Hacker News
- Show HN: 65Words, write daily blogs for language-learning https://65words.com 2 comments
- Show HN: Japanese Language Learning Forum https://questions.japanesecomplete.com 33 comments
- A Neural Architecture Able to Learn and Communicate Through Natural Language http://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371%2Fjournal.pone.0140866 2 comments
- CoffeeScript is not a language worth learning https://github.com/raganwald/homoiconic/blob/master/2011/12/jargon.md#readme 124 comments
- A language learning system that pays attention — more efficiently than ever before https://news.mit.edu/2021/language-learning-efficiency-0210 8 comments technology
- anki.el: Yet Another Anki Emacs Client (A Language Learning Tool) https://www.reddit.com/r/emacs/comments/isoavr/ankiel_yet_another_anki_emacs_client_a_language/ 7 comments emacs
- Is it better to learn a programming language by learning different parts of it (variables, if/else, loops, functions, arrays, etc.) or by building an actual project? https://www.reddit.com/r/learnprogramming/comments/idwche/is_it_better_to_learn_a_programming_language_by/ 50 comments learnprogramming
- DO NOT Try and Learn Coding Languages On Study.com https://www.reddit.com/r/learnprogramming/comments/i7rz9o/do_not_try_and_learn_coding_languages_on_studycom/ 3 comments learnprogramming
- Estimate resources for language learning App (advice needed) https://www.reddit.com/r/startups/comments/amqw2c/estimate_resources_for_language_learning_app/ 29 comments startups
- I am am American trying to learn greek (my third language) and don't have anyone to speak it with where I live. Any tips/important things I should learn quickly? https://www.reddit.com/r/greece/comments/ac2ihu/i_am_am_american_trying_to_learn_greek_my_third/ 14 comments greece
- Best way to learn a new computer language? Specifically python for Data Science. https://www.reddit.com/r/learnprogramming/comments/ac1cbl/best_way_to_learn_a_new_computer_language/ 5 comments learnprogramming
- What is the difference between language learning as a child and as an adult? https://www.unitedenglish.com.mx/united-english-blog/2018/11/23/how-do-we-learn-a-language 3 comments linguistics
- If you were to learn math and coding simultaneously from beginning math, what language(s) would you use? https://www.reddit.com/r/compsci/comments/8v70vn/if_you_were_to_learn_math_and_coding/ 75 comments compsci
- What I Learned Making My Own JIT Language http://www.mikedrivendevelopment.com/2018/06/what-i-learned-making-my-own-jit.html 27 comments programming
- What should I learn first as pre-exquisites before diving into the actual Swift language? https://www.reddit.com/r/swift/comments/7uvg8b/what_should_i_learn_first_as_preexquisites_before/ 8 comments swift
- How deep does a beginner need to dig when learning Python as a first language? https://www.reddit.com/r/learnprogramming/comments/7ullek/how_deep_does_a_beginner_need_to_dig_when/ 24 comments learnprogramming
- What language should I learn for this kind of game? https://www.reddit.com/r/gamedev/comments/75b1tq/what_language_should_i_learn_for_this_kind_of_game/ 10 comments gamedev
- Do babies learn language over time or do they learn to speak when their brains are ready? https://www.reddit.com/r/askscience/comments/6xgot1/do_babies_learn_language_over_time_or_do_they/ 6 comments askscience
- The death of Ruby? Developers should learn these languages instead - TechRepublic http://www.techrepublic.com/article/the-death-of-ruby-developers-should-learn-these-languages-instead/ 10 comments technology
- How to actually learn the language and not just the syntax? https://www.reddit.com/r/rust/comments/6sefue/how_to_actually_learn_the_language_and_not_just/ 7 comments rust
- The evolution of "cuck" shows that different far-right groups are learning the same language http://www.newstatesman.com/science-tech/2017/08/evolution-cuck-shows-different-far-right-groups-are-learning-same-language 6 comments linguistics
- Finding the Minimum Set of Languages to Learn All Programming Paradigms (2017 Update!) http://www.bencollier.info/content/finding-minimum-set-languages-learn-all-programming-paradigms-2017-update 13 comments programming
- Is it difficult to learn the 65c816/65816 assembly language ? https://www.reddit.com/r/learnprogramming/comments/55ic5y/is_it_difficult_to_learn_the_65c81665816_assembly/ 13 comments learnprogramming
- Learn X in Y Minutes - website with dense intros to many programming languages https://learnxinyminutes.com 126 comments programming
- Not learning other languages could be costing the UK billions each year. http://www.cam.ac.uk/research/news/urgent-action-needed-to-close-uk-languages-gap 3 comments linguistics
- Does a book to learn, say Python, exist in the form of a school book? With an explanation, then 20-30 questions to do? The books in the Wiki aren't really like that. Or if not Python, then any language? https://github.com/syndbg/Books-solutions/tree/master/Python-For-Everyone-Horstmann 23 comments learnprogramming
- Data-driven learning and children's language acquisition http://web.mit.edu/norvin/www/24.902/LegateYang.pdf 5 comments linguistics
- A comparison of books for learning assembly language http://allthatiswrong.wordpress.com/2013/03/04/a-comparison-of-books-for-learning-assembly-language/ 15 comments programming
- What language should I learn to make something like this? http://www.beamng.com/content/?s=6e805a549155b93c755ac51d64ce3354 5 comments learnprogramming
- A perfect resource for learning languages! Easy to use, plus it's a step in the right direction of productivity. http://www.memrise.com 7 comments productivity
- Blogging the experience of learning a new programming language: Ada http://blog.spacesocket.com/2012/07/23/learning-ada/ 36 comments programming
- Easy 6502 - Learn the 6502 Assembly Language http://skilldrick.github.com/easy6502/index.html 156 comments programming
- Chinese language learning to be compulsory in Pakistani Schools from 2013 http://www.nation.com.pk/pakistan-news-newspaper-daily-english-online/karachi/05-sep-2011/chinese-learning-to-be-compulsory-from-2013 154 comments worldnews
- One of the quickest way to learn a language is to make a game in it. Learn some Perl. SDL Perl Game Contest #1 http://yapgh.blogspot.com/2011/02/sdl-perl-game-contest.html 12 comments programming
- Test your language sense! Play a game while participating in cutting-edge research...How good is your language sense? The Puntastic experiment continues...Other current experiments include:Pronoun Sleuth/The Communication Game/The Video Test.What do people learn when they watch videos? http://www.gameswithwords.org/index.html 10 comments linguistics
- I want to learn a new language--how hard will it be? http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/language_learning_difficulty_for_english_speakers 6 comments reddit.com
- I will learn the international language Esperanto if 20,000,000 others will do the same http://www.pledgebank.com/esperanto 2 comments reddit.com
- The hardest language to learn http://www.claritaslux.com/blog/2007/04/22/the-hardest-language-to-learn/ 3 comments reddit.com
- Why it’s so Hard for Imperative Programmers to Learn Funtional Languages http://qftblog.wordpress.com/2007/02/14/why-its-so-hard-for-imperative-programmers-to-learn-funtional-languages/ 73 comments programming
- Papiamento has the Greco-Latin vocabulary common to Europe, plus some Germanic words, and is easier to learn than Spanish or other Romance languages. Would it make a good official language for the EU? http://mithridates.blogspot.com/2008/05/tons-of-papiamento-papiamentu-to-listen.html 14 comments science