- Astronomers narrow down where 'Planet Nine' could be hiding by playing massive game of 'connect the dots' | Live Science https://www.livescience.com/space/planets/astronomers-narrow-down-where-planet-nine-could-be-hiding-by-playing-massive-game-of-connect-the-dots 328 comments space
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- Connecting the dots: Formula 1 and Long Beach could be a match for 2019 http://autoweek.com/article/formula-one/connecting-dots-formula-1-and-long-beach-could-be-match-2019 20 comments formula1
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- Connect the dots: Valve’s Big Picture could be a Linux game console http://www.theverge.com/2012/11/16/3652756/valve-big-picture-mode-steam-os-linux-game-console 20 comments technology