Hacker News
- Waymo self-driving car crashed when driver fell asleep and triggered manual mode https://qz.com/1410928/waymos-self-driving-car-crashed-because-its-human-driver-fell-asleep/ 116 comments
- Engineers have developed an electronic finger wrap that monitors vital chemical levels -- such as glucose, vitamins, and even drugs -- present in the same fingertip sweat from which it derives its energy. The wearer can be resting or asleep and it will still monitor levels. https://today.ucsd.edu/story/finger-wrap-uses-sweat-to-provide-health-monitoring-at-your-fingertipsliterally 11 comments science
- Trump appears to fall asleep with his mouth open minutes into Michael Cohen’s testy cross-examination https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/trump-asleep-court-trial-cohen-b2545079.html 740 comments politics
- Pilot and Co-pilot Fall Asleep Simultaneously During Batik Air Flight, Investigation Reveals https://jakartaglobe.id/news/pilot-and-copilot-fall-asleep-simultaneously-during-batik-air-flight-investigation-reveals 63 comments worldnews
- ‘Why are you asleep?’ Rahul Gandhi pleads with India’s low castes to vote out Modi | India https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/feb/27/why-are-you-asleep-rahul-gandhi-pleads-with-indias-low-castes-to-vote-out-modi 176 comments india
- Man Masturbates On Woman's Face in Moving Train While She Was Asleep, Arrested https://www.news18.com/india/goa-man-masturbates-on-womans-face-moving-train-while-asleep-arrested-8726662.html 342 comments india
- Jarosław Kaczyński insulted Tusk, was late and then fell asleep during the inaugural session of the Sejm today https://wiadomosci.gazeta.pl/wiadomosci/7,114884,30399394,prezes-pis-juz-zrobil-show-wyzwal-tuska-spoznil-sie-a-na.html#do_w=46&do_v=979&do_st=RS&do_sid=1016&do_a=1016&s=BoxNewsImg2&do_upid=979_ti&do_utid=30399394&do_uvid=1699881617744 55 comments europe
- Which Neurons Go to Sleep First in Humans: fMRI Can Tell. By linking blood flow patterns to bioelectric signals in the brains of sleeping volunteers, scientists are studying the order in which brain regions fall asleep and wake up. https://www.the-scientist.com/news-opinion/which-neurons-go-to-sleep-first-in-humans-fmri-can-tell-70340 17 comments science
- ‘Asleep at the wheel’: Canada police’s spyware admission raises alarm https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/jul/07/canada-police-spyware-admission-surveillance-experts 5 comments worldnews
- With foot 'asleep,' Nadal wins French Open title https://www.espn.com/tennis/story/_/id/34041324/rafael-nadal-wins-14th-french-open-title-22nd-grand-slam 2 comments tennis
- Accused money launderer falls asleep and snores loudly in St. John's court https://www.saltwire.com/atlantic-canada/news/accused-money-launderer-falls-asleep-and-snores-loudly-in-st-johns-court-100661466/?fbclid=IwAR3ihi6Ip1t6cILhLoZll9LxiE9Dc7aTK31W7OngyBxItVfKrqGfVtflOyQ 5 comments nottheonion
- [Krawczynski] KAT spoke after practice today. Says he has no idea how that “like” happened. Was asleep when it happened. Says he’s very happy in Minnesota and plans on being here a long time https://twitter.com/JonKrawczynski/status/1456340437048954902?amp%3Bs=19&t=yPWzIy4BUm7oq70AX_mlNw 10 comments nba
- TIL Oakland A's pitcher Mike Fiers fell asleep on the highway in 2008, was ejected through the windshield of his car, broke four vertebrae, and returned to school next year where he broke his all time ERA and Strikeout records https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/mike_fiers 10 comments baseball
- Washington is asleep at the wheel on climate change, but states are leading https://thehill.com/opinion/energy-environment/462800-washington-is-asleep-at-the-wheel-on-climate-change-but-states-are 6 comments politics
- The Whole World Is Wilbur Ross, Who Clearly Fell Asleep During Ultra-Nationalist Trump Speech at UN https://www.commondreams.org/news/2019/09/24/whole-world-wilbur-ross-who-clearly-fell-asleep-during-ultra-nationalist-trump 45 comments politics
- Jeffrey Epstein death: Two guards 'fell asleep' then falsified records after inmate removed from paedophile financier's cell https://www.yahoo.com/news/jeffrey-epstein-death-two-guards-075925337.html 109 comments politics
- Kawhi falling asleep at a Toronto Blue Jays game https://streamable.com/6yen4 541 comments nba
- Policeman release body-cam video of Willie McCoy killing, showing him asleep in car https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2019/mar/29/willie-mccoy-police-shooting-video-vallejo?cmp=share_androidapp_reddit_is_fun 210 comments politics
- Six California officers fire shots at rapper who had been asleep in car, killing him https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2019/feb/12/california-police-shooting-willie-mccoy 18 comments nottheonion
- After Lewis says he'd have fell asleep watching the race.. DC (jokingly) throws a burn at Sky https://streamable.com/u3mah 59 comments formula1
- I built a Chrome extension to pause NetFlix when I fall asleep (video in the comments) https://rinkovec.com/soviet-russia-netflix-watches/ 37 comments webdev
- Big banks still threaten the economy. But Congress is asleep at the wheel. https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/big-banks-still-threaten-the-economy-but-congress-is-asleep-at-the-wheel/2018/03/08/cfded704-2255-11e8-94da-ebf9d112159c_story.html 6 comments politics
- Fast asleep: How drivers use science to avoid jet lag http://www.globalinstitute.org/2017/12/11/fast-asleep-how-drivers-use-science-to-avoid-jet-lag/ 13 comments formula1
- Pope admits he falls asleep while praying http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-41829338 5 comments worldnews
- Ireland to outlaw sex with people who've fallen asleep drunk http://www.independent.ie/irish-news/minister-to-outlaw-sex-with-people-whove-fallen-asleep-drunk-35392644.html 833 comments worldnews
- ESPN's Brian Windhorst Appears to Fall Asleep During Live 'SportsCenter' Segment http://www.complex.com/sports/2016/03/espn-reporter-brian-windhorst-falls-asleep-on-tv?utm_campaign=complexmag&utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=social 5 comments nba
- Under Merkel, Germany is asleep at the wheel http://www.businessspectator.com.au/article/2015/8/6/europe/under-merkel-germany-asleep-wheel 3 comments europe
- What do our smartphones do when they're "asleep"? I built an EMF Detector with a simple Arduino circuit to find out. http://ledhack.org/smartphone-emf-detector/ 35 comments arduino
- Asleep at the Wheel: You will burn out. Possibly many times. http://www.benhowell.net/craft/2014/07/11/asleep-at-the-wheel/ 35 comments programming
- NOPD: Man holds woman at gunpoint, demands sex, falls asleep http://www.wdsu.com/news/local-news/new-orleans/nopd-wouldbe-rapist-falls-asleep-in-victims-home/26417858#!w7nxn 9 comments nottheonion
- Are Walmart's Chinese Factories as Bad as Apple's? - A fiction-free investigation finds that in many cases, the company's auditors are asleep on the job http://motherjones.com/environment/2012/03/walmart-china-sustainability-shadow-factories-greenwash 47 comments worldnews
- Peak oil: We are asleep at the wheel - Saudis have overstated their oil reserves http://www.guardian.co.uk/environment/cif-green/2011/feb/10/peak-oil-saudi-reserves 28 comments worldnews
- This is my 2 year old, falling asleep while playing learning games. http://img31.imageshack.us/img31/586/27245126456840999611033.jpg 10 comments reddit.com
- She looked like a sick woman who was asleep. The thing was – she had been sleeping for several centuries, underground. -- Some of the Vietnam mummies still retained the facial features they had when they were alive. (Photos included) http://www.thanhniennews.com/2010/pages/one-up-on-egyptian-mummies.aspx 3 comments science
- Darkness falls. Berlusconi decree on wiretapping is the end of justice, press freedom and blogs in Italy. It's the night of democracy and too many are asleep http://inaltreparole.net/en/whatpoliticiansdo/tenebre110609.html 64 comments worldnews
- Do you ever wake up suddenly to a falling sensation and a strong muscle twitch just after you have fallen asleep? http://www.failedsuccess.com/index.php?/weblog/comments/falling_sleep_hypnic_jerk/ 4 comments reddit.com
- As America stumbles as a world leader, we have a populace that emulates its Congress: 'Asleep at the wheel.' http://www.populistamerica.com/asleep_at_the_wheel 3 comments politics
- Anyone Still Up on Reddit? 12 Tips to Fall Asleep Faster and Stay Asleep Longer http://lifehackery.com/2008/04/08/12-top-tips-to-fall-asleep-faster-and-stay-asleep-longer/ 2 comments reddit.com
- Bill Clinton falls asleep numerous times during MLK tribute speech (video) http://donklephant.com/2008/01/21/bill-clinton-nods-off-during-mlk-tribute-speech/ 47 comments politics
- Man falls asleep on electrified railway line and survives http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/southern_counties/6182155.stm 10 comments reddit.com