://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2017/12/apple-agrees-to-pay-over-15-billion-to-ireland-in-back-taxes/ 24 comments technology
- Apple to lower App Store ‘tax’ for loyal subscribers http://www.dealadds.com/apple-to-lower-app-store-tax-for-loyal-subscribers/ 4 comments technology
- Italy fines Apple over misleading tax conduct http://thenextweb.com/apple/2015/12/30/apple-to-pay-e318-million-following-italian-tax-fraud-investigation/#gref 69 comments worldnews
- The REAL reason for Apple testifying about taxes. The 'beltway shakedown'. http://m.washingtonexaminer.com/tim-carney-apple-becomes-latest-target-of-the-beltway-shakedown/article/2530298/?page=1&referrer=/analysis 3 comments apple
- How Apple Sidesteps Billions in Global Taxes - NYTimes http://www.nytimes.com/2012/04/29/business/apples-tax-strategy-aims-at-low-tax-states-and-nations.html 10 comments apple
- The first eBook reader to die from the 30% Apple Tax https://www.iflowreader.com/closing.aspx 5 comments reddit.com
- Apple blocks Facebook update that called out 30-percent App Store ‘tax’ https://www.theverge.com/2020/8/28/21405140/apple-rejects-facebook-update-30-percent-cut 63 comments technology
- Blow for EU as Apple wins fight against $15 billion tax order https://www.reuters.com/article/us-eu-apple-tax/blow-for-eu-as-apple-wins-fight-against-15-billion-tax-order-iduskcn24g10b 5 comments worldnews
- Apple will start paying $16 billion in back taxes to Ireland http://www.businessinsider.com/apple-paying-ireland-16-billion-dollars-back-taxes-2018-4 17 comments europe
- Apple could get a staggering $47 billion windfall from the tax bill https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2017/12/8/16746034/apple-gop-tax-bill 19 comments politics
- Ireland considers closing tax loopholes used by Apple and other tech companies. http://www.theverge.com/2013/10/15/4841694/ireland-considers-closing-tax-loopholes-used-by-apple 4 comments technology
- Inquiry Finds that Web of Tax Shelters Saved Apple Billions http://www.nytimes.com/2013/05/21/business/apple-avoided-billions-in-taxes-congressional-panel-says.html?hp&_r=0&pagewanted=all 3 comments politics
- Apple pays France €500 million to cover a decade of back taxes https://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2019/02/apple-pays-france-e500-million-to-cover-a-decade-of-back-taxes/ 6 comments technology
- Apple took the GOP tax cut and made it a $100 billion stock buyback https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2018/5/2/17310770/apple-stock-earnings-buyback-dividend-tax-tim-cook-iphone 17 comments politics
- Apple wins big with U.S. tax bill but faces snag on foreign patents https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-tax-apple/apple-wins-big-with-u-s-tax-bill-but-faces-snag-on-foreign-patents-iduskbn1ee2xb 3 comments politics
- Apple files new challenge against $14.5B tax bill in Europe http://thehill.com/policy/technology/320436-apple-files-new-challenge-against-145b-tax-bill-in-europe 2 comments worldnews
- EU to rule Apple owes State billions in back tax http://www.irishtimes.com/news/politics/eu-to-rule-apple-owes-state-billions-in-back-tax-1.2772398 37 comments apple
- Apple's $6B U.S. tax payout in 2012 equals '1 out of every 40 dollars' collected from corporations. http://appleinsider.com/articles/13/01/05/apple-says-6b-us-tax-payout-for-2012-equals-1-out-of-every-40-dollars-collected-from-corporations 31 comments business
- Don't Rip Apple for Dodging Taxes: U.S. Tax Code Needs to be Fixed Immediately http://www.policymic.com/articles/7685/don-t-rip-apple-for-dodging-taxes-u-s-tax-code-needs-to-be-fixed-immediately#comment-126575 84 comments politics
- Apple pays $38 billion in taxes by on shoring profits. It avoided $40 billion by off shoring those profits in the first place. http://fortune.com/2018/01/18/apple-bonuses-money-us-350-billion-taxes-trump/ 19 comments technology
- Apple loses bid to ban protests by French tax campaign group - Attac had staged a sit-in at Apple's flagship Paris store on December 2nd, blocking access for several hours in protest at what they claimed was "massive tax evasion" by the US tech giant. https://www.thelocal.fr/20180224/apple-loses-bid-to-ban-protests-by-french-tax-campaign-group 77 comments worldnews
- Apple Inc said none of its operations were moved from Ireland and that changes made to its corporate structure in 2015 were specially designed to preserve tax payments to the United States, and not to reduce taxes anywhere else. https://www.thestar.com.my/news/world/2017/11/07/apple-says-no-operations-were-moved-from-ireland-updated/ 6 comments worldnews
- Apple cuts prices of iPhone, iPad & Mac in India as part of tax reform rollout http://9to5mac.com/2017/07/01/apple-cuts-prices-of-iphone-ipad-mac-in-india-as-part-of-tax-reform-rollout/ 5 comments apple
- Angela Merkel has expressed fears the €13bn Apple tax ruling will hurt investment in Europe, putting her on the same side as Ireland in a looming showdown over the limits of national sovereignty and the rights of the federally minded European Commission http://www.independent.ie/irish-news/politics/merkel-backs-ireland-in-apple-showdown-35018106.html 25 comments worldnews
- Apple chief executive Tim Cook says the European Commission ruling that Apple should pay billions of euros in back taxes to the Republic of Ireland is "maddening" and "political". http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-37242357 865 comments worldnews
- Sen Paul about the tax evasion debacle: "If there is anyone to blame here it is not Apple, it is Congress and the tax code it created." http://9to5mac.com/2013/05/21/senator-rand-paul-apologizes-to-apple-blames-congress-for-tax-woes-at-senate-hearing/ 228 comments apple
- How Apple Sidesteps Billions in Global Taxes: With a handful of employees in a small office in Reno, Nevada, Apple has done something central to its corporate strategy: it has avoided millions of dollars in taxes in California and 20 other states. http://www.cnbc.com/id/47218258 125 comments business
- Apple, Google, Microsoft, Oracle and Cisco are lobbying hard for a massive tax break on profits made overseas http://www.theregister.co.uk/2011/06/21/tax_repatriation_holiday/ 2 comments politics