- Graham Potter on Neal Maupay: “He wouldn’t go on to the pitch to hurt anybody but, if he has something to say, he’ll speak his mind...He doesn’t care too much about what people say about him, or what people think about him." https://www.theargus.co.uk/sport/18535402.graham-potter-says-neal-maupay-will-not-change-melee/ 129 comments soccer
- Dominic Thiem Is the Future of Tennis—So Why Doesn’t Anybody Care About Him? https://www.gq.com/story/dominic-thiem-us-open-2017-profile/amp 3 comments tennis
- Dominic Thiem Is the Future of Tennis—So Why Doesn’t Anybody Care About Him? https://www.gq.com/story/dominic-thiem-us-open-2017-profile 18 comments tennis
- Capitol Rioter Turns Down Trump Pardon, Says He's No Longer MAGA: 'He Doesn't Care About Anybody Other Than Himself' https://www.ibtimes.com/capitol-rioter-turns-down-trump-pardon-says-hes-no-longer-maga-he-doesnt-care-about-anybody-3760856 165 comments politics
- [Murphy] Robert Williams will wear No. 44, and Danny Ainge naturally doesn't mind: "Kid doesn't care about that. He’s allowed to wear 44, absolutely. If Scal’s allowed, anybody’s allowed." https://twitter.com/murf56/status/1012743552911192064?s=21 50 comments nba
- The US has killed hundreds of Mexican citizens in the Fast and Furious operation. Why doesn't anybody care? http://dailycaller.com/2011/10/07/mark-steyn-why-dont-cnn-npr-ny-times-care-about-dead-mexicans/ 57 comments politics
- Doesn't anybody in the legal profession care about how bad this makes them look? http://www.bostonherald.com/news/columnists/view.bg?articleid=1349404 36 comments law
- McCain: "We're succeeding [in Iraq], I don't care what anybody says" -- Like the VP, McCain doesn't give a rat's ass what Americans think about the war http://alternet.org/blogs/peek/80539/ 3 comments politics
- Doesn't anybody care about writing good code? http://discuss.joelonsoftware.com/default.asp?joel.3.547336 22 comments programming
- ‘Why doesn’t anybody care?’ Texas-Mexico border devastated by anti-migrant operation https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/article/2024/may/05/texas-mexico-border-immigration-strategy-environmental-devastation 31 comments politics
- "THE USER DOESN'T CARE. Pushing the blame around doesn't help anybody." --Linus https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=638477#c129 186 comments linux
- [Brent Wallace] That was never the case and Mark Stone never wanted to leave Ottawa that is a fact. I don’t care what is said or written. Anybody who says differently either doesn’t know or is just saying what they are told https://twitter.com/tsn_wally/status/1128054395101429765 31 comments hockey
- Ben Simmons doesn’t care who they face in Round 1 of playoffs: “I don’t care who we play. That’s the point of having the No. 1 seed. You feel like you’re the best team in your conference so you’re supposed to be able to play anybody. If we were scared, we shouldn’t be in this position.” https://sixerswire.usatoday.com/2021/05/15/ben-simmons-sixers-dont-care-who-they-face-in-round-1-of-playoffs/ 201 comments nba
- Climate Change is Our Most Difficult Issue - Why doesn't anybody seem to care? http://www.salon.com/2013/03/04/climate_change_is_our_most_difficult_issue_partner/ 7 comments politics
- I can see the conservative argument that welfare undermines the work ethic and dampens moral fiber. But it’s preposterous to extend this argument to health care. Guaranteeing health coverage doesn’t incentivize anybody to get meningitis. http://www.nytimes.com/2009/10/05/opinion/05iht-edcohen.html?em 6 comments politics
- Crew Ainge, son of Danny: "My dad rlly doesn't care what anybody thinks about him.Thats why he's great at what he does & also why he's trending in a body bag. #respect" https://twitter.com/unclecr3w/status/889317184111091713?s=09 58 comments nba
- Vicente Fox blasts Trump over migrant girl's death - "Trump doesn’t have any love or care or compassion to anybody. We all miss the United States that [we've] known for years and years... the Leader in the world… a nation that cares and builds a better world. So I hope you get rid of Trump soon." https://thehill.com/latino/421622-vicente-fox-blasts-trump-over-migrant-girls-death 2039 comments worldnews
- [Greenberg] "It’s a selfish act I don’t care how good the wings. If Lou Will didn’t get caught & doesn’t tell anybody, he comes back into bubble, he can test positive a 1,2 or 3 week, thousand of folks on this campus who get tested everyday and not just his teammates who are trying to win a title" https://cbssportsradio.radio.com/articles/clippers-lou-williams-selfish-put-nba-restart-in-jeopardy 52 comments nba