Hacker News
- Neural Network Knows When Cat Wants to Go Outside https://hackaday.com/2018/12/21/neural-network-knows-when-cat-wants-to-go-outside/ 6 comments
- Young girl hospitalized after eating 10 butterflies. Wanted to know how it feels to be in love. http://www.jnportugal.com/jovem-internada-apos-comer-10-borboletas-porque-queria-saber-o-que-era-estar-apaixonada/ 87 comments nottheonion
- 2 things I want to know. https://www.reddit.com/r/factorio/comments/6xvcis/2_things_i_want_to_know/ 11 comments factorio
- Elizabeth Warren Wants To Know Why This Company Was Spying On BLM Protesters https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/carolinehaskins1/lawmakers-demand-answers-mobilewalla-spying 3 comments politics
- Republicans want to know why EPA employees are using encrypted chat apps http://www.ibtimes.co.uk/republicans-want-know-why-epa-employees-are-using-encrypted-chat-apps-1606852 11 comments politics
- Probable illegal situation, but I want to know why. https://www.reddit.com/r/tax/comments/5liw63/probable_illegal_situation_but_i_want_to_know_why/ 6 comments tax
- What do you want to know about a new startup? https://www.reddit.com/r/startups/comments/4yb8u9/what_do_you_want_to_know_about_a_new_startup/ 11 comments startups
- Voters Say Those on the Other Side ‘Don’t Get’ Them. Here’s What They Want Them To Know https://www.pewresearch.org/politics/2020/12/17/voters-say-those-on-the-other-side-dont-get-them-heres-what-they-want-them-to-know/ 10 comments politics
- What an Olympic medalist, homeless in Seattle, wants you to know https://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/homeless/olympic-medal-winning-cyclist-rebecca-twigg-is-homeless-in-seattle/ 12 comments indepthstories
- Thought Experiment: The Datacenter that know one would want to build or manage https://www.reddit.com/r/sysadmin/comments/93sr8z/thought_experiment_the_datacenter_that_know_one/ 10 comments sysadmin
- 3 things we want to know about Michael Cohen and the 'Access Hollywood' tape https://edition.cnn.com/2018/04/11/politics/access-hollywood-michael-cohen-tape-analysis/index.html 12 comments politics
- Marko on Ricciardo moving to Ferrari “I know that Ferrari wants to have him, but there is no chance. His contract is watertight.” http://grandprix247.com/2015/07/02/raikkonens-departure-from-ferrari-almost-certain/ 43 comments formula1
- I read this every time I want to quit my job. I don't know why. http://www.abhishekrungta.com/what-we-can-do-for-india/33/ 3 comments india
- Democracy is the theory that the common people know what they want, and deserve to get it good and hard. - H. L. Mencken https://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/quotes/h/hlmencke163179.html 4 comments politics
- Want to know how much power Switch has? Zelda runs at 900p, 30 fps http://www.theverge.com/2017/1/18/14312292/nintendo-switch-specs-power-zelda-900p-30-fps 10 comments technology
- Sweden Wants to Know Who Is Speaking Russian in the Baltic Sea http://news.yahoo.com/sweden-wants-know-speaking-russian-baltic-sea-220524303--politics.html 3 comments europe
- Call, email and write letters to your congress rep and senator to let them know you want Trump impeached. I did... https://www.senate.gov/senators/index.htm 16 comments politics
- I want to organise a meetup to showcase games in my city. Do you know any places that do it well so I can at what they do right? https://www.reddit.com/r/gamedev/comments/78psg0/i_want_to_organise_a_meetup_to_showcase_games_in/ 4 comments gamedev
- The EPA wants to know what you think about scrapping air-pollution and radiation rules http://www.businessinsider.com/epa-public-comment-pollution-rules-2017-4 11 comments politics
- If you want to know what actual tyranny looks like, ask poor women in Texas http://www.eclectablog.com/2013/07/if-you-want-to-know-what-actual-tyranny-looks-like-ask-poor-women-in-texas.html#.udwed-ndwds.reddit 3 comments politics
- Want to quickly know the license of a project? Google "<projectname> license". http://www.google.com/search?&ie=UTF-8&q=linux+license 7 comments opensource
- [Toni Juanmartí] Chelsea play their cards and use Auba's broken jaw to lower the fee. Barça are also playing their cards, knowing that Tuchel wants the striker at all costs. https://twitter.com/tjuanmarti/status/1564927440878768130?s=19&t=m_CY-_jsBkN5oEh_ZuPWcg 46 comments soccer
- [Sheehan] Just want to repeat….they have decided on the name. The “3” finalists include a plan B and plan C in the event the vetting of their choice somehow fell apart. But they have it. I don’t know what it is but I do know that it’s not WFT. https://twitter.com/kevinsheehandc/status/1435616848234565641?s=21 543 comments nfl
- I know it's ridiculous, but I just made a regex in PCRE to match "A B C" where A+B=C. This hasn't been done before, so I just wanted to share it https://regex101.com/r/yctmcs/3 393 comments programming
- Watched Senna for the first time last night and now wanting to know more about the Prost situation during that time https://www.reddit.com/r/formula1/comments/959xed/watched_senna_for_the_first_time_last_night_and/ 17 comments formula1
- Menendez wants to know if State Dept. played role in Trump Jr.'s visit to India http://thehill.com/homenews/senate/374930-menendez-wants-to-know-if-state-dept-played-role-in-trump-jrs-visit-to-india 3 comments politics
- A loud, new voice after the latest school shooting: Kids wanting to know why adults hadn’t done more https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/a-loud-new-voice-after-the-latest-school-shooting-kids-wanting-to-know-why-adults-hadnt-done-more/2018/02/15/48b3903e-1298-11e8-9065-e55346f6de81_story.html?utm_term=.0e6c56bfa254 5 comments politics
- Hi /r/Germany ! May I ask for a little help, please? I want to know what the man says in the YouTube excerpt (at the beginning). Thank you for your help! https://www.youtube.com/watch?amp%3Bend=1881&%3Bt=1873s&v=pTfz5bD_9jo 5 comments germany
- What’s next for Syria? I want to know what are your thoughts on syria’s future after recent events of killing thousands of civilians under the slogan: pursuing the remnants of the regime. There has been several appeals for an international appeals but no country seems to want to get involved. https://apnews.com/article/syria-alawites-sectarian-killings-coast-assad-hts-610cdee1d5762d3ecb75c700fb7cf5f2 16 comments geopolitics
- Kayla Braxton on leaving WWE: “I just realized, within myself, after eight years, I’ve done everything I can do here. You know how the schedule is at WWE. It’s very hard to accomplish anything else you want to do. I just felt like I was starting to miss out on opportunities outside of the company.” https://wrestlingnews.co/wwe-news/kayla-braxton-addresses-her-decision-to-leave-wwe/ 72 comments squaredcircle
- [Callahan] With Robert Kraft on the Gameday set, Pat McAfee not so subtly hints at parting ways with Belichick. Kraft: “We like to win, so we want to do everything we can to get our team back so we can be winning.” McAfee: “I don’t envy your position. What’s about to happen. We all know.“ https://twitter.com/_AndrewCallahan/status/1733521495261852001 671 comments nfl
- [Lewis Hamilton] 1998 at Larkhall Circuit. Crazy how much has changed since then. Just want to take this moment to thank all of you for supporting me, I know there’s some of you who have followed my career since the very beginning and even to those are just joining TeamLH today... https://streamable.com/gvbkvv 30 comments formula1
- De Laurentiis, Napoli president, again on Koulibaly and Allan: “I see many buzzards on the transfers market... you know who they are, they seem to be waiting to swoop in, but we have impenetrable armor and they’ll not get what they want or at the prices they want”. 🔵 #transfers https://twitter.com/FabrizioRomano/status/1298260062096375808?s=09 27 comments soccer
- [Stroud] Buccaneers head coach Bruce Arians on the difference between the club’s desire to keep Shaq Barrett vs. Jameis Winston. “Yes. One is the sack leader. They’re hard to find and I know he wants to be in this defense,” Arians said. “The other is an unknown quantity to me still.” https://twitter.com/NFLSTROUD/status/1232349087762128898?s=20 94 comments nfl
- Pete Buttigieg Doesn't Like That Donald Trump Dreams About Him — “I don’t know what goes on in this president’s dreams, but I’m sure I want absolutely nothing to do with them,” Buttigieg said in response to a comment Trump made this week. https://www.advocate.com/election/2019/12/13/pete-buttigieg-doesnt-donald-trump-dreams-about-him 26 comments politics
- [Logan Murdock] Draymond Green said he’s trying to educate himself on the NBA/China situation. Green said he didn’t want to speak on something he didn’t know much about. “It’s hard enough trying to understand politics in America.” https://twitter.com/loganmmurdock/status/1182359373277888513?amp%3Bref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.sfgate.com%2Fwarriors%2Farticle%2FDraymond-Green-Steve-Kerr-China-Hong-Kong-NBA-14509595.php&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1182359373277888513 26 comments nba
- LeBron about Kyrie in June: "You know, no matter if we're teammates for the rest of his career or for the rest of my career, listen, it won't be because we didn't want to play with each other no more." https://www.reddit.com/r/nba/comments/6or93t/lebron_about_kyrie_in_june_you_know_no_matter_if/ 289 comments nba
- Nine Tea Party legislators in Wisconsin want to arrest any federal officials who come to their state and try to implement Obamacare - you know, that law passed by Congress, upheld by the Supreme Court and declared the "law of the land” by mainstream conservatives. http://www.commondreams.org/further/2012/11/14-2 219 comments politics
- Many students enter higher education simply wanting to know what is true or not true, so they can respond correctly to exam questions. Then, they encounter this problem where 'truth' and stuff is complex. http://scienceblogs.com/gregladen/2009/11/you_said_one_thing_wrong_there.php 4 comments reddit.com
- "Most Americans still think Hawaii actually wanted to become part of their country, never knowing that we're a conquered Nation and deeply resent our loss of Sovereignty." http://www.freehawaii.org/ 123 comments politics