- Trump Minions Go Crazy for His Toxic ‘Mask-ulinity’ https://www.thedailybeast.com/trump-minions-go-crazy-for-his-toxic-mask-ulinity?ref=home 4 comments politics
- Fully vaccinated people and also just liars can now go mask-free at theaters https://www.avclub.com/fully-vaccinated-people-and-also-just-liars-can-now-g-1846996271 1581 comments nottheonion
- Rep. Debbie Dingell wants $1,000 fine for members of Congress who go mask-less https://www.freep.com/story/news/local/michigan/2021/01/12/debbie-dingell-fine-mask-congress/6639758002/ 18 comments politics
- Dominik on face tattoos: "That’s gonna be a no-go. I’m too pretty, man. There are some things that you gotta stay away from. I say this proudly, I am too pretty to tattoo anything on my face, that’s why I don’t wear a mask. My dad wears a mask, so he should get face tattoos, cause he’s probably ugly https://twitter.com/WWE/status/1713566895234760757?s=19&t=LrpGhSR_bI7hEWWc-5iuTg 220 comments squaredcircle
- Fauci says masks on planes will always be necessary no matter what: 'Go that extra step' https://www.foxbusiness.com/healthcare/fauci-masks-planes-necessary-extra-step 85 comments politics
- Woman arrested at McCarran after mask disturbance, yelling 'Let's go Brandon' https://news3lv.com/news/local/woman-arrested-at-mccarran-after-mask-disturbance-yelling-lets-go-brandon 15 comments nottheonion
- No masks, crowded rallies: Precautions go for a toss at Telangana municipal campaigns https://www.thenewsminute.com/article/no-masks-crowded-rallies-precautions-go-toss-telangana-municipal-campaigns-147917 7 comments india
- Rand Paul says COVID-19 survivors should 'throw away their masks, go to restaurants, live again' https://thehill.com/homenews/senate/525819-rand-paul-says-covid-19-survivors-should-throw-away-their-masks-go-to 35 comments politics
- Hormel is giving away bacon-scented face masks so you can smell bacon everywhere you go https://www.cnn.com/2020/10/22/us/hormel-bacon-face-mask-trnd/index.html 5 comments nottheonion
- Where Does Joe Biden Go to Get His Apology? Wear the damn mask. https://thetriad.thebulwark.com/p/where-does-joe-biden-go-to-get-his 8 comments politics
- Which N95 mask to go for? https://www.reddit.com/r/india/comments/ir8g65/which_n95_mask_to_go_for/ 32 comments india
- Their Conservative Boss Said “Take Off Your Mask Or You Can Go Home.” Now They’re Getting Sick. https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/juliareinstein/boss-wont-allow-masks-office-coronavirus 175 comments politics
- Catalonia is going into lockdown again. This is not over. Wear a mask. https://www.lavanguardia.com/vida/20200717/482340736610/coronavirus-espana-brotes-contagiados-fallecidos-cumbre-ue-fondo-recuperacion-europeo-ultimas-noticias-hoy-en-directo.html 24 comments worldnews
- Trump adviser: Wear a mask if you go to Tulsa rally https://theweek.com/speedreads/919993/trump-adviser-wear-mask-tulsa-rally 45 comments politics
- Here’s The WH’s Baffling Defense Of Trump Going After Biden For Wearing A Mask https://talkingpointsmemo.com/news/white-house-mcenany-trump-retweet-biden-mask 51 comments politics
- Trump administration officials weigh how far to go on recommending masks https://www.sltrib.com/news/2020/04/03/trump-administration/ 6 comments politics
- ‘Where Are The Masks Going?’ Trump Questions Use Of Supplies As Coronavirus Cases Surge https://m.huffpost.com/us/entry/us_5e8123f1c5b6256a7a2cc8a6 30 comments politics
- As coronavirus spreads, face mask makers go into overdrive https://www.straitstimes.com/world/europe/as-coronavirus-spreads-face-mask-makers-go-into-overdrive?utm_source=social&utm_medium=web&utm_campaign=stz 3 comments worldnews
- "Let's go Rockets" chant far after the win tonight in Toyota Center, featuring Monkey Mask and the band. https://streamable.com/qai4t 24 comments nba
- Coronavirus: Boris Johnson tells Britons to go back to work and hints at stricter face mask rules https://news.sky.com/story/coronavirus-boris-johnson-tells-britons-to-go-back-to-work-and-hints-at-stricter-face-mask-rules-12025902 8 comments europe
- Alabama jail refuses inmates COVID-19 masks because ‘they’re going to eat them' https://www.al.com/news/2020/07/alabama-jail-refuses-inmates-covid-19-masks-because-theyre-going-to-eat-them.html 11 comments nottheonion
- Face Mask Exemption ID Cards Are Going Viral and the Department of Justice Says They're Fake https://time.com/5860715/face-mask-exempt-cards-fake-coronavirus/ 216 comments politics
- CDC recommends all l Americans wear non-medical masks in Public, Trump “I don’t think I’m going to be doing it” https://www.nytimes.com/2020/04/03/world/coronavirus-news-updates.html?referringsource=articleshare 3 comments worldnews
- NOMAD, An accessories manufacturer for apple products has started to repurpose many of their factories in china to produce face masks for medical professionals & Essential businesses with all profits going towards charities for COVID-19 https://nomadgoods.com/pages/medical-supplies?utm_campaign=covid%20outreach%20%234%20%28k234zq%29&utm_medium=email&utm_source=us%20buyers%201%20year%20sample%2030k&_ke=eyjrbf9lbwfpbci6icjjb256yxk3ntvaz21hawwuy29tiiwgimtsx2nvbxbhbnlfawqioiaiymrrtgpxin0%3D 23 comments apple
- Gold Darth Vader mask to go on sale for £1m to mark Star Wars Day http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2017/04/26/gold-darth-vader-mask-go-sale-1m-mark-star-wars-day/ 2 comments worldnews
- Michigan threatens to sue companies that let Donald Trump inside without a mask | 'We're going to take action against any company or any facility that allows him inside those facilities and puts our workers at risk' https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/michigan-donald-trump-mask-attorney-general-dana-nessel-legal-action-ford-a9527411.html 432 comments politics
- Beto O’Rourke on TX lifting its mask mandate: ‘This action is going to kill more Texans than have already died’ https://www.msnbc.com/deadline-white-house/watch/beto-o-rourke-on-tx-lifting-its-mask-mandate-this-action-is-going-to-kill-more-texans-than-have-already-died-101959237703 271 comments politics
- [Jones] De'Aaron Fox on the possibility of an All-Star Game this season: "I’m going to be brutally honest, I think it’s stupid. If we have to wear masks and do all this for a regular game, what’s the point of bringing the All-Star Game back?" https://www.reddit.com/r/nba/comments/lchizi/jones_deaaron_fox_on_the_possibility_of_an/ 988 comments nba
- Melania Trump made her staff work from home and wear face masks, and was shocked seeing her husband's aides often go without them, report says https://news.yahoo.com/melania-trump-made-her-staff-145742024.html 49 comments politics
- The Postal Service Was Going to Send Masks to Every Household Until Camp Runamuck Intervened: This administration* couldn't have screwed up the response to the pandemic worse if it sent out battalions of the infected to sneeze on people. https://www.esquire.com/news-politics/politics/a34058796/postal-service-send-masks-households-april-white-house/ 27 comments politics
- Alabama jail won’t issue inmates face masks because ‘they’re going to eat them’ https://nypost.com/2020/07/10/alabama-jail-wont-issue-inmates-face-masks-because-theyre-going-to-eat-them/ 23 comments politics
- Dear IOC: Go suck it. Ryan Miller being asked to take just about everything off the back of his mask. Including a tribute to his late cousin, Matt. Douches. http://sports.yahoo.com/olympics/vancouver/ice_hockey/news?slug=dw-miller021510&prov=yhoo&type=lgns 13 comments hockey
- People in the US with more authoritarian tendencies are less likely to wear a mask when going out in public, which might be explained by the fact that they also tend to be less concerned about the impact of COVID-19. https://www.psypost.org/2021/01/americans-with-authoritarian-tendencies-are-less-inclined-to-wear-masks-amid-the-covid-19-pandemic-58992 2948 comments science
- Donald Trump’s Bravado Masks Unsustainable Debt and a Go-it-Alone Approach That’s Doomed to Fail | The US is Playing Hardball With Other Economies Now, but Without Cooperation it Can’t Devalue its Dollar, and it Will Need Other Countries’ Help When the Good Times Come to an End https://www.scmp.com/comment/opinion/article/3021128/trumps-bravado-mask-unsustainable-debt-and-go-it-alone-approach 13 comments politics
- [The Rally] “He’s going to be playing with a mask. I’m told a gray one potentially tonight.” NBA Insider @ShamsCharania reports barring any pregame setbacks Joel Embiid will be playing in Game 3. https://twitter.com/TheRally/status/1522677195386368000?s=20&t=mMB8i9jENmx7Qp21DGmEcQ 47 comments nba
- Lundqvist commissioned a new mask in case he'd go back and play for Frolunda Indians during the lockout - and it looks amazing! http://www.daveart.com/mask-gallery/set/72157631999613788/default.aspx 10 comments hockey
- [Popper] "As far as the players go, we listen to the NBA, not the governor." Gregg Popovich on Texas Governor Abbott removing the mask mandate. https://www.reddit.com/r/nba/comments/lwg3zj/popper_as_far_as_the_players_go_we_listen_to_the/ 891 comments nba
- "if we can get everybody wearing a MAGA hat to wear a mask, we're going to tame this virus": Transcript: Jay Inslee on "Face the Nation," June 28, 2020 https://www.cbsnews.com/news/transcript-jay-inslee-on-face-the-nation-june-28-2020/ 11 comments politics
- They Call Me a Hero Because I Work at Kroger, So Why Do I Feel Disposable? A Kroger employee in Ohio says his "hero pay" didn't mask the fact that he was risking his life for a few bucks an hour. And now, even that's going away. https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/g5ppny/they-call-me-a-hero-because-i-work-at-kroger-so-why-do-i-feel-disposable 75 comments politics
- Masked intruder armed with a knife and sawn-off shotgun cuts the throat of an elderly woman and kills a man as he holds 70 monks and nuns hostage at a French retirement home before going on run http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3969686/armed-man-enters-retirement-home-monks-near-montpellier-france.html 3 comments worldnews