Hacker News
- Source of Google AI summary an 11 year old Reddit comment https://twitter.com/kurtopsahl/status/1793494822436917295 7 comments
- 1 Year, 11 Months at Google University http://jmilinovich.com/1-year-11-months-at-google-university/ 22 comments
- Google Ads announces 11-year data retention policy https://searchengineland.com/google-ads-11-year-data-retention-policy-447465 21 comments
- Google Maps launches Street View in India after 11-year wait https://www.nasdaq.com/articles/google-maps-launches-street-view-in-india-after-11-year-wait 3 comments india
- The OnePlus One, Google Nexus 5, and four 8 year-old Sony Xperia phones get Android 11 custom ROMs https://www.xda-developers.com/oneplus-one-google-nexus-5-sony-xperia-sp-android-11-lineageos/ 2 comments technology
- Android is 11 years old today; Google unveiled the Android mobile operating system on Nov. 5, 2007 https://techcrunch.com/2007/11/05/breaking-google-announces-android-and-open-handset-alliance/amp/ 14 comments technology
- New Yahoo front page to look more like Google. (Directory finally gone after 11 years.) http://www.yahoo.com/?p=1148050190 3 comments reddit.com
- After an 11-year wait, Google Maps releases Street View in India https://sustellers.com/after-an-11-year-wait-google-maps-releases-street-view-in-india/ 2 comments india
- The US Supreme Court has ruled in favour of Google in its 11-year legal battle with an authors group. http://www.bbc.com/news/technology-36072243 3 comments books