- Ultimate goal celebration? https://www.reddit.com/r/hockey/comments/5jvfni/ultimate_goal_celebration/ 5 comments hockey
- Anatomy of a Goal - the ultimate statistical analysis of a World Cup winning shot http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YJuHC7xXsGA 40 comments soccer
- Xi’s Mafia mentality is a mirror of the CCP’s ultimate goals https://thehill.com/opinion/international/3714316-xis-mafia-mentality-is-a-mirror-of-the-ccps-ultimate-goals/ 3 comments china
- What are the true goals of QAnon? It's the 21st century's ultimate catfish scheme https://www.salon.com/2020/09/13/what-are-the-true-goals-of-qanon-its-the-21st-centurys-ultimate-catfish-scheme/ 5 comments politics
- In my point of view, Apple’s ultimate goal is to remove all ports on its devices https://www.reddit.com/r/apple/comments/7h1vwj/in_my_point_of_view_apples_ultimate_goal_is_to/ 14 comments apple
- The Ultimate Guide to Motivation – How to Achieve Any Goal : zen habits http://zenhabits.net/the-ultimate-guide-to-motivation-how-to-achieve-any-goal/ 5 comments productivity
- Nasrallah: Israel is a cancer and the ultimate goal should be to remove it http://www.jpost.com/arab-israeli-conflict/nasrallah-israel-is-a-cancer-and-the-ultimate-goal-should-be-to-remove-it-371182 11 comments worldnews
- The ultimate goal for Bitcoin is to establish "Bretton Woods 2.0", where the countries use Layer 1 and the citizens use Lightning Network - for their settlements. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bretton_Woods_system 46 comments bitcoin
- Why becoming a multiplanetary species must be humanity's ultimate goal. https://www.astroquantums.com/why-becoming-a-multiplanetary-species-must-be-humanitys-ultimate-goal/ 958 comments space
- U.S. withdraws from Iran nuclear deal. What's Trump's ultimate goal? https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/world/2018/05/08/trump-iran-sanctions-nuclear-deal/590332002/ 3 comments politics
- Ethan Page: My Ultimate Goal Is To Open A Toy Store | Fightful News https://www.fightful.com/wrestling/ethan-page-my-ultimate-goal-open-toy-store 45 comments squaredcircle
- Who are international football’s ultimate one-goal wonders? | The Knowledge https://www.theguardian.com/football/2021/jun/23/who-are-international-footballs-ultimate-one-goal-wonders-the-knowledge?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other 36 comments soccer
- Would finding the interconnection of the different AI areas bring us a step closer to an AGI, or is our incomplete understanding of how the human brain works is what will ultimately inhibit us achieving such a goal? https://www.reddit.com/r/artificial/comments/4vv88e/would_finding_the_interconnection_of_the/ 3 comments artificial
- Ultimate World Cup 2014 Spreadsheet - Auto sorts points, goal difference, qualifying teams etc. (Dropbox) https://www.dropbox.com/s/va9433m1rhf85tk/wc2014.xlsx 4 comments soccer
- Ultimate Guide to Goal Hacking: 5 Scientifically Proven Methods to Accomplish Anything http://www.highexistence.com/ultimate-goal-hacking-guide-5-scientifically-proven-methods/ 3 comments productivity
- Afghan refugee soccer star Nadia Nadim achieves ultimate goal: A medical degree https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna16566 7 comments soccer
- John Terry’s decision to leave Aston Villa is first step towards his ultimate goal - managing Chelsea https://www.telegraph.co.uk/football/2021/07/26/john-terrys-decision-leave-aston-villa-first-step-towards-ultimate/ 46 comments soccer
- Copyright Industries Reveal Their Ultimate Goal: An Internet Where Everything Online Requires A License From Them https://www.techdirt.com/articles/20180703/05375040163/copyright-industries-reveal-their-ultimate-goal-internet-where-everything-online-requires-license-them.shtml 150 comments technology
- Copyright Industries Reveal Their Ultimate Goal: An Internet Where Everything Online Requires A License From Them https://www.techdirt.com/articles/20180703/05375040163/copyright-industries-reveal-their-ultimate-goal-internet-where-everything-online-requires-license-them.shtml 4 comments europe
- White House says moving Israel embassy to Jerusalem is Trump's 'ultimate goal' http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/middle-east/trump-israel-embassy-jerusalem-moving-palestine-tel-aviv-ultimate-goal-a7741756.html 10 comments politics
- White House says moving Israel embassy to Jerusalem is Trump's 'ultimate goal' http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/middle-east/trump-israel-embassy-jerusalem-moving-palestine-tel-aviv-ultimate-goal-a7741756.html 25 comments worldnews
- The 5 characteristics of scientific denialism - The authors define denialism as "the employment of rhetorical arguments to give the appearance of legitimate debate where there is none, an approach that has the ultimate goal of rejecting a proposition on which a scientific consensus exists". http://www.skepticalscience.com/5-characteristics-of-scientific-denialism.html 7 comments science
- Individuals who report tinnitus, which present as a ringing in the ears in more than 1 out of 10 adults worldwide, are experiencing auditory nerve loss that is not picked up by conventional hearing tests. “This work is a first step toward our ultimate goal of silencing tinnitus.” https://www.masseyeandear.org/news/press-releases/2023/11/loss-of-auditory-nerve-fibers-uncovered-in-individuals-with-tinnitus 211 comments science
- [MMoreno] Kershaw on MLB lockout: “At this point, it’s February 9. There’s no way we’re going to be in Spring Training in a week, but I hope we’re in Spring Training soon so we can get the season started on time, because ultimately that’s the goal.” https://twitter.com/mmoreno1015/status/1491493738656382977?s=21 40 comments baseball
- "Kazakhstan commitment to privatisation remains strong. The ultimate goal of the programme is to increase the efficiency of Kazakhstan’s economy by transferring state assets to private investors, supporting their development and enhancing performance and returns" https://www.investmentmonitor.ai/kazakhstan/kazakh-commitment-to-privatisation-remains-strong 5 comments wikileaks
- McConnell Will Sacrifice Anything to Fill Ginsburg’s Seat — Even His Senate Majority. Neither precedent, principle, nor even electoral consequences will sway the Senate majority leader from his ultimate goal. https://newrepublic.com/article/159471/mcconnell-will-sacrifice-anything-fill-ginsburgs-seat-even-senate-majority 87 comments politics
- Pincone | The company I work for built a SaaS for organising and saving links that works for both teams and personal users. Our ultimate goal is to create a knowledge-sharing tool. Comments and feedback are welcome! https://pincone.com/ 3 comments webdev
- Ultimate Apple Watch To-Do List Guide | Getting Things Done and Achieving Your Goals... From Your Wrist... in 5 minutes | Thank you for your kind words and encouragement for the last post. Here’s the next one, motivated by you. https://applewatchr.substack.com/p/ultimate-apple-watch-to-do-list-guide 19 comments apple
- Fate of Trump's first Supreme Court abortion case may come down to one justice - President says his ultimate goal is to overturn Roe v Wade https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/abortion-supreme-court-trump-justice-roberts-louisiana-a9376591.html 13 comments politics
- Xavi: "I am champing at the bit to get started as a manager."As things stand, I do not consider myself to be ready to become a manager at the top level."I need to walk before I can run. "Obviously my ultimate goal is to end up becoming the Barcelona coach, but I need to learn the ropes before I can https://www.marca.com/en/football/barcelona/2019/05/20/5ce2bcdf468aeb1d368b45e6.html 61 comments soccer
- The gpl-violations.org project tries to raise public awareness about past and present infringing use(r)s of GPL licensed software. The ultimate goal is to make companies engaging in the distribution of products based on GPL licensed software understand that GPL is not public domain, and that there http://gpl-violations.org/ 112 comments linux
- Japanese scientist has hatched way to improve production of carbon-free energy by using proteins taken from egg whites...way to use protein as “tool” for producing hydrogen, powerful source of clean electricity...new method “brings us closer to our ultimate goal of producing hydrogen from water.” https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2018/02/16/national/japanese-scientist-employs-egg-whites-produce-clean-energy/#.wodeo6hubiu 7 comments worldnews
- How a Human-Machine Mind-Meld Could Make Robots Smarter: "Kindred AI is teaching robots new tasks using human virtual-reality 'pilots.' The ultimate goal is to create a new kind of artificial intelligence." https://www.technologyreview.com/s/603745/how-a-human-machine-mind-meld-could-make-robots-smarter 6 comments cogsci
- Leaving a well paying career in finance to pursue software engineering from ground zero - lead product management ultimate goal https://www.reddit.com/r/cscareerquestions/comments/76ly5i/leaving_a_well_paying_career_in_finance_to_pursue/ 3 comments cscareerquestions
- It’s Official, Republican and Democratic senators have passed a bipartisan bill which will give NASA a staggering $19.5 billion. Their ultimate goal: a manned mission to the surface of Mars. http://www.ancient-code.com/official-mankind-going-mars/ 5 comments politics
- Battle brewing over NASA funding: Over the next few years, the Obama administration wants to spend more money to both push humans deeper into space and expand our knowledge about our own planet, with the ultimate goal of sending a manned mission to Mars by the mid-2030s. http://thehill.com/policy/technology/235719-battle-brewing-over-nasa-funding 51 comments politics
- "The ultimate goal of the anti-Russian sanctions imposed by some Western nations is to stir public protests and oust the government, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said." http://rt.com/news/207927-russia-europe-business-usual 17 comments europe
- Heads up, World Cup teams, The robots are coming: the machines participating in this month's international RoboCup tournament are making passes and scoring points. Their ultimate goal? To beat the human World Cup champs within the next 35 years. http://www.dailyherald.com/article/20140713/business/140719875/ 4 comments worldnews
- China's "Ultimate Goal is a Huge Fracking Industry" - It's ratcheting up its fracking ambitions with virtually no regard for groundwater protection or other environmental safety measures. Its model for China's is the US shale gas sector. http://www.motherjones.com/blue-marble/2012/11/new-report-chinas-ultimate-goal-huge-fracking-industry 11 comments worldnews
- Freud provided useful tools for understanding the secret desires of the masses through his techniques. Unwittingly, his work served as the precursor to a world full of political spin doctors, marketing moguls, and society’s belief that the pursuit of happiness is man’s ultimate goal. http://silencednomore.com/the-century-of-the-self-by-adam-curtis/ 4 comments politics