- In Quest for a 'Legal High,' Chemists Outfox the Law - Eye-opening report on "laboratory-adept European entrepreneurs" who make and sell synthetic recreational drugs, such as mephedrone, Nopaine. When governments ban a particular drug, makers just change the formula http://online.wsj.com/article/sb10001424052748704763904575550200845267526.html 151 comments worldnews
- Microsoft’s new AI search adept at restaurant recommendations, backs away from politics https://www.bnnbloomberg.ca/microsoft-s-new-ai-search-adept-at-restaurant-recommendations-backs-away-from-politics-1.1880763 5 comments technology
- Learning to lie: AI tools adept at creating disinformation https://techxplore.com/news/2023-01-ai-tools-adept-disinformation.html 6 comments technology
- ACT-1: How Adept Is Building the Future of AI with Action Transformers https://thealgorithmicbridge.substack.com/p/act-1-how-adept-is-building-the-future 9 comments futurology
- [News] Adept AI Labs Launches https://adept.ai/post/introducing-adept 10 comments machinelearning
- Camels have a renowned ability to survive on little water. They are also adept at finding something to drink in the vast desert, using noses that are exquisite moisture detectors. Scientists have now developed an advanced new type of humidity sensor that takes inspiration from camel noses. https://newatlas.com/electronics/humidity-sensor-camel-noses-moving-fingers/ 7 comments science
- The 1% are adept at hiding crypto capital gains. Here’s how they do it https://www.makingamillennialmillionaire.com/post/how-the-1-avoid-taxes-on-their-bitcoin-and-how-you-can-too 10 comments ethereum
- [SBNATION] T.J. Watt is quite adept at stripping footballs away from defenders in the more traditional way. That’s why he should probably retire his recent tactic of trying to punch the football from the clutches of Seahawks running back, Alex Collins. https://www.behindthesteelcurtain.com/platform/amp/2021/10/21/22734503/t-j-watt-should-stick-to-his-usual-way-of-forcing-fumbles-from-ball-carriers-steelers-seahawks-punch 84 comments nfl
- A Vim Guide for Adept Users https://thevaluable.dev/vim-adept/ 24 comments programming
- Right Wing Can’t Decide If Virus Is No Big Deal, or Big Deal and China’s Fault | For the first time ever, Team Trump, so adept at lying, is confused about which lie to tell. https://www.thedailybeast.com/right-wing-cant-decide-if-virus-is-no-big-deal-or-big-deal-and-chinas-fault 4 comments politics
- Drugs that tamp down inflammation in the brain could slow or even reverse the cognitive decline that comes with age. Senile mice given one such drug had fewer signs of brain inflammation and were better able to learn new tasks, becoming almost as adept as mice half their age. https://www.universityofcalifornia.edu/news/drugs-quell-brain-inflammation-reverse-dementia 62 comments science
- [Grant] From April 2019: Rangers are quickly earning a reputation as adept sign stealers and Chris Woodward doesn't mind https://www.dallasnews.com/sports/rangers/2019/04/23/rangers-are-quickly-earning-a-reputation-as-adept-sign-stealers-and-chris-woodward-doesn-t-mind/ 44 comments baseball
- The assumption that boys are more likely to be adept at math and science than girls has no foundation in the brain, according to a new study. It is the first to look at human neurobiology to try and understand whether supposed gender differences in mathematical ability are grounded in biology. https://www.inverse.com/article/60770-math-stereotype-men-women-brain 42 comments science
- [Deadspin] Karl-Anthony Towns Is Sneakily Becoming An Adept Passer https://deadspin.com/karl-anthony-towns-is-sneakily-becoming-an-adept-passer-1831559141 12 comments nba
- Intellectual curiosity and confidence made children more adept to take on math and reading than diligence and perseverance, suggesting that children’s personalities may influence how they perform in math and reading, according to a new study. https://news.utexas.edu/2018/12/19/intellectual-curiosity-and-confidence-help-children-take-on-math-and-reading/ 516 comments science
- Trump: 10 to 20 percent of teachers are “very gun adept.” Reality: not even close. https://www.vox.com/2018/2/25/17046184/fact-check-trump-claim-10-20-percent-gun-adept-arm-teachers-school-shooting-florida 5 comments politics
- Trump: 10 to 20 percent of teachers are “very gun adept.” Reality: not even close. https://www.vox.com/2018/2/25/17046184/fact-check-trump-claim-10-20-percent-gun-adept-arm-teachers-school-shooting-florida 452 comments politics
- Trump says arming "adept" educators is "up to states," raising questions over federal role https://www.cbsnews.com/news/trump-says-arming-adept-educators-is-up-to-states-raising-questions-over-federal-role/ 27 comments politics
- Trump suggests "gun adept" teachers can prevent mass shootings https://www.cbsnews.com/news/trump-suggests-gun-adept-teachers-can-prevent-mass-shootings-in-tweets/?google_editors_picks=true 14 comments politics
- [OC] I went through the data on every shut out since 1970 to determine which teams are the most adept at humiliating opposing offenses. https://www.reddit.com/r/nfl/comments/78bnyg/oc_i_went_through_the_data_on_every_shut_out/ 18 comments nfl
- Need some advice from socially adept Randians https://www.reddit.com/r/india/comments/6mvg2f/need_some_advice_from_socially_adept_randians/ 5 comments india
- EPA’s Scott Pruitt is Trump’s most adept and dangerous hatchet man http://www.latimes.com/opinion/topoftheticket/la-na-tt-hatchet-pruitt-20170702-story.html 3 comments politics
- Su /r/worldnews si parla del caso del mago di Torino accusato di violentare le sue adepte. https://www.reddit.com/r/worldnews/comments/609w2k/police_in_italy_are_investigating_a_ring_of_black/ 12 comments italy
- Putin's top ideologist asks for "swamp-drainers of the world" to unite and purge "globalists, open-society adepts, LGBT maniacs" by Fire http://katehon.com/article/donald-trump-swamp-and-fire 10 comments politics
- Hillary Clinton Wasn’t Adept at Using a Desktop for Email, Inquiry Is Told http://www.nytimes.com/2016/05/27/us/politics/hillary-clinton-state-department-email-inquiry.html?_r=0 24 comments politics
- Hillary Clinton Wasn’t Adept at Using a Desktop for Email, Inquiry Is Told http://www.nytimes.com/2016/05/27/us/politics/hillary-clinton-state-department-email-inquiry.html 6 comments politics
- Former head of talent development at Ajax, Cruijff adept Ruben Jongkind proposes a paradigm shift in soccer youth development (in Dutch) http://www.catenaccio.nl/een-andere-kijk-op-opleiden/ 4 comments soccer
- Whoever gained access to the Astros’ network tried to take some measures used by experienced hackers to disguise their location. But, law enforcement officials said, the intruders were not adept. http://www.nytimes.com/2015/06/23/sports/baseball/in-baseball-hacking-case-blunder-helps-fbi-solve-one-riddle-where-but-not-another-who.html?smid%3D=tw-nytsports&_r=1 5 comments baseball
- My successor is a more adept salesman than me: Manmohan http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/india/my-successor-is-a-more-adept-salesman-than-me-manmohan/articleshow/47599331.cms 54 comments india
- From Acolyte to Adept: The Next Step After NOP-ing Arrow Keys http://jeetworks.org/from-acolyte-to-adept-the-next-step-after-nop-ing-arrow-keys/ 7 comments vim
- A newly developed robot walks and flies like a vampire bat, adept on both land and in the air, making this new animal-inspired technology advantageous for certain multi-terrain missions in the future. http://www.natureworldnews.com/articles/12222/20150124/robot-walks-flies-like-a-vampire-bat.htm 3 comments technology
- [VIDEO] IBM and Samsung demonstrate ADEPT, an Internet of Things concept based on Ethereum | TheProtocol.TV https://www.theprotocol.tv/adept-demo-ibm-samsung/ 17 comments ethereum
- IBM/Samsung Adept conclusion on ethereum https://archive.org/stream/pdfy-esMcC00dKmdo53-_/IBM%20ADEPT%20Practictioner%20Perspective%20-%20Pre%20Publication%20Draft%20-%207%20Jan%202015_djvu.txt 4 comments ethereum
- How Understanding the Process of Enlightenment Could Change Science: Columnist Jeff Warren and twenty other “adept” meditators participated in an experiment at Harvard Medical School. All meditated inside a functional imaging laboratory. The results may surprise you. http://www.psychologytomorrowmagazine.com/the-science-of-enlightenment-by-jeff-warren/ 27 comments cogsci
- The future of old | If you’re 30 now, what can you expect at 80? | Experts see a population of people who are less vulnerable to isolation, less likely to be bored, and more adept at using technologies to stay healthy and compensate for various ways in which life has become more difficult. http://boston.com/bostonglobe/ideas/articles/2011/05/08/seniorland_circa_2050/?page=full 15 comments technology
- How I became a con artist - life of small-time scams, mostly involving abuse of retailers' return and refund policies. Also adept at getting into gyms without paying, getting upgraded in hotels. http://www.salon.com/life/feature/2010/11/29/life_as_an_amateur_con/index.html 5 comments business
- The Kochs: "perhaps their greatest success has been their ability to turn the establishment media into the credulous carrier of the constant stream of propaganda their grantees have become so adept at producing" http://www.thenation.com/article/154595/money-well-spent 3 comments politics
- Adept Quattro shows off terrifying speed, robotic precision (video) http://www.engadget.com/2010/04/19/adept-quattro-shows-off-terrifying-speed-robotic-precision-vid/#comments 20 comments technology
- Swine flu epidemic enters dangerous new phase: '...the virus is becoming increasingly adept at spreading among humans.' http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/med_swine_flu;_ylt=ahduxniamcl_rjw1pjbe66.s0nue;_ylu=x3odmtjlmdlyc2pwbgfzc2v0a2fwlziwmdkwndi4l21lzf9zd2luzv9mbhuey3bvcwmxbhbvcwmybhnlywn5bl90b3bfc3rvcnkec2xra3n3aw5lzmx1zxbpza-- 3 comments worldnews
- Blogger breaks Adobe's ADEPT DRM scheme http://it.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=09/03/09/063243 3 comments technology