Hacker News
- Accelerando (2005) https://www.antipope.org/charlie/blog-static/fiction/accelerando/accelerando.html 115 comments
- Accelerando (2005) https://www.antipope.org/charlie/blog-static/fiction/accelerando/accelerando.html 83 comments
- SEC wants python code for simulations of financial instruments. See; Accelerando http://jrvarma.wordpress.com/2010/04/16/the-sec-and-the-python/ 17 comments
- Accelerando by Charles Stross - Free eBook http://manybooks.net/titles/strosscother05accelerando-txt.html 2 comments
- Secondo il Sole 24 Ore, Enel starebbe accelerando la chiusura della parte a carbone della centrale Montale di La Spezia https://www.ow11.rassegnestampa.it/cavalieridellavoro/pdf/2021/2021-09-17/2021091749569817-1.pdf 14 comments italy
- Niente ipocrisie: l’Italia è in recessione da 30 anni. Di Maio e Salvini stanno solo accelerando il declino https://www.linkiesta.it/it/article/2019/02/01/niente-ipocrisie-litalia-e-in-recessione-da-30-anni-di-maio-e-salvini-/40949/ 21 comments italy
- Accelerando is a mindbending realistic scifi story, and it's free. http://www.antipope.org/charlie/accelerando/ 11 comments books
- The origin story of robots.txt: Yes, it involved Perl. (This is part 5 of Charlie Stross' own origin story as a Sci Fi author -- he's the guy who wrote Accelerando, Iron Sunrise, Glasshouse, The Atrocity Archives, etc.) http://www.antipope.org/charlie/blog-static/2009/06/how_i_got_here_in_the_end_part_3.html 19 comments programming
- UK science fiction writer Charles Stross, author of novels Accelerando and Singularity Sky, posits a future in which all human experience is record on devices the size of a grain of sand. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/technology/6287126.stm 14 comments reddit.com