- With the support of 7 Q-league MPAs, PTI needs 10 more seats to get simple majority in Punjab https://dailytimes.com.pk/274748/with-nine-independents-support-pti-becomes-largest-party-in-punjab/amp/?__twitter_impression=true 5 comments pakistan
- 10 years ago today, the Q-BASIC nerd revealed himself and his sik programming powers to the world. Bachisin cares. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Mal6XbN5cEg 8 comments coding
- What are "absolute dollars" as referenced in this 10-Q filing? https://www.reddit.com/r/investing/comments/agspgq/what_are_absolute_dollars_as_referenced_in_this/ 2 comments investing
- Ryan Hollins is doing a Q and A for hours on Facebook and there are only 10 questions https://www.facebook.com/ryanhollins/posts/10154344348716108?comment_id=10154345482911108&reply_comment_id=10154345592026108&notif_t=feed_comment_reply&notif_id=1466488293554706 8 comments nba
- The Cavaliers only have 1 TO left with 10 minutes left in the 4th Q. https://www.reddit.com/r/nba/comments/8odqut/the_cavaliers_only_have_1_to_left_with_10_minutes/ 80 comments nba
- Slock.it is holding a Virtual Meetup - Q&A format - Starts in 10 Minutes! https://plus.google.com/u/0/events/ci0hvv75t1mncrvt8g2aotmaqeg 5 comments ethereum
- [Autosport] Ricciardo to Sky: Q: "What would you give today out of 10?" Daniel: "-46!" https://twitter.com/autosport/status/1551235354216353792?s=19&t=PaSuFUdkD22eXj-k845dRw 57 comments formula1
- [Trudell] "D'Angelo Russell, maker of 8 3's already, nearly hit a 3/4 court bomb to close the 3rd Q, which would have tied his career high of 9 3's (3X). Only Kobe and LeBron (last year vs. LAC) have made at least 9 3's in Lakers history, with Kobe's 12 the only game of 10+." https://x.com/LakersReporter/status/1750750566983274625?s=20 24 comments nba
- Coinbase Has No Risk of Bankruptcy, New 10-Q Disclosure Langauge Is SEC Requirement, CEO Armstrong Says https://www.coindesk.com/markets/2022/05/11/coinbase-has-no-risk-of-bankruptcy-new-10-q-disclosure-langauge-is-sec-requirement-ceo-armstrong-says/ 3 comments cryptocurrency
- Android Version (10 Q) Will Give More Control Over Permissions To Access Location, Photos, Videos and Audio Files. https://android-developers.googleblog.com/2019/03/introducing-android-q-beta.html 3 comments privacy
- BGMD 10-Q Out http://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1407038/000119312515378514/d14311d10q.htm 52 comments wallstreetbets
- COTA on Twitter: "Tomorrow we've got a Twitter Q&A with @AlexanderRossi at 10:30AM CST. Pick his brain by using the hashtag #AskRossi." https://twitter.com/circuitamericas/status/527196448098508801 4 comments formula1
- [Kruse] Four HUGE 3-and-outs from Rodgers/Packers offense in 4th Q of last 2 playoff losses. 1. 3-and-out down 28-23 vs. Bucs 2. 3-and-out down 28-23 vs. Bucs II 3. 3-and-out up 10-3 vs. 49ers 4. 3-and-out tied 10-10 vs. 49ers Rodgers: 2/8 for 9 yards, took 3 sacks. https://twitter.com/zachkruse2/status/1485412623915044868?amp%3Bs=19&t=YZ19lAO6sI6lM2JKnA_60g 32 comments nfl
- [Sharp] Steelers final preseason rushing stats 2.9 YPC - Jaylen Samuels (31 att) 3.0 YPC - Anthony McFarland (18) 3.2 YPC - Najee Harris (13) 4.1 YPC - Kalen Ballage (14) *over 10 att to qualify https://twitter.com/SharpFootball/status/1431680220566786049?s=20 27 comments nfl
- Tesla 10-Q SEC Filing Details submitted today. https://ir.tesla.com/node/20111/html 9 comments investing
- $AVXL 10-q filed! https://www.last10k.com/sec-filings/AVXL/0001062993-15-004580.htm 8 comments wallstreetbets
- [Trudell] D'Angelo Russell has bounced back from a tough Game 3, hitting 6 of 10 FG's tonight with 3 triples towards 15 points through 3 Q's. https://x.com/lakersreporter/status/1784407691257086168?s=46&t=mLlHkULTWtGiAcwn5da2fQ 17 comments nba
- Q: How do cut up a single 24000x24000 png image into 10,000 tiles / pixel png 24x24 images with ruby? https://www.reddit.com/r/ruby/comments/lg4wxt/q_how_do_cut_up_a_single_24000x24000_png_image/ 7 comments ruby
- Daily Discussion Thread | Paused Season Common Q&A + Coronavirus Updates - 10 May 2020 https://www.reddit.com/r/hockey/comments/gh09tl/daily_discussion_thread_paused_season_common_qa/ 3 comments hockey
- Daily Discussion Thread | Paused Season Common Q&A + Coronavirus Updates - 10 Apr 2020 https://www.reddit.com/r/hockey/comments/fyeo36/daily_discussion_thread_paused_season_common_qa/ 4 comments hockey
- Biglari Holdings ($BH): A few thoughts after reading their most recent 10-Q https://www.reddit.com/r/investing/comments/i7qobe/biglari_holdings_bh_a_few_thoughts_after_reading/ 5 comments investing
- [Turner] Sources: A majority of the Lakers players were tested at 9 a.m. for the coronavirus at the practice facility. The doctor on site did testing with like this Q-tip through the nose, has to touch throat and twist it. Took about 10 seconds. Lakers hope to get results by Friday. https://twitter.com/BA_Turner/status/1240318741038034944?s=20 63 comments nba
- This week's Q&A thread -- please read before asking or answering a question! - July 10, 2017 https://www.reddit.com/r/linguistics/comments/6mebjz/this_weeks_qa_thread_please_read_before_asking_or/ 117 comments linguistics
- [Q] What's a good 10-keyless keyboard that's not a $80+ mechanical switch? http://www.amazon.com/GMYLE-Super-Keyboard-Windows-Vista/dp/B003PHJJV6/ref=sr_1_4?ie=UTF8&qid=1388795356&sr=8-4&keywords=keyboard+no+number+pad 11 comments hardware
- [Trudell] The Lakers start the season 3-0 with wins against Western playoff contenders Minnesota, Phoenix and Sacramento. In tonight’s win, LeBron and AD were a combined 11 for 11 (4 of 4 from 3) in the 4th Q for 30 of LA’s 44 points. LeBron also had 6 of his 10 assists. https://x.com/LakersReporter/status/1850405641074204708?s=19&t=pNMS55_0_za9f6ouU4g-Yg 40 comments nba
- Coco Gauff [10] defeats Madison Brengle [Q] | 6-1 6-3 | National Bank Open R64 https://www.flashscore.com/match/IcCr8gJ9/#/match-summary/match-statistics/0 7 comments tennis
- Rough Brief translation: "All 10 PMLN-Q members have given their votes to Pervaiz Elahi" https://twitter.com/alisalmanalvi/status/1550504251545341952?s=09&t=uViUgYEvouCXJc3Mj8FvOg 13 comments pakistan
- Why $TSLA Tesla might never achieve full autonomous driving (as stated in their last 10-Q) https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/nw44us/why_tsla_tesla_might_never_achieve_full/ 24 comments wallstreetbets
- Philosophical question: Why can't we write Q letter in Edge's address bar on Windows 10 Mobile (10581) https://twitter.com/Jahus_/status/665661441857462276 45 comments windowsphone
- Binge-Watch Elon Musk's Vision Of The Future - 10 Hours of interviews, Q&As, and speeches http://www.appstorechronicle.com/2014/08/binge-watch-elon-musk.html 5 comments spacex
- FSU to Retire #10 Jersey In Honor of Derrick Brooks (Q&A Interview of his fondest memories from his days in Tallanasty) http://floridastate.rivals.com/content.asp?cid=1097775 6 comments sports
- [McMenamin] LAL called timeout with 10:01 remaining in the 3rd Q. Davis is grimacing and shaking his head towards the bench. He's now speaking to his trainer on the baseline and jumping in place. He has not left the court. https://twitter.com/mcten/status/1721708185881305141?s=19&t=2e8G2y7wj36YvBf6EF54uw 16 comments nba
- [Trudell] Darvin Ham mentioned defensive rebounding as a major difference in the fourth. It was a problem area for the Lakers earlier, and they went to a bigger group with AD and LeBron plus Christian Wood, who finished with 10 boards and played all 12 4th Q minutes (6 of the 10). https://x.com/lakersreporter/status/1717767302840770690?s=46&t=mLlHkULTWtGiAcwn5da2fQ 12 comments nba
- Sky Sports Q&A with Gerrard: "If I'm forced to pick between Torres and Suarez, I'll pick Suarez because he left for a foreign club.".. "Gary Neville robbed Carragher off me, he doesn't call or text me anymore."... "To get '55' with Rangers was special because of Celtic obsession with '10 in a row." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aplr70fzruU 42 comments soccer
- Quantile Compression (q-compress), a new compression format and rust library that shrinks real-world columns of numerical data 10-40% smaller than other methods https://github.com/mwlon/quantile-compression 34 comments rust
- [Daily Discussion Thread] Game Thread Links Inside + Return-to-Play Q&As - 10 Aug 2020 https://www.reddit.com/r/hockey/comments/i73im8/daily_discussion_thread_game_thread_links_inside/ 73 comments hockey
- [Q] Put a team of 10 waterproof humanoid robots on a deserted tropical island. Their mission: Survive on what's available and build a town for future human & robotic inhabitants. How do they accomplish this? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OxobZ8vzAks&list=RDKUd9h2w8nMY 19 comments robotics
- Razer Blade 15 RTX 2070 Max-Q is 10 to 15 percent faster than the Gigabyte Aero 15 X9 RTX 2070 Max-Q https://www.notebookcheck.net/Not-created-equal-Razer-Blade-15-RTX-2070-Max-Q-is-10-to-15-percent-faster-than-the-Gigabyte-Aero-15-X9.406211.0.html 76 comments hardware
- Anyone not seen my 10 q BCH address yet? I'm still giving 11 q's everything I got (25 MK (Mega Keys) /s 24/7)! https://blockchair.com/bitcoin-cash/address/qqqqqqqqqqkaj9p3cxhfj23rkwl0ps8g0gg6ndanx9 5 comments btc
- Before clicking this take your guess at who is the most clutch 3 point shooters in the last 10 seconds of the 4th Q / OT in the last 10 years. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/bcoorlbieaacnfj.jpg 93 comments nba