- America is doing better than you think https://finance.yahoo.com/news/america-is-doing-better-than-you-think-150727069.html 45 comments upliftingnews
- You Better think twice America [Pic] http://wannabepoet.net/img/0001/mexican.jpg 99 comments reddit.com
- America is doing better than you think (Opinion) - CNN.com http://www.cnn.com/2016/09/14/opinions/america-doing-better-bailey/index.html 23 comments politics
- Everything Is Awesome! | Well, not everything. But America’s looking much better than you think. http://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2014/12/everything-is-awesome-113801.html?hp=t1_r#.vjvzol4aka 4 comments politics
- Ted Nugent Thinks America Would be Better Off if the South Had Won the Civil War http://www.gossipian.com/ted-nugent-thinks-america-would-be-better-off-if-the-south-had-won-the-civil-war/ 5 comments politics
- Will Hillary or Trump be better for Pakistan? And what do you think of America's relationship with Pakistan during Obama's 8 years? https://www.reddit.com/r/pakistan/comments/4i3dng/will_hillary_or_trump_be_better_for_pakistan_and/ 13 comments pakistan
- Everyone In America Is Even More Broke Than You Think: if you earn more than $30,000, you're doing better than most of the population. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/11/05/income-inequality-crisis_n_4221012.html 593 comments politics
- Ben Carson thinks slaves were immigrants who came to America in search of a better life. https://newrepublic.com/minutes/141151/ben-carson-thinks-slaves-immigrants-came-america-search-better-life 33 comments politics
- Factory can build houses faster, cheaper, and better than traditional homebuilders. “In the United States, we’re under-supplied and housing needs to be more affordable. I think offsite manufacturing is definitely part of the solution,” says CEO of America’s third-largest home construction company. https://time.com/6237782/modular-homes-affordability/ 168 comments upliftingnews
- Melissa Reddy: "Maldini told me Serie A lacks new stadiums, but I didn't think like this. Naples and Napoli deserve better. San Paolo is the worst stadium I've ever been, and other than Europe I worked a lot in South America and Africa too" http://www.calcionapoli24.it/le_interviste/video-san-paolo-la-giornalista-inglese-il-peggior-stadio-mai-visto-in-n375641.html 114 comments soccer
- North Korea demands America stop upgrading its military forces with things like stealth technology. "The U.S. had better stop acting rashly, thinking twice about the miserable consequences to be entailed by its overconfidence in its muscle." http://www.kcna.co.jp/item/2014/201412/news01/20141201-12ee.html 17 comments worldnews
- An interesting article by someone who lost faith in America, and opted to leave. I hate to say it, but I'm starting to think along the same lines he is. Canada, Germany, Iceland...all of them are looking like better options. http://open.salon.com/blog/lost_in_berlin/2012/07/01/weve_become_what_we_hate_why_i_left_america 5 comments politics
- Paul Ryan posts on Quora the following question "Does Paul Ryan think America is better off now than four years ago?" - Have fun Reddit! http://www.quora.com/paul-ryan-congressman-vice-presidential-nominee/does-paul-ryan-think-america-is-better-off-now-than-four-years-ago 3 comments politics
- Because we´re too much of pussies in America, that we can´t do something like this, I don´t think our government will ever change for the better. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eQdYxXyUJkQ 5 comments politics
- Dear America, it's sad state of affairs when the British protest better than us, I mean really does anyone think a protest in the US would even get without a stone's throw of Congress in session? http://www.cnn.com/2010/world/europe/12/09/uk.tuition.protests/index.html?hpt=t2 5 comments politics
- But What If I Don't Want to Be a Dad? - A year after President Obama launched his "fatherhood initiative" to address the problems facing 23 million children in America living without their dads, one researcher thinks she can do the president one better with a controversial new plan. http://www.theroot.com/views/what-if-i-dont-want-be-daddy 58 comments reddit.com
- Iraqi Ministry finds secret jails. So what exactly has changed since 2003, America? As an Iraqi, I cannot think of one single thing that is better in my country now than it was pre-March, 2003. http://english.aljazeera.net/news/middleeast/2010/04/2010420163646513430.html 67 comments worldnews
- [TyC] Messi: “The team is impressive and continues to grow, playing better every time. Compare it to Pep’s Barcelona? The best team in history, that’s a lot, isn’t it? But I think that this team is very close for what it’s shown, being champions of America and the World, that has a lot of merit.” https://x.com/tycsports/status/1714492144163959247?amp%3Bt=9NH-05hTKN0H-aa5qPFoZg&s=61 232 comments soccer
- [Roy Nemer] Emiliano Martinez of Aston Villa: "The best I've had (as a team mate) is Messi. As a player, as a leader, as a person. I think he inspired me to be a better goalkeeper, a better person of myself at the Copa America and I will always be grateful to him." https://twitter.com/roynemer/status/1483523828395429892?s=21 52 comments soccer
- America’s Misuse of Its Financial Infrastructure -- Delirium tilted over into imperial folly, as high officials began to think that they could use America’s economic power to re-order the world better to their liking. https://nationalinterest.org/feature/america%E2%80%99s-misuse-its-financial-infrastructure-52707 4 comments politics
- I'm not a bit fan of Canada's PM but this is a great quote that I think is really true "Canada has no friends among America’s enemies, and America has no better friend than Canada" http://www.thestar.com/news/world/article/933327--border-deal-not-about-sovereignty-harper-says?bn=1 7 comments reddit.com
- [Herbert] Kyrie when asked if he is surprised that he hurt people : “yeah i think i can ask a better question: where were you when i was a kid finding out that 300 million of my ancestors were buried in America?” https://twitter.com/outsidethenba/status/1588206451352272897?s=46&t=oDFAxdaLMG_eooFf68_O6g 1379 comments nba