Hacker News
- “wow. using ML to generate images from text is about to get a whole lot weirder” https://twitter.com/karpathy/status/1473198537085108226 7 comments
- “If we don’t use the whole budget this year we can’t get an increase next year” https://www.thefirearmblog.com/blog/2019/09/03/sig-sauer-ngsw-prototype/ 36 comments army
- Paul Manafort’s ominous email to an aide: ‘How do we use [this] to get whole?’ https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-fix/wp/2017/09/20/paul-manaforts-ominous-email-to-an-aide-how-do-we-use-this-to-get-whole/?hpid=hp_hp-cards_hp-card-politics%3Ahomepage%2Fcard&utm_term=.d63f0f11c926 3 comments politics
- Paul Manafort’s ominous email to an aide: ‘How do we use [this] to get whole?’ https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-fix/wp/2017/09/20/paul-manaforts-ominous-email-to-an-aide-how-do-we-use-this-to-get-whole/?utm_term=.507b5621b9d1 4 comments politics
- Paul Manafort’s ominous email to an aide: ‘How do we use [this] to get whole?’ https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-fix/wp/2017/09/20/paul-manaforts-ominous-email-to-an-aide-how-do-we-use-this-to-get-whole/ 25 comments politics
- Mike Bailey: "I HATE when the term "mark" is used to refer to general wrestling fans because of its negative connotation. I feel it's better reserved for the special kind of sad nerds who get VIOLENTLY ANGRY when a wrestling move looks like it hurts, like that isn't the WHOLE-ASS POINT." https://twitter.com/SpeedballBailey/status/1683530005169537024?s=19&t=r_FN9NJWTcW9AqmRkPjnnA 212 comments squaredcircle
- Getting a whole parent-child tree using Eloquent? https://github.com/jonmiles/bootstrap-treeview 9 comments laravel
- There is a whole world out there that has never seen Bitcoin work, all you gotta do is show them how to use Bitcoin as cash and you don't have to burden then with any knowledge about Bitcoin Core. If they are curious they are more than capable of experimenting and getting to know the difference. https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/94oxjb/there_is_a_whole_world_out_there_that_has_never/ 6 comments btc
- ‘How do we use [this] to get whole?’: The most intriguing new Paul Manafort-Russia email https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-fix/wp/2017/09/20/paul-manaforts-ominous-email-to-an-aide-how-do-we-use-this-to-get-whole/?utm_term=.1f0895189773 12 comments politics
- Rob Ryan on defensive injuries: "This is nothing. I'm used to a whole team being hurt, then getting fired because of it." https://twitter.com/jenhale504/status/366957192592629760 267 comments nfl
- Jey Uso on the World title: “I’m gonna get the big one. No one believes that, just like that doubted me the whole time. It’s all good. I’m used to that. It’s just fuel to the fire. But I’m gonna get that, I’m gonna get it. I’m putting it out there right now. “ https://wrestlingnews.co/wwe-news/jey-uso-i-want-the-wwe-world-title-just-give-me-the-shot/ 66 comments squaredcircle
- [Matt Sydal on X] After 12 years of suffering, I’m getting my right foot fixed today. The surgeon has to break and re-fuse three bones, and use hardware to set my toes into the joints. Thank you to @AEW and our Medical Staff for the care. Thanks to the fans who’ve stuck with me the whole time. https://x.com/MattSydal/status/1801622394085208519?s=19&t=M9T6iNj6k2wW0_Mi9x4DKA 21 comments squaredcircle
- João Felix: “Atletico? It will be a complicated game for the whole team and worse for me, but I am a footballer and I have to get used to such things. They motivate me. I love these important and hot games. There is a double incentive.” https://www.marca.com/futbol/barcelona/2024/03/15/65f489f022601d031d8b462d.html 13 comments soccer
- Chavo Guerrero on Rey Mysterio’s tributes to Eddie: I’m tired of people and this is not a bitter thing. We worked hard for that last name. This whole family worked hard to get that name to where it was and we’re tired of people prostituting it in a sense and using it for their benefit. https://www.facebook.com/watch/live/?ref=watch_permalink&v=945780066669934 615 comments squaredcircle
- Tear down these walls, or get used to a world of fear, separation and division. Europe was made whole in 1989. Now concern about migrant ‘invaders’ is turning the continent, and other global regions, into fortresses. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/feb/12/tear-down-these-walls-or-get-used-to-a-world-of-fear-separation-and-division?CMP=Share_AndroidApp_Other 3 comments europes
- Org mode id cache getting hosed (it seems), lose ability to jump to a particular id! KILLS my whole system, any help would be useful. https://personal.org 9 comments emacs
- [Walden] Rudy Gobert: “People need to understand we’re not playing a pickup game in the park. It’s not a 1-on-1 game. I’m not guarding 1 guy, I’m guarding the team. It’s hard to understand for some guys; they get used to just being able to impact 1 guy at a time. I’m trying to guard a whole team.” https://www.sltrib.com/sports/jazz/2021/12/09/utah-jazz-post-another/ 1302 comments nba
- Tutorials on Using ASDF For Writing Libraries That Aren't a Whole 100+ Page Textbook or a Markdown File That Takes 800000 Hours to Get to the Point? https://gitlab.com/FOSSilized_Daemon/libunix-stream/-/tree/main/src 19 comments common_lisp
- Why does an external API call (from another Django project) using the py requests lib to another Django rest API URL get the whole traceback in the response? https://requests.post 9 comments django
- Shaq: “People are finally seeing what we’ve been seeing our whole lives ... It’s 2020. You would think, in 2020, things would have started to get better. But as I’m talking to some old-timers, this is how they used to feel back in the ‘50s and ‘60s.” https://streamable.com/iug2sf 457 comments nba
- TIL before the American Civil War, baseball was played with either the New York Rules (today’s game) or Massachusetts Rules. Mass Rules there were no fouls, defenders had to throw and hit runners with the ball to get them out, runners could use the whole field to dodge the ball, and game was to 100! http://www.baseball-almanac.com/ruletown.shtml 19 comments baseball
- Bitcoin Cash is getting adopted faster than any other cryptocurrency. Why? Because people are using it for payments, not only as a store of value. Thats why more merchants are accepting BCH, the whole ecosystem is growing rapidly. https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/9l4cfu/bitcoin_cash_is_getting_adopted_faster_than_any/ 59 comments btc
- (Mar 2009) Shaq's rips ORL coach Stan Van Gundy for accusing him of 'flopping': "Flopping is playing like that your whole career. I was trying to take the charge, trying to get a call. It probably was a flop, but flopping is the wrong use of words. Flopping would describe his coaching" http://www.espn.com/nba/news/story?id=3953133 92 comments nba
- Some teams consider using 4 PUs per season despite grid penalty in one race. Horner: "Better to use max power in all races and get a penalty then to run detuned for the whole season" https://www.auto-motor-und-sport.de/formel-1/taktik-motoren-strafe-2018/ 240 comments formula1
- voglperf - A frame time benchmarking tool for Linux OpenGL games. If you do benchmarks, you should use this to include frame time statistics, otherwise you're not getting the whole picture. https://github.com/ValveSoftware/voglperf 15 comments linux_gaming
- It's still a long way off, but Tax Day 2014 could get really interesting if a whole tax-averse portion of Americans uses bitcoins to opt out -- and the Treasury finds its hands tied. http://money.msn.com/now/post.aspx?post=62d34ed1-83f8-4c3d-b30e-1271c1d5cb46 5 comments economy
- Still using Tiger on an Intel Mac and bought a new iOS device? Get a free upgrade to Leopard from Apple (or spend a whole $30 for Snow Leopard.) http://osxdaily.com/2011/05/21/free-upgrade-from-mac-os-x-10-4-to-10-5-for-new-ios-devices/ 36 comments apple
- "I had a fear the whole time I was going to get hit with tear gas," "I knew the way that it was used. Forget UN regulations, this is Israel, the rules don't apply here – tear gas is fired directly into crowds." Jewish-American Emily Henochowicz recalls how she lost an eye at a protest in Israel http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2010/aug/21/emily-henochowicz-israel-gaza-protest 11 comments worldnews
- Norwegian press gives the real story about what's happening with the gulf oil cleanup... We really aren't getting the whole story here. (Use Chrome or Google page translation) http://www.dagbladet.no/2010/05/24/nyheter/miljo/deepwater_horizon/utenriks/oljeutslipp/11837900/ 24 comments worldnews
- Fox and Palin try to pretend like they have a black friend. They get busted and it turns out they don't. They lie about it. And then of course Palin quits on the whole LL deal. And then, they insult the black person they tried to use for their cynical racist purposes by mocking his career. http://www.dailykos.com/storyonly/2010/3/31/852897/-palin-tries-to-fake-having-a-black-friend,-gets-caught,-quits 5 comments politics
- American Cancer Society says nearly half of all cancer deaths are preventable. Particularly by: minimizing alcohol use, not using tobacco products, maintaining a healthy weight, getting plenty of physical exercise, eating healthy with plenty of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, and more http://www.cancer.org 56 comments health
- [MacMahon] Chris Paul: "One of the biggest things I was looking forward to this year is to be able to watch somebody as talented as James. Our whole team is one thing, but James is special, man. I catch myself sometimes watching. I've got to get used to it, but he's unreal." http://www.espn.com/espn/now?nowid=21-0712689385782383384-4 64 comments nba
- Israel preparing for war - distributing instructions to citizens and telling them to get ready for a war that "will see a massive use of ballistic weapons against the whole of Israeli territory" http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=7982 16 comments reddit.com