- Policy Advisor for Ronald Reagan and Father of famous economic theories said that a Bitcoin standard "can definitely work". https://traittor.net/DocumentingBTC/status/1712825355524833612?s=09&t=tEAxzecnNz_xNmmN8talqw 21 comments cryptocurrency
- Genesis Block: Bitcoin Definition, Mysteries, Secret Message. With the recent bailouts, it’s still a relevant read almost 2 years later. https://www.investopedia.com/terms/g/genesis-block.asp 4 comments cryptocurrency
- Is a Change to ‘Exchange’ Definition Key to Bitcoin ETF Approval? https://valkyrietrusts.com/definition 14 comments bitcoin
- Miami’s Mayor Opposes Jamie Dimon, Says Bitcoin Is Definitely Not Worthless https://cryptopotato.com/miamis-mayor-opposes-jamie-dimon-says-bitcoin-is-definitely-not-worthless/ 17 comments cryptocurrency
- Two Major Reasons Why Bitcoin Leaves No One Indifferent. You should definitely form your own opinion so you don’t miss out on this incredible revolution. https://www.inbitcoinwetrust.net/two-major-reasons-why-bitcoin-leaves-no-one-indifferent-eebb31d0a091?sk=4f3e07f9aa924b3f2894ea4566e70aa2 14 comments cryptocurrency
- Michael Saylor: "I'll never sell Bitcoin. The only asset that is going to appreciate by a factor of 100 or 1000 is by definition an asset that 99% of the population doesn't appreciate or understand" https://thecryptobasic.com/2021/07/16/bitcoin-news-microstrategy-ceo-michael-saylor-bitcoin-is-big-tech-network-without-company/ 1321 comments cryptocurrency
- Nothing you have is really yours, but Bitcoin Cash definitely is. https://read.cash/@alberdioni8406/nothing-you-have-is-really-yours-but-bitcoin-cash-definitely-is-67b7865a 13 comments btc
- The Definition of Bitcoin https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://bitcoin.org/bitcoin.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwj-zaG0lcfjAhUDP6wKHTaMCWUQFjAAegQIBRAB&usg=AOvVaw05-4mYD7EyyKjwcHh8i0Vw 24 comments btc
- [Article] Bitcoin in 2019: The Definitive Guide https://stadivm.com/blog/bitcoin-guide/ 7 comments technology
- On the subject of definitions. What is "Bitcoin"? (It's pretty simple really) https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/94rnvm/on_the_subject_of_definitions_what_is_bitcoin_its/ 31 comments btc
- BEWARE! this Bitcoin price-correction is definitely NOT Over Yet! (and here's why..) https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/7w1aqy/beware_this_bitcoin_pricecorrection_is_definitely/ 35 comments btc
- A new definition of "using" Bitcoin ... https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/7k3k4m/i_use_bitcoin_every_day_and_i_no_longer_hold_any/ 8 comments btc
- A Definition of “Bitcoin” http://gavinandresen.ninja/a-definition-of-bitcoin 78 comments btc
- so bitcoin will definitely get segwit through segwit2x? https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/6n66yy/so_bitcoin_will_definitely_get_segwit_through/ 28 comments btc
- Google says it is on track to definitively prove it has a quantum computer in a few months’ time. Will this affect bitcoin? https://www.technologyreview.com/s/604242/googles-new-chip-is-a-stepping-stone-to-quantum-computing-supremacy/ 23 comments btc
- Gavin's "Bitcoin" definition article. ACK! http://gavinandresen.ninja/a-definition-of-bitcoin 189 comments btc
- I am very happy Bitcoin can never be tainted with something like this. Zcash trusted setup was a disaster. Zooko is definitely not satoshi! https://twitter.com/EncryptionGirl/status/791598434839064576 16 comments btc
- 'Definitely not bullish' — 7% Bitcoin price gains fail to convince traders https://cointelegraph.com/news/definitely-not-bullish-7-bitcoin-price-gains-fail-to-convince-traders 23 comments cryptocurrency
- Tether in court: Yep, we sort of, kind of, definitely used our reserves to buy Bitcoin - The Next Web https://thenextweb.com/hardfork/2019/05/22/tether-bitcoin-cryptocurrency-bitfinex/ 7 comments btc
- Isn’t the value proposition of Bitcoin Core literally just the textbook definition of a bubble? https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/7byk4n/isnt_the_value_proposition_of_bitcoin_core/ 15 comments btc
- Bill Barhydt (Abra CEO) on Bitcoin Cash: "Thanks for the feedback. We're definitely looking at this but we have nothing to announce just yet." https://twitter.com/billbarhydt/status/908688763441704968 4 comments btc
- Jeff Garzik: "Soft fork definition of consensus: Eight (8) pools agree the entire bitcoin network must conform to new rules" https://twitter.com/jgarzik/status/774711858817273860 15 comments btc
- There will definitly be two BCH derived coins after the 17th. There just being one coin would represent the failure of Bitcoin governance in my eyes. If people are "forced" to go along with a change without their preference being viably represented is the opposite of freedom. https://twitter.com/Justin_Bons/status/1062689492975403008?s=19 5 comments btc
- After the success of BCH stress test, now we have the evidence to face the whole world and say Bitcoin Cash is definitely Bitcoin. Bitcoin definitely can scale on chain without any problem. https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/9c5sqy/after_the_success_of_bch_stress_test_now_we_have/ 10 comments btc
- A Spot Bitcoin ETF Could Finally Be Coming After Proposed 'Exchange' Definition Change https://zycrypto.com/a-spot-bitcoin-etf-could-be-on-the-horizon-after-proposed-exchange-definition-change/ 10 comments cryptocurrency
- Bears betting on a fresh Bitcoin price capitulation may get definitively burned this time, argues Rekt Capital. https://www.investing.com/news/cryptocurrency-news/50k-bitcoin-is-ultimate-bear-trap-says-analyst-as-btc-price-struggles-for-key-level-2635211 6 comments cryptocurrency
- Butt hurt Blockstream shill wrote biased definition of Bitcoin Cash in the Urban Dictionary http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=bitcoin%20cash 16 comments btc
- Bitcoin.com and Calvin Ayre See Bitcoin Cash As "Real Bitcoin", Adopt Same Definitions http://coremedia.info/blockchain-news/item/1018-bitcoin-com-and-calvin-ayre-bitcoin-cash-real-bitcoin 15 comments btc
- BitMEX Founder Arthur Hayes Says Ethereum Will ‘Definitely’ Outperform BTC, Outlines Danger Zone for Bitcoin Bulls https://dailyhodl.com/2022/09/24/bitmex-founder-arthur-hayes-says-ethereum-will-definitely-outperform-btc-outlines-danger-zone-for-bitcoin-bulls/ 40 comments cryptocurrency
- The time have come to believe that Bitcoin Cash is definitely the best deal in crypto https://read.cash/@alberdioni8406/bitcoin-cash-the-real-deal-95dcd98c 3 comments btc
- Realization: There is definitive proof that SegWit2x won the hash war to be legitimate Bitcoin at the August 2017 fork block, simultaneously confirming that today's "BTC", by pretending to be Bitcoin without hash rate support, is disqualified from being Bitcoin https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/jvarwe/realization_there_is_definitive_proof_that/ 64 comments btc
- I corrected NASDAQ's bitcoin cash article for factual inconsistencies by applying their own definition of a bitcoin hard fork to determine whether BCH / BTC is bitcoin. I think it reads better this way, too. https://twitter.com/thetimpotter/status/962063090823999494 5 comments btc
- The EDA on Bitcoin Cash does not break the definition of BTC in Satoshi's whitepaper: "the proof-of-work difficulty is determined by a moving average targeting an average number of blocks per hour. If they're generated too fast, the difficulty increases." https://bitcoin.com/bitcoin.pdf 45 comments btc
- Saylor: "It's not likely that the governments of all the world will just confiscate 90% of your crypto assets or your Bitcoin, but in fact it's a foregone conclusion that they're definitely going to confiscate 90% of your currency. It's happening at 1% or 2% a month right now." https://podclips.com/c/the-argentine-government-seized-1m-from-michael-saylor 81 comments cryptocurrency
- Texas Law Creates Legal Clarity For Bitcoin. The proposed law gives a legal definition of "virutal currencies" and ensures that key business laws also apply to crypto. https://bitcoinmagazine.com/culture/texas-law-legal-clarity-bitcoin 8 comments cryptocurrency
- Bitcoin Cash is facing a major crisis, caused by the lead implementation (ABC) attempting to push through controversial changes that the majority of the ecosystem clearly disagrees with. If ABC does not withdraw its plan we will definitly see another major chain split, guaranteed. https://twitter.com/Justin_Bons/status/1230160709495017473?s=19 221 comments btc
- Bitcoin as rbitcoin knows it and Bitcoin cash as rbtc knows it are two contenders for the title "Bitcoin," which is defined in the white paper as the chain with the longest valid ledger. Whichever chain is longer and valid will be Bitcoin by definition https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/7bvilp/bitcoin_as_rbitcoin_knows_it_and_bitcoin_cash_as/ 4 comments btc
- If a few companies, or even a cluster of companies, can effectively take control of bitcoin governance, and force a change — that is a definitional failure of Bitcoin’s decentralised value proposition in itself. — Adam Back • r/Bitcoin https://np.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/78l04b/if_a_few_companies_or_even_a_cluster_of_companies/ 40 comments btc
- "If a few companies, or even a cluster of companies, can effectively take control of bitcoin governance, and force a change — that is a definitional failure of Bitcoin’s decentralised value proposition in itself." -Adam Beck, President of Bcore https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/6sormg/if_a_few_companies_or_even_a_cluster_of_companies/ 24 comments btc