Hacker News
- A fork() in the road (2019) [pdf] https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/research/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/fork-hotos19.pdf 0 comments
- A fork() in the road – fork was a mistake [pdf] https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/research/uploads/prod/2019/04/fork-hotos19.pdf 16 comments
- One Road Fork in Yosemite Seems to Have Caused Multiple Tesla Autopilot Wrecks https://jalopnik.com/one-road-fork-in-yosemite-seems-to-have-caused-multiple-1847450848 5 comments
- A fork() in the road https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/research/publication/a-fork-in-the-road/ 69 comments osdev
- WTAF? CIA fork in the road? https://www.wsj.com/politics/national-security/the-cia-is-about-to-get-a-trump-makeover-16fc0cbf 21 comments law
- A Fork in the Road: Is Federal Employee Privacy Compromised? https://www.muellershewrote.com/p/a-fork-in-the-road-is-federal-employee 10 comments technology
- A Fork in the Road by openSUSE Board https://media.ccc.de/v/3886-a-fork-in-the-road-by-opensuse-board 41 comments opensuse
- A fork() in the road https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/research/publication/a-fork-in-the-road/ 51 comments linux
- Specialized recalls 6,000 road bikes over fork concerns https://www.bicycleretailer.com/recalls/2018/02/15/specialized-recalls-6-000-road-bikes-over-fork-concerns#.WobVszNOn3A 21 comments bicycling
- Is the benefit of carbon forks only less weight or do they absorb road shock better as well? https://www.reddit.com/r/bicycling/comments/7nsfjq/is_the_benefit_of_carbon_forks_only_less_weight/ 10 comments bicycling
- I came to the fork in the road and went...... https://www.reddit.com/r/devops/comments/78r26l/i_came_to_the_fork_in_the_road_and_went/ 8 comments devops
- Now that we have forked. Whats the road map for bitcoin cash? https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/6wy1f8/now_that_we_have_forked_whats_the_road_map_for/ 12 comments btc
- Aftermarket carbon road disc fork https://www.reddit.com/r/bicycling/comments/6r6igo/aftermarket_carbon_road_disc_fork/ 3 comments bicycling
- Naming as a fork in the road https://thepugautomatic.com/2017/04/naming-as-a-fork-in-the-road/ 3 comments programming
- A fork in the road. https://www.reddit.com/r/cscareerquestions/comments/6o0xwl/a_fork_in_the_road/ 6 comments cscareerquestions
- Vinny Lingham: A Fork in the Road https://vinnylingham.com/a-fork-in-the-road-70288fd3c046#.e21g7cf0s 6 comments btc
- A Fork in the Road — Slock.it Blog https://blog.slock.it/a-fork-in-the-road-c3c267b9ff31#.z1zguo979 60 comments ethereum
- Firefox and Thunderbird: A Fork in the Road https://marksurman.commons.ca/2016/04/25/firefox-and-thunderbird-a-fork-in-the-road/ 107 comments linux
- Firefox and Thunderbird: A Fork in the Road - Mark Surman https://marksurman.commons.ca/2016/04/25/firefox-and-thunderbird-a-fork-in-the-road/ 28 comments firefox
- City removes actual fork in the road http://edition.cnn.com/2012/10/18/us/irpt-fork-road/index.html?hpt=hp_bn1 4 comments nottheonion
- The Supreme Court Is at a Fork in the Road on Gun Rights https://newrepublic.com/article/192671/supreme-court-gun-rights-history-tradition 122 comments law
- China told it faces 'fork in the road' as officials meet CEOs https://www.reuters.com/world/china/china-told-it-faces-fork-road-officials-meet-ceos-2024-03-24/ 91 comments china
- Bryan Alvarez WON/SI: Thrilling Royal Rumble puts a fork in the Road to WrestleMania - Who will face Roman Reigns? https://www.si.com/wrestling/2023/01/30/wwe-royal-rumble-sami-zayn-roman-reigns-cody-rhodes 185 comments squaredcircle
- A fork() in the road; or, fork() considered harmful https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/research/uploads/prod/2019/04/fork-hotos19.pdf 32 comments osdev
- 23 Year Old At a Fork in The Road - Sales Career advice needed! https://docs.google.com/document/d/1XwjBjr755buTTbni6z6hpM8QJsMhpsBOTZBeR37-n9E/edit?usp=sharing 7 comments sales
- Exclusive - McLaren, Honda nearing 'fork in the road' http://uk.reuters.com/article/uk-motor-f1-mclaren-brown-idukkbn18y28h?rpc=401& 232 comments formula1
- Breadwallet CEO Aaron Voisine: We Support Core's Scalability Road Map, but Bitcoin Does Need a Hard Fork https://bitcoinmagazine.com/articles/breadwallet-ceo-aaron-voisine-we-support-core-s-scalability-road-map-but-bitcoin-does-need-a-hard-fork-1452545148 7 comments btc
- Neither of the two branches resulting from a fork can be called "the original road," but only one branch continues towards the same destination. https://twitter.com/Bitcoin/status/993120698397810695 25 comments btc
- Watch as the bitcoin forked road map is designed in a decentralized manner (and feel free to join in doing so). https://github.com/BTCfork/BTC-Forks-Roadmap/network 7 comments btc
- Article on The Raptors coming up to a fork in the road and the Cavs furthering the Raptors need to improve http://theballpoint.org/index.php/2017/01/08/the-raptors-are-coming-up-quickly-on-a-fork-in-the-road/ 3 comments nba
- Another fork has appeared in the Sun Microsystems software road. Univa is forking the Sun Grid Engine project, now controlled by Oracle. http://www.theregister.co.uk/2011/01/18/univa_forks_oracle_grid_engine/ 3 comments technology
- “BCH is an example of the freedom of choice available in crypto markets, with forks in the road allowing participants to choose which asset, network and ideology aligns with their views and values.” https://medium.com/coinbates/crypto-cashback-payout-choices-the-12-digital-assets-that-we-integrated-at-beta-5cd9fe07c25b 17 comments btc
- Fork In The National Road: A New Progressive Supermajority Party Is Forming http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/fork-in-the-national-road-new-progressive-supermajority_us_599af3b1e4b033e0fbdec630 12 comments politics
- Insight: Is McLaren Honda partnership reaching the end of the F1 road, or just a fork? https://www.jamesallenonf1.com/2017/06/insight-is-mclaren-honda-partnership-reaching-the-end-of-the-f1-road-or-just-a-fork/ 10 comments formula1
- Bitcoin vs Paypal, A fork in the road -- is it time to for the economic majority to minority fork to something that can be used in regular transactions so that bitcoin can grow? https://forum.bitcoin.com/bitcoin-discussion/bitcoin-vs-paypal-a-fork-in-the-road-t9777.html 4 comments btc
- About to have "real" money for the first time and about to hit some major forks in the road. Need life advice on where to go from here. https://www.reddit.com/r/personalfinance/comments/6nug61/about_to_have_real_money_for_the_first_time_and/ 46 comments personalfinance
- Gavin Andresen: Pieter and Wlad (and some of the other devs who signed the road map) seem to be completely unwilling to accept any hard fork. So proposing Yet Another BIP would be pointless. https://np.reddit.com/r/bitcoinxt/comments/3ylbh3/gavin_why_not_propose_a_new_compromise_bip/cyez4ay 19 comments btc
- [Adams] If an underwhelming trade offer results in the Lakers not landing Anthony Davis, the decision to draft Lonzo over Tatum becomes a potentially incredible fork in the road moment in NBA history. https://twitter.com/micahadams13/status/1092598934357372928 39 comments nba
- "Gov. Matt Bevin said Saturday that America is at a fork in the road and if something isn’t done soon to protect religious and conservative values, people might have to physically fight for them." http://www.kentucky.com/news/politics-government/article101426912.html 3 comments politics