Hacker News
- Apple will let Apps redirect users to sign up for services outside the App Store https://9to5mac.com/2021/09/01/apple-will-let-developers-redirect-users-to-sign-up-for-services-outside-the-app-store/ 4 comments
- Apple's Hypercard website redirects to the Wikipedia article https://www.apple.com/hypercard/ 12 comments
- How Ridiculous Is It That Apple Maps Redirect To Google Maps On The Web? http://techcrunch.com/2012/09/22/mapsception/ 2 comments
- Typing "Sell" in Google Finance redirected to Apple Inc. http://www.google.com/finance?q=sell 68 comments
- Apple redirects Google Safe Browsing traffic through proxy servers in iOS 14.5 https://the8-bit.com/apple-proxies-google-safe-browsing-privacy/ 264 comments
- .pk registrar hacked, Pakistani sites for Google, MSN, Apple, Ebay redirected http://thehackersmedia.blogspot.ro/2012/11/google-msn-appl-ebay-visa-hp-pakistan.html 14 comments
- Apple's Russian website now redirects to its support page https://www.apple.com/ru 119 comments apple
- TIL that squeakytoytrainingcamp.com redirects to the Apple Support YouTube channel http://squeakytoytrainingcamp.com 61 comments apple
- Apple iTunes Redirects Users to Apple TV App for Movies, Series https://variety.com/2023/digital/news/apple-itunes-redirect-apple-tv-app-movies-series-1235833784/ 86 comments apple
- Epic vs Apple ruling revealed: Apple must allow App Store devs to redirect users to other payment systems https://9to5mac.com/2021/09/10/epic-vs-apple-ruling-revealed-apple-must-allow-app-store-devs-to-redirect-users-to-other-payment-systems/ 72 comments technology
- Google easter egg: When you type "Sell" into Google Finance, it redirects to Apple Inc. http://www.google.com/finance?q=sell 1151 comments technology
- Mapper Safari Extension Automatically Redirects Google Maps Links to Apple Maps https://www.macstories.net/ios/mapper-safari-extension-automatically-redirects-google-maps-links-to-apple-maps/ 131 comments apple
- maps.apple.com redirects to maps.google.com when there is no Apple Maps available (like on a windows desktop) http://maps.apple.com/?ll=37.3329976,-122.0096301&z=18&t=h&q=apple+park 6 comments apple
- Mildly interesting: Opening an Apple Maps Link on non apple devices will redirect you without prior information to the Google Maps equivalent location https://maps.apple.com/?_mvs=ChIJkm9sQ9T0R0ARUEtLayGhKUA%3D&ll=47.912727764079264%2C12.814708092633424 27 comments android
- Apple redirects Google Safe Browsing traffic through its own proxy servers to prevent disclosing users' IP addresses to Google in iOS 14.5 https://www.reddit.com/r/iphone/comments/lhr37y/apple_redirects_google_safe_browsing_traffic/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf 4 comments privacy
- Apple redirects Google Safe Browsing traffic through its own proxy servers to prevent disclosing users’ IP addresses to Google in iOS 14.5 https://the8-bit.com/apple-proxies-google-safe-browsing-privacy/ 268 comments apple
- In partnership with (RED), Apple has announced that it will be redirecting 100% of eligible proceeds of its PRODUCT(RED) devices and accessories to the Global Fund’s COVID‑19 relief efforts from now until June 30. https://9to5mac.com/2020/12/01/apple-giving-product-red-proceeds-covid-19-relief/ 270 comments apple
- 'Intentional' event redirects cloud traffic from Apple, Google & others through Russia: Internet traffic coming into and out of Apple, Facebook, Google, Microsoft, and other companies was briefly redirected through a Russian provider on Wednesday, in what appears to have been a deliberate move. http://appleinsider.com/articles/17/12/14/intentional-event-redirects-cloud-traffic-from-apple-google-others-through-russia 977 comments worldnews