- When it comes to charitable giving, people are motivated more by appeals to the good feelings they'll receive than by messaging about benefits for others, according to a first-of-its-kind experiment in Alaska. (Nature Human Behaviour, 12 Apr 2021) https://academictimes.com/charity-appeals-focused-on-benefits-to-donors-prompt-more-giving/ 2 comments science
- Diana Belbiță tweets, "If you've ever wondered what kind of messages women fighters get, here's an example:? https://twitter.com/DianaBelbita/status/1732576877443789136?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1732576877443789136%7Ctwgr%5Ed2c5bcdfd50b4fe14c1957df3988689208222e19%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.mmamania.com%2F2023%2F12%2F7%2F23992220%2Fread-this-unsettling-letter-from-deranged-ufc-fan-begging-female-fighter-strike-him-groin-repeatedly 325 comments mma
- [TrevorMay] Huge thank you to all of the amazing people over at @Oakland68s for the kind messages and this awesome gift! You guys are amazing. If you think this ain’t goin in a frame… you’d be not correct. https://x.com/iamtrevormay/status/1732517593024499897?s=61&t=lhIY40ztlJHFYIEmq9ss1A 7 comments baseball
- [Zhou Guanyu] I’m ok, all clear. Halo saved me today. Thanks everyone for your kind messages! https://twitter.com/ZhouGuanyu24/status/1543631356080668673?s=19&t=-8ENs2_4H_PqDhdog50jCQ 288 comments formula1
- [Mick Schumacher] Thank you all for the kind messages, I’m ok. Focusing on the races ahead. https://twitter.com/SchumacherMick/status/1531343707236192257 118 comments formula1
- Senate Republicans used Amy Coney Barrett's Supreme Court hearing to lionize white moms The GOP message was clear: motherhood is both a professional and moral virtue. But only if you're a certain kind of mother. https://www.nbcnews.com/think/opinion/senate-republicans-used-amy-coney-barrett-s-supreme-court-hearing-ncna1243053 56 comments politics
- Barack and Michelle Obama celebrate 28-year marriage with urge to vote: 'That’s an anniversary message of the best kind' https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/barack-and-michelle-obama-celebrate-28-year-marriage-by-encouraging-people-to-vote-thats-an-anniversary-message-of-the-best-kind-214353511.html 51 comments politics
- [F1 Feeder Series ] A message from Sean Gelael from Instagram: 'Hi Guys, thanks for all the kind messages. I’m all ok, i have a D4 mid spine Fracture. We will wait and see what the future will bring. Thank you https://twitter.com/F1FeederSeries1/status/1294894473659506691 74 comments formula1
- Is Trump Sending John Bolton Some Kind of Secret Message? https://lawandcrime.com/opinion/is-trump-sending-john-bolton-some-kind-of-secret-message/ 28 comments politics
- Bharara: Would be 'kind of abusive' if Trump pardoned Libby for political message https://www.cnn.com/2018/04/15/politics/preet-bharara-scooter-libby-trump-pardon/ 21 comments politics
- Author Stephen King had a “gentle and kind” message for Trump voters who still think the president is doing a good job http://rare.us/rare-news/author-stephen-king-had-a-gentle-and-kind-message-for-trump-voters-who-still-think-the-president-is-doing-a-good-job/?utm_content=inf_11_3427_2&utm_source=socialedge&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=influencer&tse_id=inf_40ee6ee02bcc11e7ab1b4bd69f1788b7 30 comments politics
- Computer crashes about once or twice an hour now without any BSoD messages and I'm kind of starting to lose it. https://puu.sh/v3PJJ/b15d0c9a01.txt 21 comments techsupport
- Some love I just received on private message, because some kind of hatred is best spread privately. https://i.redd.it/w9c1maul15jy.jpg 47 comments pakistan
- Built a PC, it works great! Except I get an error/error message or some kind every single day. http://pcpartpicker.com/p/fszWMp 38 comments techsupport
- Mark Cuban's admission of his own faults is the kind of message that can spur progress http://sports.yahoo.com/news/mark-cuban-s-admission-of-his-own-faults-is-the-kind-of-message-that-can-spur-progress-174423696.html 8 comments sports
- "Women are grossly underrepresented on our federal courts. So what kind of message are Senate Republicans sending by refusing to even allow a vote on three of the most qualified female attorneys in this country," Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Patrick Leahy, D-Vt., said. http://www.wbtw.com/story/23946405/gop-blocks-key-obama-court-nominee-in-senate-vote 3 comments politics
- How do we feel about the estimated $1 billion in lost productivity to capture a 19 year old? What kind of message does it send to would be terrorists? http://www.thetranscript.com/ci_23067670/marathon-manhunt-could-cost-1-billion?source=most_viewed 42 comments politics
- A Constitution Day Message: If politicians promoted the Constitution, they’d never be able to convince you that they have the power to tell you what kind of plant you can grow, where you’re allowed to exercise your right to free speech, and even when you must send your children to die for them. http://www.tenthamendmentcenter.com/2009/09/16/this-constitution-day-try-something-new-ignore-the-feds/ 3 comments politics
- [Nicolas Otamendi] Thank you all for your support and messages. We come to compete as we always did, wherever the place is, at home or away. But what happened today makes you angry and impotent.That this kind of thing happens in such an important event as the Olympic Games, where an Olympic medal... https://x.com/Notamendi30/status/1816219161858556390?s=19&t=qgjmsxaQl8p4sNvMOQ7tsw 206 comments soccer
- [King] Tatum said Joe Mazzulla shows the Celtics a picture of a sand castle at every film session. You can build the best sand castle ever but then it washes away. The message: The Celtics need to build a new sand castle every day. Tatum said it’s kind of cheesy but the team bought in. https://twitter.com/byjayking/status/1598163402379366405?s=46&t=3Ewj5MoCMGPAODbFcz5F3w 19 comments nba
- [POLITICO]: Spanish PM Pedro Sánchez: 'I’m a big supporter of Atlético Madrid, so I was very sad to see the racism against Vinicius. I expected a strong message from the clubs against this kind of behaviour. This is what I will ask of my team.' https://www.politico.eu/article/pedro-sanchez-sad-about-spanish-football-racism-storm-atletico-madrid/ 171 comments soccer
- KIDD BANDIT on Twitter: What kind of protagonist would I be if I quit and let evil motherfuckers win? Thanks for the positive messages both in-person and in my dms and timeline. I’ll never falter again. https://twitter.com/kiddbanditpro/status/1533304156810772480?s=19&t=_ddodDqI5evCS59FEC4o4g 158 comments squaredcircle
- As far as I understand: your body may not be able to return to old levels after Covid because all kinds of subsystems have fundamentally changed. the message is clear; there is a systemic impact, individual and collective: high future healthcare pressure. https://pubs.acs.org/doi/pdf/10.1021/acs.jproteome.1c00224 113 comments science
- Giving compliments makes us anxious, but new research shows that praising people has huge benefits – for both parties. If you do have a kind thought that marks genuine respect for the other person, the message of the scientific research is clear: share it. https://www.bbc.com/worklife/article/20210722-why-we-dont-dole-out-many-compliments-but-should 76 comments science
- [Nick Wittgren] “Thank you for all of the kind messages. Sadly this is considered “normal” in professional sports. It’s happened to 90% of players I know and basically after every bad outing a player has. But there is nothing normal about threatening someone and their families lives.” https://mobile.twitter.com/N_Witt/status/1418976678521581580 26 comments baseball
- Daley Blind: “Many thanks for all the kind messages I received 🙌🏻. I can say that I’m okay and feeling fine.” https://twitter.com/blinddaley/status/1298699953125163009?s=21 33 comments soccer
- Cindy McCain tweets violent message she received from 'kind and loving' critic of her husband https://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/news/434960-cindy-mccain-tweets-violent-message-she-received-from-kind-and 41 comments politics
- Have to say, this kind of message makes me actually want to help this guy out... probably the best request for a new machine I've ever seen... https://www.reddit.com/r/sysadmin/comments/8nr0dq/have_to_say_this_kind_of_message_makes_me/ 259 comments sysadmin
- The Bored Viking—Outlines of a left foot & right foot found in floors of Gokstad Ship, discovered in 1880. “My guess is that some time or another a person was bored & simply traced his foot with his knife. It’s a kind of an ‘I was here’ message.” http://sciencenordic.com/dealing-doldrums-viking-voyage 21 comments history
- The anti-gay National Organization for Marriage has a popup when you get to their site for a form telling NY representatives what to do about gay marriage. What's say we send some different kind of messages, on NOM's behalf? http://www.nationformarriage.org/site/c.oml2ken0lzh/b.3836955/k.bec6/home.htm 5 comments politics
- To Kill a Mockingbird taught a message kindness and empathy...a willingness to do the right thing, regardless of the consequences.This is the foundation of Atticus Finch: He takes on the legal defense of an African-American, knowing he can't prevail in court. Happy 50th TKAM from a thankful teacher. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/jesse-kornbluth/to-kill-a-mockingbird-ann_b_641473.html 82 comments politics
- Message to Obama: You Can't Have Muhammad Ali - Obama showed neither courage nor strength but the worst kind of imperial arrogance. He asserted America's right to go into a deeply impoverished country that...has made clear to the world's empires that it wants to be left the hell alone. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/dave-zirin/message-to-obama-you-cant_3_b_378429.html 23 comments politics
- [Carlos Sainz] Underwent a smooth operation today and I’m feeling much better! Thank you for all your kind messages and to everyone that has looked after me these days here in Saudi, specially at the King Fahad Armed Forces Hospital. THANK YOU https://x.com/carlossainz55/status/1766205376343531751?s=46&t=aqF8Bf5K4SyjzPr3OXrezg 111 comments formula1
- Udoka on Whitmore’s shot selection; “I saw some shots that you need to make an extra pass to teammates. He got it going a little bit late, kind of when it was out of hand, but the message is do the right thing from the start and you're not at that deficit at halftime." https://streamable.com/wbc8ob 45 comments nba
- [Amick] To add on here, I’m told JaVale McGee, Lance Stephenson and Michael Beasley were the focus of this message and they didn’t take kindly - JaVale more than anyone. https://twitter.com/sam_amick/status/1091935872889417728 88 comments nba
- a Cheerios ad much like every other homespun Cheerios ad — with a heart healthy message and loving family – ran into trouble from some commenters because of the kind of family it featured. Mom is white, dad is black and their cute little daughter is a mix of the both of them. http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/she-the-people/wp/2013/05/31/backlash-greets-cheerios-ad-with-interracial-family/?wprss=rss_politics&utm_source=feedly 22 comments politics
- In the first public accounting of its kind, cellphone carriers reported that they responded to a startling 1.3 million demands for subscriber information last year from law enforcement agencies seeking text messages, caller locations and other information in the course of investigations. http://www.nytimes.com/2012/07/09/us/cell-carriers-see-uptick-in-requests-to-aid-surveillance.html?_r=1 5 comments technology
- If we receive a message from outer space, we’ll want to know what kind of aliens sent it. We shouldn’t expect them to be anything like us – in fact, they might be extraterrestrial machines http://www.astrobio.net/exclusive/3632/astronomer-seeks-et-machines 40 comments space
- Kyrie Irving sent a message to Dejounte Murray "Make sure you destroy this summer. Make the Spurs know what kind of player they're getting for a long time" https://twitter.com/saspurselite/status/874856082254028800 12 comments nba
- [Amick] As the NBA’s new power structure unfolds in free agency, LeBron James has a message for Kawhi Leonard: Come join him and Anthony Davis in Laker Land, and he’ll take a step back in the kind of way that will empower them all https://theathletic.com/1053871/2019/06/29/amick-lebron-james-message-to-kawhi-leonard-and-why-his-voice-matters-the-most-of-all/?amp#click=https://t.co/bg4lpds7up 117 comments nba