Hacker News
- AWS Management Console - Auto Scaling Support http://aws.typepad.com/aws/2013/12/aws-management-console-auto-scaling-support.html?hn= 46 comments
- Dynamic Route53 records for AWS auto scaling groups with Terraform https://underthehood.meltwater.com/blog/2020/02/07/dynamic-route53-records-for-aws-auto-scaling-groups-with-terraform/ 36 comments
- AWS Auto Scaling – Unified Scaling For Your Cloud Applications https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/aws-auto-scaling-unified-scaling-for-your-cloud-applications/ 11 comments aws
- Why k8s when aws offers auto-scaling and load balancing? https://edx.org 46 comments devops
- Demo of AWS' new service, AWS Auto Scaling https://twitter.com/cloudassessmnts/status/963522936647901184 8 comments aws
- AWS MWAA (Airflow) currently has issues with its auto-scaling, such that tasks can be assigned to workers that are shutting down, leading to lost work https://technical.thombedford.com/267 16 comments aws
- AWS ECS Cluster Auto Scaling is Now Generally Available https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/aws-ecs-cluster-auto-scaling-is-now-generally-available/ 46 comments aws
- Continuous Delivery pipelines for AWS Auto Scaling Clusters https://blog.dockbit.com/continuous-delivery-pipelines-for-aws-auto-scaling-clusters-2e3c79202c64#.cmd2ybmdv 6 comments devops
- Did you build you own Auto Scaling solution or scripts or do you simply rely on Auto Scaling features from Cloud Providers like AWS or Alibaba Cloud? https://www.reddit.com/r/devops/comments/73smiz/did_you_build_you_own_auto_scaling_solution_or/ 11 comments devops