- Roman Reigns: "I’m always trying to get better. I just believe that this is what I’m supposed to do. The Wiseman picks me up in the morning, ‘How are you doing?’ I woke up. Everybody else is fucked because I woke up. That’s how I look at it. You all had a chance until I woke up." https://wrestlingnews.co/wwe-news/roman-reigns-everybody-else-is-fked-because-i-woke-up-today-is-mine-thats-how-i-look-at-it/ 194 comments squaredcircle
- Could someone PLEASE explain what the fuck this match was supposed to be? https://youtu.be/c0MkdF42Eko 11 comments squaredcircle
- Ousmane Dembele when waiting for Japanese workers to install PES: "All these ugly faces, aren't they ashamed? Oh fuck what a language. You're supposed to be a developed country, right?" https://twitter.com/Utd_Yas/status/1411297363449290753?s=19 3 comments sports
- [Dembele's Snapchat] Ousmane Dembele when waiting for Japanese workers to install PES: "All these ugly faces, aren't they ashamed? Oh fuck what a language. You're supposed to be a developed country, right?" https://twitter.com/Utd_Yas/status/1411297363449290753?s=19 20 comments soccer
- Brazilian coach Argel Fucks officially changes his name to Argel Fuchs: "They messed it up at the register office, but it was always supposed to be Fuchs" https://globoesporte.globo.com/al/futebol/times/csa/noticia/com-k-ou-ch-argel-explica-mudanca-de-sobrenome-no-retorno-ao-csa-erro-de-cartorio.ghtml 44 comments soccer
- Casillas: "For me, finally winning La Decima was a relief. I suppose suffering for so long to win it gave it a special flavour." What did I say to Sergio Ramos after the final in Lisbon? "You're the fucking boss and you will always be the player who delivered La Decima! Then I gave him a kiss". https://en.as.com/en/2020/06/03/football/1591205420_736116.html 7 comments soccer
- “What the Fuck Am I Supposed to Do Now?”: In Washington, a Breakdown of Politics as Usual https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2020/04/in-washington-dc-coronavirus-breakdown-of-politics-as-usual 4 comments politics
- Sure stonks only go up. BUT YOU AUTISTS ARE SUPPOSED TO LOSE MONEY. Both things can’t be true... fuck it I’m buying $TVIX https://youtu.be/CdjTmWcJLdU 17 comments wallstreetbets
- [Adler] Gerrit Cole said he was stunned into silence when Scott Boras told him the Yankees' final offer. He says Boras then asked, "G, are you there? You're supposed to be fucking screaming right now." https://twitter.com/lindseyadler/status/1207363707115909120?s=19 214 comments baseball
- Neymar fires against VAR after the penalty that eliminated PSG: "This is a disgrace! They still put four guys who don't know anything about football to keep looking at slow-motion.. This doesnt exist!!! How is he supposed to put his hands on his back? Ah, fuck off!!"" http://www.espn.com.br/futebol/artigo/_/id/5354951/neymar-dispara-contra-o-var-por-penalti-que-eliminou-o-psg-da-champions-ah-va-pra-pqp 1136 comments soccer
- Neymar not happy with the VAR decision: "This is a disgrace! They have 4 guys that understands footbal to watch in slow-motion.. This doesnt exist!!! How is he supposed to put his hands on his back? Ah, fuck off!!" https://twitter.com/andreostgaard/status/1103422011739721728 55 comments soccer
- Craig Wright: “forks are supposed to happen.” For real now Craig? When it suits you and your owners, it’s ok to fork. When it fucks your patents up and renders your last scam-straw useless, you publicly announce that you’ll be bankrupting and attacking a fork? Get good lawyers you cocained clown. https://twitter.com/ProfFaustus/status/1062119454748872706?s=20 73 comments btc
- [Wall]: "I do go to Rosebar [the club] on Saturday's. What? I'm not supposed to party once in a blue while? The fuck... Where you be? Opera? The living room?" https://twitter.com/_radicalrandz/status/1060627377397608448 22 comments nba
- Someone asked me to make a site for them and I don't know how the fuck I'm supposed to go about it. https://www.siteground.com/shared/step2.htm?p=1 137 comments webdev
- [Rant] I am so fucking sick and tired of this 'shani deev' cry every Saturday morning. This asshole who looks like in his mid 30s physically able comes every Saturday morning yells "Shani Dev", ties nimbu mirchi on our main gate and then we are supposed to give him money no less than ten bucks. https://www.reddit.com/r/india/comments/9ltn44/rant_i_am_so_fucking_sick_and_tired_of_this_shani/ 69 comments india
- I fucking hate Telekom. I'm supposed to have 50mbps/10mbps. http://www.speedtest.net/result/7136830154.png 45 comments germany
- Egon [Bitcoin Cash] on Twitter: ""[#bitcoin] is supposed to be a medium of exchange not a fucking store of value. It's supposed to be digital money not digital gold. That's where it's utility and value was derived from" … #fintech #blockchain #cryptocurrency #wallstreet #btc #bch #cash" https://twitter.com/Egon_01/status/939530797647847425 30 comments btc
- How the fuck am I supposed to delete these files??? https://www.reddit.com/r/techsupport/comments/5le8np/how_the_fuck_am_i_supposed_to_delete_these_files/ 19 comments techsupport
- Does this happen to you too? How the fuck are we supposed to read news on this site?! [np] https://i.redd.it/rvp9409qpaex.png 4 comments india
- Paul Dee was the athletic director at 'The U' during the supposed booster infractions. This is the same man who headed the NCAA committee that investigated and sanctioned USC for not having enough control over their athletic programs. What a fucking joke. http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/2011/writers/stewart_mandel/08/16/miami.hurricanes.allegations.reaction/index.html?eref=sihp&sct=hp_t11_a2&hpt=hp_c2 95 comments sports
- Forget all the supposed Facebook users making claims about the Japanese earthquake. Glenn Beck just said he believes the quake is a "message being sent" by God. Un-fucking-believable. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/03/14/glenn-beck-japan-earthquake-god_n_835573.html 5 comments politics
- Helen Thomas just doesn't give a fuck anymore: "And he is not a liberal. I had hoped he was. I suppose I thought he was, because he was black, I thought he would automatically be" http://weaselzippers.us/2011/02/17/leftist-icon-helen-thomas-i-though-obama-would-be-more-liberal-because-hes-black/ 22 comments politics
- Did Obama die his hai– wait why am i supposed to give a fuck? http://news.yahoo.com/s/yblog_theticket/20110121/pl_yblog_theticket/is-obama-dyeing-his-hair 6 comments politics
- The United States Senate, which is a body of 100 people who are suppose to represent the will of their constituents, just block repeal of DADT which 70% of the American public says repeal. Fuck You Washington. http://tpmdc.talkingpointsmemo.com/2010/12/senate-gop-blocks-cloture-on-repeal-of-dont-ask-dont-tell.php?ref=fpa 9 comments politics
- [Video] RTI call center in Bihar! Fucking Bihar! Banglore is suppose to have something similar. We should have such facilities in all states. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pq3h5i6bkmk&feature=player_embedded 10 comments india
- Brother of Afghan leader, who is supposedly apart of the illegal opium trade in Afghanistan, has been on the CIA payroll for 8 years, says officials. What the fuck? http://www.nytimes.com/2009/10/28/world/asia/28intel.html?src=twt&twt=nytimes 67 comments worldnews
- The Wire on the War on Drugs: "you call something a war and pretty soon everybody gonna be running around acting like warriors...And pretty soon, damn near everybody on every corner is your fucking enemy. And soon the neighborhood that you're supposed to be policing, that's just occupied territory. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ba5za4vsskm#t=1m26s 9 comments politics
- Reddit I need your help-- Is this supposed to be scary/funny? Or is it supposed to be for real which makes it REALLY FUCKING SCARY? http://www.masturbatoreum.com/view.php?id=306 6 comments reddit.com