- AT&T Is Spying on Americans for Profit http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2016/10/25/at-t-is-spying-on-americans-for-profit.html 22 comments technology
- AT&T Is Spying on Americans for Profit http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2016/10/25/at-t-is-spying-on-americans-for-profit.html 8 comments politics
- 'Terrifying': AT&T Spying on Americans for Profit, New Documents Reveal http://www.commondreams.org/news/2016/10/25/terrifying-att-spying-americans-profit-new-documents-reveal 5 comments politics
- AT&T Is Spying on Americans for Profit, New Documents Reveal http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2016/10/25/at-t-is-spying-on-americans-for-profit.html 17 comments worldnews
- Project Hemisphere: AT&T's Secret Program to Spy on Americans for Profit https://www.democracynow.org/2016/10/26/headlines/project_hemisphere_at_ts_secret_program_to_spy_on_americans_for_profit 7 comments technology
- 'Terrifying': AT&T Spying on Americans for Profit, New Documents Reveal 'If companies are allowed to operate in this manner without repercussions, our democracy has no future http://www.commondreams.org/news/2016/10/25/terrifying-att-spying-americans-profit-new-documents-reveal 13 comments privacy
- Germany also profits from US, British spying: Public outcry has emerged over British and American monitoring of global communications. But the German government has so far been reserved in its criticism, partly because the country receives data from such monitoring. http://www.dw.de/germany-also-profits-from-us-british-spying/a-16916837 7 comments europe
- NSA Scandal Boosts German Tech Industry: The German IT sector is hoping to profit from trust lost in American technology firms in the aftermath of the NSA spying scandal. But critics warn that plans to create a European routing system could affect the openness of the Internet. http://www.spiegel.de/international/business/german-it-industry-looks-for-boom-from-snowden-revelations-a-950786.html#ref=rss 20 comments worldnews
- Israeli nuclear espionage business: the art of keeping America at risk for fun and profit. how Israel and its US spies have been stealing, reverse-engineering and peddling American military secrets and technology http://www.redress.cc/americas/gduff20100527 6 comments business