- Ho Iat-seng, the lone candidate, received 392 votes to be the new leader of Macau, a city with population of 670,000. https://www.scmp.com/news/hong-kong/politics/article/3022286/macaus-lone-candidate-city-leader-ho-iat-seng-doubles-down 24 comments worldnews
- Evil-Go: A PoC of a go compile chain with less IAT that bypass GoReSym https://github.com/almounah/evil-go/tree/release-branch.go1.23 7 comments golang
- Indirect measures of bias etc like the IAT do not work. The test results vary and have little predictive value or association with real world behavior. All these issues for a 30-year-old research tradition that has been extremely successful at selling itself to policy makers and the public at large. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1002/wcs.1569 3 comments science
- IAT PayPal transactions https://www.reddit.com/r/personalfinance/comments/7c0icq/iat_paypal_transactions/ 3 comments personalfinance
- Hey /r/Indians check out whether you are an Anti-National or not by taking this IAT(Implicit Association Test). https://implicit.harvard.edu/implicit/india/takeatest.html 7 comments india
- Are you a racist? Take a Harvard University test to find out... (No direct link sorry. Click on "I wish to proceed" and on the next page scroll down to the "RACE IAT" button) https://implicit.harvard.edu/implicit/demo/takeatest.html 4 comments politics