Hacker News
- Show HN: React Native Package Checker – Analyze New Architecture Compatibility https://react-native-package-checker.vercel.app 0 comments
- Fabric support has been added to react-native-screens, making it the first 3rd party library to support the new RN architecture https://blog.swmansion.com/introducing-fabric-to-react-native-screens-fd17bf18858e 11 comments reactnative
- React Native recently switched to a new architecture. https://reactnative.dev/blog 49 comments flutterdev
- React Native 0.76 - The New Architecture is here https://reactnative.dev/blog/2024/10/23/the-new-architecture-is-here 9 comments reactnative
- React Native: The New Architecture is Here https://reactnative.dev/blog/2024/10/23/the-new-architecture-is-here 22 comments reactjs
- New Architecture is here · React Native https://reactnative.dev/blog/2024/10/23/the-new-architecture-is-here 7 comments reactnative
- React Native's New Architecture https://gurzu.com/blog/react-native's-new-archtitecture/ 23 comments reactnative
- Your Ruby version is 2.6.8, but your Gemfile specified 2.7.6 error while enabling new architecture on react-native iOS https://stackoverflow.com/questions/74189532/your-ruby-version-is-2-6-8-but-your-gemfile-specified-2-7-5 10 comments reactnative
- New react native architecture is going to be released. But when? https://conf.reactjs.org/ 7 comments reactnative
- Will the new react-native architecture (Fabric) fix lists in react-native? https://facebook.github.io/react-native/blog/2018/06/14/state-of-react-native-2018 8 comments reactnative
- Why There Is a Need for a New React Native Architecture? https://www.bacancytechnology.com/blog/new-react-native-architecture 4 comments reactnative
- React Native 0.74 - Yoga 3.0, Bridgeless New Architecture, and more · React Native https://reactnative.dev/blog/2024/04/22/release-0.74 19 comments reactnative
- React Native's new architecture, new Hooks alpha, a React PWA & more https://github.com/musghost?utm_campaign=React%20Ninjas%20Newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_source=Revue%20newsletter 6 comments reactjs
- React Native 0.76 - New Architecture by default, React Native DevTools, and more https://reactnative.dev/blog/2024/10/23/release-0.76-new-architecture 22 comments reactnative
- Huge performance gains with React Native's new architecture https://twitter.com/jarredsumner/status/1223633060551225344 9 comments reactnative
- Fabric & TurboModules - the React Native new architecture explained - part 3 https://www.formidable.com/blog/2019/fabric-turbomodules-part-3/ 4 comments reactnative
- React Native 0.75 - Support for Percentage Values in Layout, New Architecture Stabilization, Template & init Updates, and more · React Native https://reactnative.dev/blog/2024/08/12/release-0.75 2 comments reactnative
- This Week In React-Native 141: v0.72 RC1, New Architecture Benchmarks, Env Variables, Interactive Keyboard, EAS + M2, App.js and Chain React discounts... https://thisweekinreact.com/newsletter/141 3 comments reactnative
- End-to-End (E2E) Testing for New React Native New Architecture https://docs.expo.dev/testing/maestro/ 5 comments reactnative
- This Week In React Native #207 : RN 0.76, New Architecture, NativeWind, Expo 52, Edge-to-Edge, RNTL, Reassure, Bottom Tabs... https://thisweekinreact.com/newsletter/207 2 comments reactnative
- We're happy to announce the release of React Native 0.70 🚀 with Hermes as Default, and a lot of simplification for New Architecture adoption (autolinking, Cmake, unified codegen config) and much more! https://reactnative.dev/blog/2022/09/05/version-070 10 comments reactnative
- This Week In React Native 177: RN Skia v1, New Architecture docs, faster-image, Margelo pkg updates, web3, Expo Orbit, Expo Router, Reassure, Hidden gems, FCM... https://thisweekinreact.com/newsletter/177#react-native 4 comments reactnative
- We're building Couchers.org, a new open-source alternative to Couchsurfing — non-profit, community-led and free forever. We're looking for React Native devs to help us decide on our mobile architecture. https://app.couchers.org 11 comments reactnative